Al Addions Lamp

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FaerieQuestâ„¢ - Al Addion's Lamp

Andrew W
October 1995AP
Ty Trident
Ibrahim Al Addion, a Djinn based in Albion.
To get out of the Damned Lamp, and return home. I forget the orignal mission.
Pay / Rewards
10 lbs Albionium
Seven mouthfuls of gold
several pounds of Abdul's spices
cash - Ob-lubs, Coins, & Tablets totally 8,800sp each
Succubi Addiction for some
Fae/Djinn talents for the cleverest, most inventive character (Kishwa).
Time on adventure
30/09/1995 - 18/10/1995AP


The party were trapped in a Lamp, and had to follow the rules of the Lamp, trick Ibrahim Al Addion back into the Lamp to free themselves, learn the local language, find a lost city, and then get home. They did really well until captured by Crusaders, where some crucifixion, loss of eyes, etc. took place. With some 'help' from Prince Daffyd's Succubi, they regrouped, and got themselves home by bending the rules of the Lamp back on its master.

Astrological Triptych

Three astrology readings, one True, one False, one Fiction. All related through simple, fixed transformations of the text.

One - Fiction
Travellers, the stars know to seek;
glory's draining away;
reforged, moving in, violence tied to a ring.
The wise man asks what to say - a legend returns;
the scholars delight the giant's aunt more rapidly;
the world's fate - heroes.
Wear the fools; state there is much impossible;
the party desires enough power - just;
claiming the ice faerie's response is hanging, by a thread.
Two - Truth
Of travellers the wise man asks;
'ware the fool's state - the stars know;
what to say ? oh, there is much;
to seek a legend;
impossible glories
return the party's desire;
draining away the scholar's delight.
Enough power reforged,
the giants aren't just claiming the ice;
moving more rapidly,
faeries respond in violence;
the world's fate hanging by a thread
tied to a ring of heroes.
Three - Falsehood
The wise man asks where the fools state,
the stars know what to say,
there is much to seek:
a legend impossible;
glory's return.
The party's desire draining away
the scholars delight in enough power.
Reforged, the giants aren't
just claiming, the ice moving,
more rapidly faeries respond;
violence the world's fate;
hanging by a thread tied to a ring.

The Rules of Ibrahim Al Addion's Lamp

  1. A Djinn must be loyal to their Master
    1. A Djinn is the slave of their Master.
    2. A Djinn must follow any direct command of their Master unless it contravenes any of the Rules of the Lamp, even unto death. This is effectively a geas / compulsion.
    3. If a Djinn wilfully does not fulfil their Master's wishes, they fade away into ethereal spirits. If they lose all form and substance they become a spirit of the desert. Faithful service may prevent fading.
    4. The Djinn may interpret the wording of a command as they will. If the command may contravene the Rules of the Lamp, the Djinn should endeavour to interpret it otherwise.
    5. A Djinn may break a lesser law of the Lamp to enforce a greater law. They will still have to suffer the consequences of their infractions.
    6. A Djinn may not attempt to harm or ensorcel their Master or another Djinn, through commission or omission.
  2. The Djinn is tied to the Lamp
    1. A willing gift from the current Master of the Lamp to another transfers Mastery over the Djinn.
    2. After the last Master dies or becomes a Djinn, the Djinn's new Master is the next person without blood on their hands who holds the Lamp.
    3. A Djinn may not be the Master of the Lamp.
    4. A Djinn may not possess the Lamp
    5. While they are in the Lamp, Djinn do not age.
    6. A Djinn always knows the location of the Lamp, other Djinn of the Lamp, and their Master. (Plane, direction, distance, rough surrounds and whether they are in trouble).
  3. A Djinn may enter and leave Service
    1. If there are no Djinn of the Lamp, the Master immediately becomes a Djinn.
    2. If a Master wishes that they were within the Lamp or that they were a Djinn, they become a Djinn.
    3. If a Master gives an order that directly contravenes any of the Rules of the Lamp, they become a Djinn.
    4. The Master of the Lamp may set a Djinn free.
    5. If there are more Djinn of the Lamp than the WP of the Master, the Djinn with the highest WP is not a Djinn any more, and may leave at their discretion. If there is no Master, this limit does not apply.
    6. If a new Djinn is trapped by the Lamp, such that the back door plane changes, any Djinn on the back door plane take {a great deal of damage} and are set free in the back door plane.
  4. Djinn are wondrous
    1. A Djinn is a creature of Air & Fire. They are less affected by heat and strong wind than normal. The Djinn may become Fire or Air aspected.
    2. Gaseous Form and Detect Fumes are talents of Air Djinn.
    3. Pyrogenesis and Fiery Form are talents of Fire Djinn.
    4. A Djinn understands and may speak any language that their Master speaks at the same Rank as their Master.
    5. A Djinn must be active in the Council and attend the Djinn Palace for most of the Council meetings, or have an official proxy.
    6. A Djinn is a Summonable and as such may recognise other Summonables.
  5. The Lamp has many ways in and out
    1. The front door is the nozzle of the lamp. Anyone travelling through the front door becomes insubstantial and whisks through the nozzle of the lamp. They become substantial in the nearest available space. This takes five seconds. Any possessions of the entity using the front door may travel with them freely, to a max size of 10 feet in any dimension.
    2. The back door appears to be a cupboard door, but is a portal to another world. This is often thought to be the land of Djinn, but is merely a necessary access way for fresh air, food and water. A Djinn may be left in the Lamp for centuries.
    3. If the latest entity to become a Djinn is from Albion, the back door is to Alusia. If the latest entity to become a Djinn is from Alusia, the back door is to Alse-were.
    4. Any entity going out through the back door appears in a fixed spot on the target plane. To return to the Lamp, return to the location of the back door.
    5. Any entity may enter the back door, but only Djinn may enter the front door.
    6. An entity who is inside the Lamp, but is not a Djinn, may leave the Lamp through either door whenever they wish.
  6. A Djinn may enter and leave the Lamp
    1. A Djinn may use the back door in either direction at will, but if a Djinn is summoned by the Master of the Lamp whilst in the back door plane, they will take {a significant amount of damage} from being whisked away.
    2. The Master of the Lamp may summon any or all Djinn through the front door at any time.
    3. Any form of banishment will return a Djinn to the Lamp. The Master of the Lamp may banish any or all Djinn at any time. This is a pass action and the Master must rub the Lamp
    4. A newly made Djinn is automatically banished into the Lamp.
    5. A Djinn may enter the Lamp through the front door while in their magical form. This is a pass action, and the Djinn must be able to reach the Lamp during this Action.
    6. A Djinn may leave the Lamp through the front door without being summoned, but must stay in their magical (Gaseous or Fiery) form and stay within 100 feet of the Lamp.


Pure Albionium weighs five times less than Steel, and has the consistency of melted Mozzarella Cheese (wonderful ductility and malleability).

  • Albionium alloys well with Gold, keeping the gold's colour and sheen up to a 80%:20% alloy, but as it is 13 times lighter, this is noticeable (eg; Albion Coins with 20% weight Albionium are 3½ times larger for their weight).
  • Albionium alloys well with Silk, keeping the Silk's natural colours and feel, and the Albionium's flex. The material made is essentially an elastic Silk. Equal quantities by weight are required for an alloy.
  • Albionium alloys well with Tin, gaining the soft grey appearance of Tin while gaining the structural rigidity of tempered steel. A 20% Albionium, 80% Tin (by weight) alloy will have all the properties of Steel for half the weight, and will not count as cold iron. An 80% Albionium, 20% Tin alloy will have all the properties of Steel for a quarter the weight (with an additional +1 damage for A-class weapons and +1 protection for Scale or Chain mail), and will not count as cold iron. C-class Albionium alloy weapons do 3 points less damage, as they are very light.
One pound of Albionium alloyed with four ounces of Tin is equivalent to five pounds of Steel, but weighs 1¼ pounds.
One pound of Albionium alloyed with four pounds of Tin is equivalent to ten pounds of Steel, but weighs five pounds.