Aloysius Took

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Male halfling; E&E mage and master Thief. Retired member of the Seagate Guild.

Patriach of the extended Took clan in Seacroft, and oft-times publican of the Adventurer's Rest tavern.

Game Background

Extract from Guild Records written by Hieronomus Haynes the Younger in 771 WK:

Aloysius joined the Guild in Spring of 759 WK, but is thought to have been freelancing in areas to the South for several years before that. He was one of the original Table of Twelve , also known as the Dirty Dozen, along with such renowned names as Maia the Illusionist, Simon de Beir, and Herkam the Enchanter.

He was the first head of the Ensorcelments and Enchantments department, and held that title until Herkam succeeded him in 765. His talent for stealth is well known and it is likely that the rumours regarding Aloysius doing secret missions for the King of Novadom are true.

His closet companions were such well known people as Don Coroleone, Elmer Green, Silk, Faedrin, Mary Martin, and Koth Darkclaw. The tragedy surrounding these people and The Way We Went is too well known to recount here.

After the aforementioned, all the joy had gone out of adventuring for Aloysius, and he retired in the Summer of 767.