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Invested Gems
Other Invested Items
Light Mace
This light mace has a bell shaped hilt, weighs 2 lbs, requires 13 PS and 9 MD. The base Strike Chance is 61, base damage is 2 rollup D10 + 1 and increases the wielder's Parry calculation by 1 (+1 at Rank 3). Strike Chance increases by 4 at Rank 1, 5 at Rank 2, 6 at Rank 3 and so on.
If the wielder is struck by lightning and does not Resist, they increase their Initiative Value by the amount of damage they have taken, unless that would kill them, and damage increases to their Rankin Mace. In other words, if they are Rank 4 in Mace, damage would be 2 rollup D10 + 2. If they are struck by lightning for 12 points of damage, they increase the mace's damage by another 4 points. Both effects last until the lightning damage is used up or at the end of 12 Pulses, whichever comes first.
Preserved Square Head
This head has had a version of Petit Mort Cast upon it and while it is in place, it will not die. It weighs 11 pounds, is covered in clammy moisture and is cold to the touch. While not actually dead, it is, however, in no state to engage in social interaction until a Ritual of Binding Wills or an Animation of the Dead spell is cast upon it, whereupon it will whisper sinisterly.
It will teach these sorceries.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
Dark Continent | Summer 817 | Nualis | Long living sentient | Necromantic | 18,750sp | ![]() |
Hawk Feather Fetish
These three hawk feathers may be bound into a fetish by anyone who can make amulets. This will take 3 days and they will usually charge 1,000 sp for their time. The fetish need not be displayed, but must be borne. It allows the bearer to speak with and understand hawks and falcons (but not owls and eagles) for 20 minutes a day. The time need not be taken at once, but any use which is less than one minute counts as a minute.
Snake Head Fetish
This mummified snake head may be made into a fetish by anyone who can make amulets. This will take 3 days and they will usually charge 1,000 sp for their time. The fetish need not be displayed, but must be borne. It allows the bearer to speak with and understand venomous snakes for 20 minutes a day. The time need not be taken at once, but any use which is less than one minute counts as a minute.
Apple Fetish
This piece of chrysoprase must be carved into the shape of an apple about 1 centimetre across, whereupon it may be made into a fetish by anyone who can make amulets. This will take 3 days and they will usually charge 11,000 sp for their time. The fetish need not be displayed, but must be borne. If the bearer is a Thief, it allows them to Walk Unseen once a day at Rank 0 by spending 2 FT. No Cast Check is made,
In addition, if they hold the fetish in their mouth, they may cheat death by hanging, garotting or strangulation, instead entering a state of suspended animation which lasts for a number of days equal to their Rank in Thief (none, if their Rank is 0 or less). They are aware of their surroundings and can end the effect at any time. However, in this state they heal at three times the normal rate.
Cobweb Fetish
This tattered cobweb must be wrapped around a forked acacia twig about 8 cms across, whereupon it may be made into a fetish by anyone who can make amulets. This will take 3 days and they will usually charge 3,000 sp for their time.
When the fetish is thrown to the ground, it will create a Maze over that hex and each hex that surrounds it for 15 seconds. No Cast Check is made. This will discharge the fetish. If it is undamaged, it may be made into a fetish again in the manner outlined above.
Turban of ibn Rashid
This turban of black hempen cloth weighs 1 lb. When 1 point of EN is sacrificed to it (which may be bought back in the usual way) it adds 3 to the wearer's MA. It provides 1 point of Damage Reduction to any C Class damage to the head, and in addition, allows the wearer to ignore a condition of Stun or to Resist Enchanted Sleep, Mental Attack, Hibernation or Petit Mort if they Break 100 + WP.
The turban will maintain 1 (only) spell whose duration has a Concentration component.
It may not be worn with chain/scale mail or plate armour.
Spell Racks
Blackthorn Hand
This ithildin array of barbs in the shape of a sprig of blackthorn must be driven into the back of a hand of a human or elf, where the thorns will bind themselves into the wielder's wrist and along the back of their fingers and thumb. This will reduce EN by 1, which may be bought back in the usual way. It will reflect moonlight as if it were bright silver, but is otherwise utterly black.
The thorns are painful and saw away at the will of the wielder so that they may be stunned when they receive effective non-spell damage equal to 1/4th their EN.
It is a legal target for the Spectral Hand spell when it is Cast after Ritual Spell Preparation, and in such cases will last 30 minutes (+30 minutes per Rank). It will also hold 1 charge per 3 or fraction Ranks. While duration or charges remain, a charge may be drawn off to allow the wielder to Cast a spell whose Range is Touch at a range of 15 feet (+5 feet per Rank). Similarly, Healing may be performed but in this case, the Range is calculated as 15 feet at Rank 10 (+ 5 feet per Rank over 10).
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
Dark Continent | Summer 817 | Alusia | Magical | Necromantic | 18,750sp | ![]() |
Misbaha of Faith
This bracelet is made of rose gold, and holds 33 beads of amber, weighing 4 oz. It contains two special beads that are powered by the wearer's faith.
- Beads
- Blessing - By using a Free Act and laying their hand on their target, the wearer may discharge the bead and "bless" an entity. The target may subtract 1 from percentile checks in the same as a Lesser Enchantment, stacking with it. This blessing lasts for up to 1 week, ending at dawn on a Sunday.
- Karma - By using a Free Act, the wearer may discharge the bead and increase the Rank of their next spell cast by 4.
Once used, the beads may be recharged by Purifying at dawn on a Sunday.
This is the Individual True Name of a unique entity. There are only 21 Ranks available. In other words, every Rank this Name is raised by one reduces someone else's Rank by the same amount amount.
However, if the Spell of Name Change is known, and their Rank in the Generic True Name 'Unicorn' is Ranked to 10 or higher, then they may assume this shape:
- Savannah
- This creature is a palomino unicorn with a spiraling ivory horn 2 feet long. If the shape is assumed during the day, then it is always noon over her megahex for the next 4 Pulses regardless of the actual time of day.
PS: | 55 | MD: | 12 | AG: | 16 | MA: | Adept's | EN: | 35 | FT: | Adept's |
WP: | Adept's | PC: | Adept's | PB: | 13* | TMR: | Special | NA: | Special |

- Weapons
- Savannah's horn is treated as a magical lance with a base Strike Chance of 53% and base A Class Damage of 2 rollup D10. When delivered as a Charge against a single target, base Strike Chance increases to 73% and base Damage is increased by 1 for every 5 PS over 18. If this Charge results in a Possible Specific Grievous Injury, then 2 D10 are summed and read as the result.
- Bite: BC 47%, [D + 2], Melee & Close, and may be Ranked to 10 with Unarmed Combat
- Kick: BC 57%, [D + 7], Melee Rear, and may be Ranked to 10 with Unarmed Combat
- Trample: BC 31%, [D + 8], Close, Rank 0, 1 attack per hoof to a maximum of 4.
- Every 4 Ranks in this ITN increases PS, MD, AG, EN and PB by 1. This stacks with bonuses for the Generic True Names of 'Unicorn' and 'Rhinoceros'.
- The Protection value of the hide is 7 (+1 per 4 Ranks in the ITN).
- Savannah provides 1 point of Damage Reduction against all known forms of damage (+1 for every 10 Ranks in the ITN).
- Savannah has a TMR of 10, +1 for every 10 full Ranks in the ITN.
- Savannah may Blink 3 x a day, dawn to dawn. She may move no more than 1 hex, but this requires but a Reflex Action, does not count as an Action or Free Act and may be used in advance of her Initiative. However, only 1 Reflex Action is allowed per Pulse, so any others that the wearer may have access to become unavailable until the next Pulse.
- Up to 20lbs (+ 1 lb per Rank in the ITN) of the Adept's gear is moved to another "space" during the transformation, any excess gear simply falling to the ground. On the other hand, she may be caparisoned for up to 40 lbs (+2 lbs per Rank in the ITN) of her own equipment.
A centaur battleform may also be assumed and changing between this and the unicorn form requires a Pass Action.
PS: | 35 | MD: | 18 | AG: | 16 | MA: | Adept's | EN: | 35 | FT: | Adept's |
WP: | 10* | PC: | Adept's | PB: | Special | TMR: | Special | NA: | Hide absorbs 4 DP |
- Every 4 Ranks in this ITN increases PS, MD, AG, EN and PB by 1. This stacks with bonuses for the Generic True Names of 'Unicorn' and 'Rhinoceros'.
- The battleform provides 1 point of Damage Reduction against all known forms of damage (+1 for every 10 Ranks in the ITN).
- The battleform has a TMR of 10, +1 for every 10 full Ranks in the ITN.
- Up to 20lbs (+ 1 lb per Rank in the ITN) of the Adept's gear is moved to another "space" during the transformation, any excess gear simply falling to the ground. On the other hand, she may be caparisoned for up to 40 lbs (+2 lbs per Rank in the ITN) of her own equipment.
Adventure | Season | Value | GM |
Dark Contient | Summer 817 | Quest |
Special Abilities
Square-head Brain
Mental Leap
Range: 1 mile (+1/Rank)
Duration: Immediate
Experience Multiple: 550
Base Chance: 5%
Resist: None
Storage: Potion
Target: Self
Effects: The sorceror instantly transfers themself to another location within range. This special form of teleportation allows for no error, and they always arrives at the desired location. This location may be within sight, visualised, or specified by distance and direction. Should the target not be directly visible, 30 is added to the die roll. If the Adept would arrive in a place which is already occupied by a solid body the spell automatically fails and they take 2 rollup D10 damage, which may stun. If they arrive at a point with no solid surface beneath their feet, they fall and take normal falling damage. All that the sorceror carries, including living beings, subject to their maximum carrying capacity of 50lbs + 5/Rank is transferred with them.
The sorceror (and any entities carried) may take no action other than a non-magical pass action in the pulse following transferral.
This spell is not teachable.
Phantasm - Phantom Steed

Spell: Phantasm
Duration: 30 minutes (+30 minutes per Rank)
Effects: The Adept summons a phantom steed to bear them for the duration or until they dismiss it, which requires a Free Act. The mount has a movement rate of 650 yards per minute on the ground, and 860 yards per minute (+30 yards per minute per Rank) or 30 miles per hour (+1 mile per hour per Rank) in the air. TMR is 8 whether aerial or on the ground, rising to 9 at Rank 10 and 10 at Rank 20. It's Defence and Magic Resistance are the same as the Adept's, but its combined EN and FT is 20 (+5 per 3 full Ranks). Although it is not Dissipated by having a Mind Special Counterspell cast on it, it will not enter such an area protected by one.
The phantom steed may move in three dimensions, it does not fly in the accepted sense so Horsemanship is used instead of Flying, and this incantation provides the Adept with a bonus of 1 + 1 per Rank of the spell for these purposes.
Cost: 2000 Experience.
Constraints: Unracks the spell, reduces FT value by 1.
Phantasm - Improved Damage Capacity
Spell: Phantasm
Effects: The amount of combined EN + FT of the Phantasm generated by the Adept's Rank is doubled.
Cost: 750 Experience.
Constraints: Unracks the spell, reduces FT value by 1.
Adventure | Season | Nature of Magic | Value | GM |
Black Forest | Summer 815 | Meta-magic | Quest |
Phantasm - Enhanced Damage
Name: Enhanced Damage
Spell: Disruption
Effects: This incantation of Phantasm changes the Damage equation so that damage is D10 + Rank (+ 1D10 for every Rank that ends in 0, ie at Rank 0, Rank 10 and Rank 20). At Rank 20, the damage is 4D10 + 20. All dice are considered roll up dice.
Cost: 1000 Experience.
Constraints: Unracks the spell, reduces FT value by 2.
Mental Attack – Incantation: Mind Blast
Spell: Mental Attack
Effects: This incantation of Mental Attack fills a volume that is 5 ft wide (+1 per Rank) and 15 ft long (+5 per Rank). Entities in the area are not knocked unconscious, but any who fail to resist find themselves confused and disorganised, and may not act until they have spent 1 Pass Action for every 3 or fraction Ranks. At Rank 20, this increases to a maximum of 8 Pass Actions. The incantation is still a Mental Attack, so Mind Shield provides the usual bonus.
If victims of this effect are attacked even if no damage is done, then they may Break 100: PC + WP + Sense Danger to recover their senses.
Cost: 1000 Experience.
Constraints: Unracks the spell, reduces FT value by 2.
This incantation is not teachable.
Telekinesis - Triple Strength
Spell: Telekinesis
Effects: Multiplies the amount lifted by the Adept's Telekinesis spell by three.
Cost: 750 Experience.
Constraints: Unracks the spell, reduces FT value by 1.
This incantation is not teachable.
Adventure | Season | Nature of Magic | Value | GM |
Black Forest | Summer 815 | Meta-magic | Quest |
Limited Precognition - Fate Shields
Duration: 1 hour (+1 hour per Rank)
Target: Sentient Entity
Effects: The sorceror may protect themselves from harm by seeing a moment or two into their own future, possibly reacting before it befalls them. One translucent six inch high knight's shields will orbit them (+1 per three or faction Ranks), which may be used to deflect or mitigate attack. This means that once a Pulse, requiring a Free Act, the sorceror may spend a Fate Shield to negatively affect the quality of an attack so that:
- hits are misses or failures to cast
- blows directly to EN or Double Effect spell casts inflict normal damage
- possible Specific Grievous Injuries or Triple Effect spell casts are considered blows directly to EN or Double Effect spell casts.
At Rank 20, spending Fate Shields no longer requires a Free Act, so the sorceror may spend as many as they want in a Pulse so long as no more than one is applied against each attack.
- Note:
- The sorceror may not interrogate their future while Fate Shields is in effect, and any attempt to cast Fate Shields over a future period they have interrogated will automatically fail.
Cost: 1200 Experience.
Constraints: Unracks the spell, reduces FT value by 2.
This incantation is not teachable.
Telekinesis - Enhanced Rank
Spell: Telekinesis
Effects: The Adept's Rank in the Telekinesis spell is increased by 6. This applies to all aspects of the spell EXCEPT Base Chance.
Cost: 1500
Constraints: Unracks the spell, reduces FT value by 2.
This incantation is not teachable.