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The rules we use are evolved from DragonQuest version 2 originally published by SPI in the early 80's. As well as changes to the Rules proper, much campaign information has been added.


This document contains the rules that we use. New editions are issued every couple of years or so.

Current Rule


Campaign Information

Some PDF booklets and Guides that may be of help:

Other campaign information:

  • Player's Guide - currently a list of issues that have been raised in relation to the Player's Guide. New Player's Guide should be available December 2005
  • Proposed Campaign changes
    • Factions - A proposed structure for documenting how characters have influenced people and groups on Alusia. This is a work in progress please contribute your thoughts and ideas to the process.
    • Reaction Tables - a proposed method to suggest possible reactions of NPCs to PCs. Not meant for important situations, where the NPC reactions should be pre-determined. The Tables may also guide PCs as to how to improve the likely reactions to their endeavours.