Aryan Equipment

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HyBrasil Small Air Ship

Ship Name: Céu cheio de relâmpagos
HyBrasil Registry: Navío de Compensación

30' long, 8' diameter metal cylinder with a blunt nose, dorsal fin, large cylindrical flippers, flukes, and an open back deck.

Flying - The ship flies though the use of Metal Cavorite, vanes built in to the hull supply various amounts of vertical lift: from none [i.e. 1-g down] up to half-a-g falling upwards. NB The vertical lift does not extend beyond the hull of the ship.

Propulsion - The 'flippers' are a pair of large cylinders containing Metal-Cavorite Turbulence Engines attached to the ship with incredibly strong Titan Metal Alloys. These will accelerate or decelerate the ship at 5' per second and can be angled to aid manoeuvring. These will accelerate the ship up to or decelerate it from its sea-level cruising speed in 12-15 seconds.

The sea-level cruising speed of the ship, relative to the natural wind, is 30 mph plus 2 per (Rank in Airmanship OR Rank in Navigator - 2), and the ship may be directed in any direction relative to the natural wind. The comparative ground speed is the vector combination of the natural wind speed and the cruising speed.

This cruising speed reduces with altitude, every 10,000 feet above sea level reduces the top speed by 5mph (E.g. 10mph + Twice Rank at 40,000 feet).

However, unlike natural winds, the ship's sleekness makes it hard for a small localised high-speed wind (e.g. an elemental's thrust, bound air, Mage-wind, etc) to propel it at high speed unless the ship deploys spinnakers — in which case the ship MUST go in the direction of the wind and will do so at 76% plus 2 per (Rank in Airmanship OR Rank in Navigator - 2) of the wind speed.

Manoeuvrability - At cruising speeds the ship slowly and gracefully turns by angling the fins and flukes. The thrust and angle of the 'flippers' can be independently adjusted to provide manoeuvrability at lower speeds or greater manoeuvrability at high speeds.

Cabin - the front 20' of the ship is a cabin designed to sleep 4 or comfortably seat 6 to 8. Side windows, and the one-way transparent nose and floor sections provide good visibility for those inside. The hatch can be closed and sealed making the cabin air and weather tight.

The Air Pump can continuously supply breathable air while flying under 10,000 feet. Above that, if the Air Pump is run for an hour at sea level it will store sufficient reserves to keep the cabin supplied with up to 100 man-hours of breathable air.

Back Deck - The exposed back deck can comfortably seat 4 at low altitudes, but provides no protection from weather, the hazards (cold, low pressure) of higher altitudes, or getting flung over-board during rapid manoeuvring. Taking off from the back-deck is easy enough for most fliers, landing again is harder.

Compared with a vessel on the water, the air ship is substantially more massive and robust than the medium it flies on, hence the flight is much smoother and the disturbing effect of storms and buffeting elementals is much less. Similarly, the airship's deck does not move as unpredictably as a water vessel's, hence it is much easier to land on when flying than the deck of a water vessel.

Pilot The ship can be flown by just one skilled pilot (Rk 7+ Airman) but is easier to control with two (One Rank 4+ Airman, the other Rk 0+ Airman or Rk10 Flying). Longer voyages require the Pilot to have at least Rank 3 Navigator. Dual controls mean the ship may be piloted from the back deck or the internal cabin.

GM: Michael Parkinson Adventure: Road to G(l)ory Session: Winter 810wk Weight: 8 Tonnes (~16,000 lbs) mass
Notes on Flying at 40,000'
  • Temperature average is -55°C; Air Pressure is 20% of normal Sea Level.
  • Average wind speed: 50mph westerly (west to east)
  • Jet streams: 50-400 mph. Main flow up to 3 miles wide, runs NE, East and SE, surrounding winds can be in other directions including west at similar speeds. There can be serious turbulence at the edges.
    40,000' is near the top of sub-tropical jet streams which meander east near the tropics. It is near the bottom of the polar jet streams which circle near the Arctic Circle, further from the pole in winter.

Stone Aeir Skiff

Winter 810wk
The skiff was damaged during routine maintenance by the HyBrasil Dwarves. The small Air Ship was provided as compensation.

Vessel looks like a giant, stone, flat-bottomed horse-trough (8'-9' long; 6-7' wide; 6'high), with a slightly angled front from which two sturdy stone "flying buttresses" extending forward a further 6'-7'. Each buttress functions like a bowsprit to which is tethered the forward point of a triangular canvas wing extending the length of the skiff.

The far-point of each wing is kept up to 10' away from the hull by an adjustable wood & titan-metal boom. Thus a skiff in action casts a shadow somewhat resembling a manta-ray. There is also a single small dhow-like sail, about 7'x3' attached to a stubby mast.

The skiff is covered by a permanent illusion of a wooden clinker-built ship's boat with Lateen sail. Ares Monument Illusion cast by Kit. NB Don't try to sit forward of the mast.

The primary form of steerage is a slight difference between the port & starboard pairs of cavorite blades which, in combination with extended wings, means the skiff turns as it banks. Alternatively, a cautious pilot can turn the ship slowly using the dhow sail as a rudder.

Although the hull of the skiff is 6' high, only the top 3' is the "dug-out" cavity open for passengers to sit, goods to be stored, etc. The remaining 3' is structural, including the 4 tubes holding the cavorite blades that supply various amounts of vertical lift: from none [i.e. 1-g down] up to half-a-g falling upwards. Note that there are NO solar cavorite blades.

In the "dug-out" section: the side walls are 4-6 inches thick solid; there are 6 titan-metal rings to which goods or passengers may be tethered. Each ring will take up to several tons strain before either snapping or being pulled out of the body of the skiff.

Natural speed is 7+[Navigator Rank-2] mph using gentle sinusoidal rising & falling. The skill can be safely sailed by 1 pilot & 1 crew [at least Rank-0 sailor] with only mild exertion effort. The pilot may sail alone, but that requires more caution, vigilance & physical effort.

The Pilot must have at least Rank 0 navigator OR Rank 4 sailor/seaman ["Artisan" skill] OR Rank 10 flying skill; AND have at least half-a-day's supervised instruction from a competent air-pilot (one with Experience & who is Rank 4+ Navigator or Airman).

Rather than using their Navigator Rank, the pilot may use their AIRMANSHIP skill. One's initial rank is 1 per three full ranks of Flying; Plus up to 2 ranks more for other appropriate skills (e.g. master Mechanician specialising in flying devices; master Philosopher in appropriate fields; many months experience as a gliding bird in appropriately similar terrain) Subsequent ranking may be gained like any other adventuring skill, at the usual cost & requirements.

GM: Michael Parkinson Adventure: The War on Horror: Ares Session: Summer 807wk Weight: ~12.5 Tons (25,000 lbs)

Fidelia's Granite Slab of Vision

Dark grey granite slab ½" by 1' by 1'

Range: 125 Miles Duration: 18 Minutes, once per day Weight: 10 lbs

A slab of granite that has been enchanted with Crystal of Vision, it shows things that are warmer than the ambient air temperature in varying shades. It does NOT show things that are colder than the ambient air.

Can see through material less substantial than an inch of solid wood or a couple of inches of soft flesh, no matter how hot; although metal is quite visible if thicker than a penny.

For example: It can look down through the foliage of the forest but not through the branches seeing a very hot pot and warm cook but not the fire heating both.

The colours range from lukewarm porridge through hobbit through hot chocolate up to hot-plate with shades in between. Indiscernible the first few times someone sees it, but very clear to someone who has used the slab several times.

GM: Michael Parkinson Adventure: The War on Horror: Ares Session: Summer 807wk

Black Mithril Armour of the Rose Knight

This is a suit of black mithril plate and mail armour, made in the times when the power of the dragons was waning and the elves were young. It has been made by a master elvish armourer.

It is black mithril and will not reflect light. It is inscribed with roses and discreetly inscribed with the elvish words 'uial-tirmereth' meaning 'be watched over during the twilight feast' in ancient elven script.


  • Wt factor: 2 (12 lbs)
  • Protection: 12 FT / 5 EN
  • Agility mod: 0
  • Stealth: -10%

This armour counts as Cold Iron for the purposes of the wearer using magic.

GM: Hamish Adventure: Kill the Vampires Session: Summer 807wk

Purchased from Basalic spring 809wk. Estimated new value: 30,000 sp.

Magical Properties the Armour used to have:

This is rank 15 enchanted armour.

In addition, this armour will protect the wearer from 12 points of magical damage from the elemental colleges and 6 points of undead or demonic draining (per spell or drain).

Spells can be cast in this armour at +50% to dice roll.

This armour is damaged and will lose all magical properties, becoming regular black mithril armour if not repaired by Summer 2009. Quest with the GM.

In this case it will retain its protective properties against FT and EN, lose its properties against magic and undead draining and become non-caster armour

Value: 50,000sp