Brastor goblin hunting: Difference between revisions

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Line 183: Line 183:
|class="ef" | 14 def absorbs 2 dam
|class="ef" | 14 def absorbs 2 dam
|class="du" | 10 hrs
|class="du" | 10 hrs
|class="du" | ?? Ft
|class="du" | 6 Ft
|  <!-- A--> Y
|  <!-- A--> Y
|  <!-- B--> Y
|  <!-- B--> Y
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|  <!-- D--> Y
|  <!-- D--> Y
|  <!-- E--> Y
|  <!-- E--> Y
|  <!-- F--> Y
|  <!-- F--> Sit
|  <!-- G--> Y
|  <!-- G--> Sit
|class="mg" | Willow Healing
|class="mg" | Willow Healing

Revision as of 06:56, 26 September 2017

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Adventure: Brastor goblin hunting On Plane
GM: Bernard
Session: Autumn 817
Night: Tuesdays
Location: Birdlands, Massey.
Level: Medium/Low-medium


Duchy of Carzala

A goblin tribe has been raiding farms along the south of Brastor for food & other supplies working from the Falgiso forest. They have proven too hard for the local guardsmen to catch as the Goblins have wolves that are specially trained to hit & run, and the local church knights are occupied in clearing the fields of ghouls that grew over winter so that the spring plantings can go ahead. Rather than mobilise the army who are busy along the Dark wall the Duke has authorized a release of funds from the Purse, and the hiring of a guild party to deal with the matter. The guild will be paying a lump sum in silver, along with some items recently acquired from the southern Alusia trade they suspect most guild members will find useful. Silvered weapons are considered a minimum for the Brastor region in case of undead left over from the Dark circle, as that is a common occurrence, and silvered B or C class weapons are highly recommended.

5,000sp each in coins.
Potion, Scroll & Pipe each from southern alusia regions. Effects may vary based on target.

House rules for this season
Unarmed will use Cestus base stats as a starting point, use unarmed rank still for rank bonuses. Over-strength like for a normal weapon, using a Cestus as well adds +2 DM, & any weapon-smithing or magical bonuses.
Spells over 20 are considered 20 for rank vs rank comparisons, and ranks beyond 20 treated as if enhanced in all areas.
Skills when appropriate one character may lead the entire party through the activity, only needing a single check.
Magic will not queue so multiple spells with similar effects may be active but only the best attribute for each area will apply, they do not stack, this includes shaped items not stacking.


Scribe will receive an EP bonus if the notes are up to date more than 24h before the next session, and the in game dates are correct.

Initial Brief

Chapter One

As usual, we began in a Guild Meeting Room. But this time the Guild itself was employing us, to help the people in Brastor who are being raided by goblins out of the Filigaso Forest. We were given a chit for the payment chest. Which we went to collect. Inside were five bags containing 5000sp each, together with five potions, five scrolls, and five etched pipes. All had some kind of enhancement magic on them. We took them to the Namers; and Acordia the assistant dean agreed to look over them. She told us that the potions would affect personal statistics (including height), the scrolls would affect magic in some way, and the pipes would affect weapon skills.
Jaycee, Alderan, Kayso and Kerry took the potions. Jaycee became a bit taller. I demurred since I did not think it would do much for me, and I did not wish to be any shorter. Then Jaycee read the first scroll and it crumbled, but not much had apparently happened. Kerry’s shadow-wings spell improved. My rune shield changed so that it created a floating kite shield in addition to its usual effect. And there was something to do with my runestaff and the pyrogenesis spell. Alderan did not take the scroll. When we tried the pipes we found they allowed us to master one weapon group; I chose shields.
Meanwhile I got started on creating heart rune tattoos for the party, and we obtained greater enchantments from Aaron (Rank 13 greater covering four areas for three months cost 8800sp).

6 Thaw
Mr Tallfellow had asked to see us at the Binder’s Hut. Which was actually quite big. It turned out that he wanted us to take a couple of golems with us to Brastor. These were 5ft iron golems. There was one for Alderan which he named Legolas, and one for Kayso that he named Thumpy. These golems could even talk. They were “samples” apparently, and Mr Tallfellow wanted to learn how well they worked out on adventure.
So Alderan summoned a cloud and we set off, after getting the maps out and debating the safest method of travel and route; avoiding the variety of magical menaces left over from various incursions. We decided to head through Braegon’s Gap at a good height, and not worry about the cloud being a bit conspicuous. We spent an hour or two hanging on to the cloud as a minor storm tried to push us into the mountains. As a result it was more than nine hours before we landed near the town of Westgate. We flew over some parties of church knights heading into town, looking a bit battered. At the gate we were told to go to the Inn. We were expected. We also noticed a large healer’s hall, and a surprising amount of artwork. There seemed to be quite a lot of town guards, most of whom were middle-aged or older. We spent the night in the Inn.

Chapter Two

7 Thaw
We went and visited an official-looking building on one side of the town square. A thin, elderly, gentlemen wearing squire’s chains was working at a desk. He explained that the goblins were raiding farms and industries to the south-west. Five sites had been hit in the last few weeks. Not many people had been killed, but building materials, tools, animals, sacks of grains had been taken. The church knights based here were busy dealing with the winter ghoul harvest. The town guard have had difficulty dealing with the goblins because they were mounted on large wolves and moving too fast. Some may be dire wolves. Their warbands numbers twenty to thirty.
The sites which have been raided are:
Shoal Steading – herbs, roots, tubers. Winter beets. - 4th Ice
Bruin Steading - animal husbandry - chickens etc. - 16th Ice
Cook Family – logging on edge of forest - 26th Ice
Bucksmare – mining for copper and tin. Looking to start bronze casting. - 6th Ice
Girth Steading – running a ferry and fish-farming, using dams. - 2nd Thaw
The goblins appeared to have magical support and some ranged source of fire, maybe burning arrows. They were probably raiding out of the forest.
The healing hall was available to us, but only offered services to rank 4.
We decided to begin with the most recently hit site, the Girth Steading, perhaps five miles away. It seemed easiest to walk. We found the place, where about thirty people were working on rebuilding. We found Girst Senior who told us where the goblins attacked from, and the wolves howling and buildings set on fire. The humans managed to withdraw across the river.
The goblins had performed a pincer attack. The wolves rode past, and doors hacked down. It looked like axes. Meanwhile, the humans made a break for the river. We found arrowheads embedded in the ground - around 20 – it looked like goblins policed the ground. The fragments of wood showed arrow-flight magic. The heads were well-crafted cold iron. Blood splashes around the houses showed goblin and wolf blood. No goblins were apparently killed. They were fast, and clearly not weak. There were traces of an archery battery 300ft back. Then nothing. The goblins had hidden their tracks.
I summoned a bear spirit and sent him off to look for goblins. Meanwhile, we contemplated where the goblins might strike next on the basis of what they hadn’t yet gone for. Bear came back and told me there were lots of human places, but not goblins or wolves.
So we went on, aiming for the quarry that had not been hit, by way of the mine that had.
We were told to be careful, because goblins had made a big mess of the mine, dropping grenados into the shafts, damaging the shoring. These humans had escaped by hiding in the mine.
I looked with spirit vision and sensed an enormous spirit of fire and water deep within the hill. I talked to it, but it knew nothing of goblins here, since the darkness.
We found the quarry next, where they were hacking out blocks of stone and loading them onto sleds and then onto wagons hauled by teams of oxen.
We planned to camp the night. I cast runes of sight, but saw no goblins, just the morning dew.
There were three watches:
Alderan, JC and Legolas the Golem
Kerry and Kayso and Thumpy the Golem
Grizelda and Bear
I set up a rune ward around the camp. Then Kerry read the night sky and got the following:
Burning and blood
Wind and water
Trees, trees, trees
The rest of the night night passed without event.

8 Thaw
After breakfast I checked a couple of other steadings with my crystal of vision. Then Alderan summoned a cloud so we could check the rest of the steadings. We did not see any smoke, but we did see a lake where two of the rivers met, and a collection of buildings south of two of the steadings. Neither was on our map, which was a bit peculiar.

Chapter Three



Mil Sci

Mil Sci will receive an EP bonus for ensuring Combats run smoothly and quickly

Daily Pattern

  • Sleep/Camp  ? Hours
  • Travel  ? Hours
  • Meals  ? Hours / ? Hot meals
  • Rituals  ? Hours

Hours of sleep for Ft recovery + Hot meal Ft recovery.

  • Jaycey
  • Kerry
  • Grizelda
  • Kaeso
  • Elderan

Travel Magics

Caster & Spell: Kerry- Star/shadow wings

  • Total speed: 37mph
  • Duration: 4 hrs
  • Ft cost per duration: 2 each
  • Effective travel distance: 140 miles

Watch Order

Marching Order

Main body front:
Main body rear:
Tail Guard:

Single file:
Open area:


Buffs listed in the table don't need to be detailed, other buffs not on the table must be mentioned at the time they are cast.
Y means always on, N/- means never on, 'Sit.' means when the party has time for buffs before a fight.
Weapon Spells which weapon/s it is going on normally should be noted also.

General notes.
- -

Long Duration Buffs

Magic Rk Effects Dur Ft / Day Jaycey Kerry Grizelda Kaeso Alderan Thumpy Legolas
Shadowform/corasade 12 26 def half in close 6.5 hrs ?? Ft Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Rune Shield 9 14 def absorbs 2 dam 10 hrs 6 Ft Y Y Y Y Y Sit Sit
Willow Healing 6 Heals 3 en for 8 pulses 12 hrs 10 Ft Y Y Y Y Y N/A N/A
Warding with Runes 6 ??% chance spells stop, -??% to adepts MR to cross 7 weeks 0 Ft N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Giant Cookies 6 Adds 4 STR and EN 10 hrs ?? Ft Y Y Y Y Y N/A N/A
Name ## Does stuff ?? hrs ?? Ft Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Short Duration Buffs

Magic Rk Effects Dur Ft / Cast Jaycey Kerry Grizelda Kaeso Alderan Thumpy Legolas
Light/Dark Sword 6 7 SC and +3 dam to Dark/Light aspect 11 mins 2 Ft Sit Sit Sit Sit Sit N/A N/A
Strength of darkness 9 +6 str 100 mins 1 Ft Sit Sit Sit Sit Sit Sit Sit
Smite 10 Max D10 four times 15 mins 1 Ft Sit Sit Sit Sit Sit Sit Sit
Name ## Does stuff ?? hrs ?? Ft Y Y Y Y Y Y Y


Region Map







Moonday Duesday W'ansday Th'rsday Frysday Reapsday Sunday
Thaw (10)
  1 Guild Meeting 2   3   4   5 The Carzalan Generals Ball 6  
7   8   9   10   11   12   13  
14   15   16   17   18   19   20  
21   22   23   24   25   26   27  
28   29   30    
Seedtime (11)
  1   2   3   4  
5   6   7   8 Rites of Thunor 9   10   11  
12   13   14   15 Equinox 16   17 Eostre 18 The Seagate Spring Ball
19   20   21   22   23   24   25  
26   27   28   29   30    
Blossom (12)
  1   2  
3   4   5   6   7   8   9  
10   11   12   13   14   15   16  
17   18   19   20   21 Floralia 22   23  
24   25   26   27   28   29   30 Walpurgisnacht