Order of St Adric

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The Order of St Adric the Brave of Eltrandor

This is the order founded by one of the knights that returned from the epic battle that saw King Sigismund disappear from Alusia. Adric of Aladar as he was known then was caught in a magic flux which saw him returned to Alusia from the far place where the battle was raging, he was part of the Kings Royal Guard and was a deeply religious man.

He founded the order in order that the realms not be unprepared when next the forces of evil gather to assault our realm and to provide a focus for the martial forces of the church and the then dilapidated Military.

The current Grand Master is Weiz Velda who is well known and respected throughout the realm as a good and respected woman and solid ally in times of need.

It has a number of Strongholds throughout the realm, most notably :

  • Tand Castle (120 Knights and 600 Men at Arms)
  • Dyrnrin Castle (90 Knights and 450 Men at Arms)
  • Weiz's Post (190 Knights and 950 Men at Arms)

The senior Members are the

  • Mistress of Tand Castle- Weiz Velda
  • Master of Dyrnin Castle - Tyrone Belac
  • Master of Weiz's Post - Tigar Frycon

The order has been granted a number of lands in order that it may be self sufficient in return for the orders pledge of fealty to the crown in times of war and unrest, during which time it would take orders from then King or his designated heir.

The Order actually provides the King of Eltrandor with 40 men to supplement his Royal bodyguard, all are long serving members of the Order and totally loyal to the order and then the King of Eltrandor.