Merchantile Traders
From DQWiki
- WestKing Trading Company. This trading company was formed some 10 years ago to better cover the realm and its commodities than each as individuals could do. Since then these trading companies have prospered with the extra business generated.
- Andre Harland of Harland and Sons. Traders in Bowcourt
- Francis Daple of Daple, Tydry & Heldryn. Trader in Ostow, County Ostow of Aquila.
- Gareth Stabo of Stabo Mercantile. Trader in Brandenburg
- Stephan Kronlor of Kronlor, Harris and Silvermane. Traders in Innesburg.
- Max Dracon of Dracon Traders. Traders in Lutontoun, County Fesenheim of Aquila.
- Hargon Dunbarton of Smythe, Avon & Dunbarton. Traders in Foxcourt.
- Patrice Thorne of Thorne Family Traders in Gracht.
All these traders are reputed to be honest and reliable.
- Ashmore Traders. A Trading Conglomerate specialising in shipping and specialist goods carriage.
- Paula DeWolf of the DeWolf Trading company. Based in Seagate of Carzala. This small company run by Paula deWolf and her husband Byron do good business based out of Seagate. They are general merchants but come across some very special goods occassionally (usually once a quarter) whihc they find ready buyers for.
- Croft Lachlan of Lachlan and Sons. Traders in Sanctuary of Ranke.
- Joseph Gorzon of Ormond Trading Company, based in Ormondtoun.
- Gomas Cashmore of the Freedom Trading Company, based in Freetaun.
- Ben Caddick of Caddick, Jaytrem and Dalstern traders. Based in Novalar in Aquila/Aladar.
- Nigel Braddon of Walontoun Trading. Based in Walontoun, county Walon of Aquila/Aladar.
- Bryan von Holtren of the Bolar Trading Company, based in Bolar of Aladar.
- Fabian Proche of Lightside Traders, based in Mordeaux.
A small merchant based in Newcourt specialising in transportation
This merchant based in Elfenburg specialises in Fabrics and is well known in the baronies for excellent contacts.
Holler is based in central Aquila and specialises in Ales & Wines. They have extensive contacts with Breweries wide and far.
These merchants are a large family specialising in sourcing Ales & Wines as well as Weapons & Armour. They have offices in Seagate, Bowcourt, Innesburg, Burgelfin, Novalar and Aquila.