Where Angels Fear to Tread:Clementine's Loot
Potion of Resist Temperature x 2

For fifteen hours, the imbiber is inured to climatic extremes of temperature from arctic cold to desert heat whether generated naturally or by magic. They therefore do not suffer from exposure, frostbite, wind-chill, heat stress, hypothermia or hyperthermia, and their fatigue loss is unaffected by temperature. Each pulse that they are attacked by fire, ice, heat or cold (whether magical or not) then the first fifteen damage points are ignored. Any remaining damage is applied normally.
This damage reduction is refreshed at the end of the pulse.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
Where Angels Fear to Tread | Autumn 810 | Tanuel | Magical | Mind Magic | 5,000sp | ![]() |
Tincture of Aconite and Passionflower x 5
This aromatic tincture is contained in a glass bottle that weighs four ounces. It changes the perceptions of whoever drinks it so that everything they see is more beautiful for Rank hours. Add two times the rank of the Herbalist who prepared the tincture to the PB of anything that they look upon. It can be added to wine or other liquor, thus diluting it's effect. Adding it to a bottle of wine would reduce the effects to about a quarter of the usual bonus and a quarter of the duration. Thus, a Rank 8 Tincture (+16 to PB) diluted in this way would increase PB by 4 for 2 hours. All fractions are truncated.
The Rank of this draught is 10.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
Where Angels Fear to Tread | Autumn 810 | Tanuel | Formerly living | Beautification | 200sp | ![]() |
Pinch of Sunlight

This pinch of golden dust can be thrown up in the air to create a cylinder of golden sunlight about 10 hexes high and 15 feet in diameter. The sunlight lasts for 5 pulses and creates a condition of Light that is at least 95%. Creatures vulnerable to sunlight in the area will be treated as being in contact with sunlight.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
Where Angels Fear to Tread | Autumn 810 | Land of Chaos | Magical | Solar | 2,800sp | ![]() |
Flamecap Spores x 7

These brightly coloured orange spores may be used as a reagent for spells that do damage by burning (i.e. Hellfire, Dragonflames, Fireball, Burning Magma, Bolt of Fire etc) to enhance damage. The enhancement is an additional 2D10 fire damage.
Each application weighs 1 oz.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
Where Angels Fear to Tread | Autumn 810 | Tanuel | Living plant | Flames | 500sp | ![]() |
Sweet Regret
Regret that is sweet.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
Where Angels Fear to Tread | Autumn 810 | Lands of Chaos | Magical | Sweet Regret | Quest | ![]() |
Healing Potion x 2
This potion is contained in a fragile container for quick use. It weighs 4oz.
When drunk, it will heal D-2 EN damage.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
Where Angels Fear to Tread | Autumn 810 | Tanuel | Magical | Tronim | 300sp | ![]() |
Potion of Greater Healing

This green potion is contained in a fragile phial and takes a Pass Action to prepare and drink. It weighs 4oz. It will cure one Specific Grievous Injury that is not an amputation and heal 4 rollup D10 + 8 damage, curing EN loss before FT deficit. It will not cure spell-casting or tiredness FT loss.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
Where Angels Fear to Tread | Autumn 810 | Tanuel | Magical | Tronim | 18,000sp | ![]() |
Mark's Finger Bone

This is the finger bone of the Mark, Death's Champion and it weighs 2 oz. He is one of the most powerful Immortals.
To call Mark, a knuckle must be crushed, and the DM rolls percentile dice. If the result is 70 or less, then Mark will arrive in D10 pulses. He may only be called once per season. He is particularly gifted in the area of combat, not so gifted in other areas. He is not of a philosophical bent, his most common solution to a problem is to slay it.
PS: | Special | MD: | 38 | AG: | 38 | MA: | 15 | EN: | 333 | FT: | 5,000 |
WP: | 38 | PC: | 38 | PB: | 23 | TMR: | 12/Special | NA: | Special |
His Initiative Value is considered to be 98 but this is purely out of considerations of politeness. If he wants to win initiative, he will. For the same kinds of reasons, he will usually limit himself to one attack per pulse.
He displays a skill of maximum Rank with any standard weapon, generally speaking. He may, occasionally, be prevailed upon to exercise weapon skills at super human levels. On any Strike Check of 50 or less he will inflict a blow directly to EN regardless of his opponent's Defense. On any roll of 16 or less, he may inflict a possible Specific Grievous Injury.
His Defense is 70. So long as he is unsurprised, he may choose to spend FT to increase his Defense, each point increasing it by one. The increase is applied versus each attack, and applies to no other.
His Magic Resistance is 61 and he may spend FT to increase it in the same way.
He is sensitive to the nearness of death, and thus it is hard to surprise him.
Finally, he may cast any spell of the College of Necromantic Conjurations without preparing it. He won't cast Agony because it is so unsporting. All spells are Rank 20, although he can raise the Rank of the spell by one FT for every new Rank he is going to. Raising Necrosis from Rank 20 to Rank 21 will cost 23 FT, from Rank 20 to Rank 22 will cost 45 FT, and so on.
He has strong opinions about devil worship, devils and the undead. He doesn't feel too positive about angels, either. He trusts these opinions. He will cut down anyone with even a hint of unholiness about them, and apologise to the remains.
With one exception:
For so long as the Finger Bone has charges, Mark will not slay Eric on sight since he was one of those who rescued him from Oubliette.
3 | 2 | 1 |
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
Where Angels Fear to Tread | Autumn 810 | Malkuth | Formerly living | Calling | 14,200sp | ![]() |
The Consummation of Fire and Water
Rank 9 Alchemy
The fluid is vividly orange/red in colour is contained in a fragile glass bottle for quick use. It weighs 4oz.
When the phial is thrown at an object or entity it will rapidly spread to cover a surface of about two square metres, large enough to cover a man. This will make the target as flammable as paper to the point where it can be ignited with Pyrogenesis or like magic. A cantrip would be incapable of generating sufficient heat. A lighted match would do just fine, however.
Usually, entities who catch on fire will burn from the legs up, but obviously if other body parts have been exposed to an open flame, they will start burning from the point of contact. It is extremely unusual for the head not to burn last, unless the victim snorts a lighted candle or something.
This is a curious spectacle to observe, the victim experiencing nothing more than an unusual sensation of warmth and perhaps some alarm. It takes about two pulses for the legs to burn off, about two pulses for the arms, and another three pulses for the torso. Their head will burn up at the end of the pulse. Until that time, the victim can move, attack, cast spells and so on. If the Consummation is somehow stopped short of death, then the victim's body will gradually reappear over a like number of pulses.
Items that were subject to the Consummation, i.e. those that were worn on the parts burnt off, have a good chance of being destroyed. They are considered to be made of paper and must save versus normal fire. The chance of the item surviving is 10% plus any magical bonus inherent to the item, plus the value of the wearer's enchantment. Only items made of orichalcum or those that are bound to the victim's soul are immune to this destruction.
Since the residue of the Consummation does not constitute a torso-sized lump, then dying by this method is likely to be permanent barring unusual defenses of some kind.
If the fluid is applied to an inanimate surface it will quickly spread over an area that would be easily big enough to fit a man. If this area is lighted it will burn for 4 pulses before guttering, burning through
- ¼ inch of metal or stone per pulse.
- 1 inch of material like wood or bone per pulse.
- 1 foot of ice per pulse.
It will not burn through orichalcum.
If the ash and smoke are collected, dissolved into a solution, and all of the corruption filtered from it (requiring an Alchemist of Rank 8 or better), abstract properties may be decanted off (at the G.M.'s discretion). The Alchemist might collect Wood from the remains of a door, for example.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
Where Angels Fear to Tread | Autumn 810 | Tanuel | Magical | Disintegration | 13,000sp | ![]() |
50 lbs of Invisible Water

This bottle contains Invisible Water. Anything that can hold wetness may be covered in the stuff and is treated as if under the effects of a Rank 20 Invisibility spell. Metals, ceramics and glasses do not hold wetness. Some stone, and any other material that the DM so rules, may not hold wetness, as well.
The Invisibility effect lasts until the object dries, whereupon it will fade into view. This usually takes about twenty-five minutes, but will vary depending on humidity and temperature. Heads will appear first, followed by other areas of exposed skin. Clothing tends to dry last, encouraging the use of underwear in the modest. It takes about two pints to cover a human or elf-sized creature, six pints to cover a giant, 1 1/2 pints to cover a dwarf and 1 pint to cover a hobbit. Each pint will weigh about 1 lb once it has been bottled.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
Where Angels Fear to Tread | Autumn 810 | Sands of Time | Magical | Refraction | 1,000sp/lb | ![]() |
A Lie
This is the abstract property of 'Lies'. Amongst other things, if it used while telling a lie, those who hear it will believe it to be true until or unless circumstances reveal it to be a deception.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
Where Angels Fear to Tread | Autumn 810 | Seventh Plane | Formerly living | Gate | 500sp | ![]() |
Blank Phylactery

This is a scroll that appears to be itemised so as to form a brooch. A spell may be invested in the phylactery at five times the normal cost. From that point on, the phylactery can be read as a scroll (taking two full pulses), but instead of being used up, the spell will become reinvested on the following dawn.
The cast chance of the invested spell is the Base Chance plus three times the Rank. Bonuses from Enchantment and College modifiers are only applied when the cast check is made, the investor's Enchantment or situational modifiers have no effect. No bonus (or penalty) for Magical Aptitude is ever considered.
If the roll of the Cast Check should ever fall on a number fully divisible by 10 (e.g. 10, 20, 30, etc), then whoever is reading the phylactery must resist versus a Backfire, or the phylactery will be destroyed. If that number would be a success, then the spell is cast even if the MR check fails, destroying the phylactery.
Cast Chance:_______% Range:____________ Duration:____________ Rank:_______ Effects:________________
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
Where Angels Fear to Tread | Autumn 810 | Tanuel | Formerly living | Spell storage | 10,000sp | ![]() |
A Stone from a Plover's Nest
This stone may have one charge of Invisibility invested in it at no cost. When the spell is discharged, it may be reinvested in the same way.
Cast Chance:_______% Duration:_______ Range:_______ Rank:______
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
Where Angels Fear to Tread | Autumn 810 | Tanuel | Magical | Spell storage | 5,000sp | ![]() |
Ring of Protection

This plain ring weighs about 2oz. Its magic will only be effective if it is worn on the ring finger of the right hand. The wearer subtracts 10 from the die roll whenever they attempt to resist magic, making it more likely that they will succeed. It does not increase Magic Resistance.
In addition, it surrounds the wearer with 11 unseeable pentagonal planes of protection that float around the wearer on all sides. These will protect the wearer so that the first 7 physical damage points the wearer takes per pulse are ignored. This does not work vs any kind of magical damage, although it can be applied to damage from spells like Diamond Javelins, Ice Bolt or Ice Projectiles. Nor does it protect against hits directly to EN or Specific Grievous Injuries.
If the wearer has some similar means of protection, then the greatest protection will apply.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
Where Angels Fear to Tread | Autumn 810 | Lands of Chaos | Magical | Protection | 15,000sp | ![]() |
Dragonskin Scale Mail

This scale mail has been cut to fit a humanoid of size 3 and weighs 18 lbs. It will provide 12 points of Protection and 1 point of Damage Reduction. The wearer reduces their AG by 2 and their Stealth by 10.
It cost 10,000 sp to make and required the arts of a Rank 7 Armourer (Scale Mail).
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
Where Angels Fear to Tread | Autumn 810 | Lands of Chaos | Formerly living | Sand Dragon | 22,500sp | ![]() |
Medeanite Leather Armour

This leather armour is sized for a humanoid woman of size 6 and has a weight factor of 3. It can be altered to fit any humanoid woman down to size 3. This will require the arts of a Rank 6 Armourer, who will charge 2,000 sp for each point of size reduction (i.e. 2,000 sp for size 5, 6,000 sp for size 3). It provides 5 points of Protection, plus 1 point of Damage Reduction per Rank in Medeanite Dancing. If Medeanite Dancing is not known, then the armour provides 1 point of Protection per 2 Ranks in Troubadour. At Rank 5 in Troubadour, the armour will provide 1 point of Damage Reduction and a further point at Rank 10.
Whoever casts Strength of Stone or Strength of Darkness on the wearer pays one less point of FT.
Damage from any effect of Darkness or Shadow is halved before Protection or Damage Reduction is applied.
- Example
The wearer is in the area of effect of Blackfire which does 28 damage, which they fail to resist. The damage is halved to 14. If the wearer has 5 points of Damage Reduction, they take 9.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
Where Angels Fear to Tread | Autumn 810 | Land of Chaos | Formerly living | Blood Tides | 18,000sp | ![]() |
Medeanite Rod

This orichalcum rod is about 75 cms long, tipped with globes 4cms in diameter at either end and weighs just 2 lbs. An orichalcum cylinder large enough to fit a hand has been covered in shark skin to provide a handle that can slide up and down the rod. Two large, but inexpensive gems, a topaz and a peridot, have been set in this handle.
It is treated as a mace for the purposes of combat, although it is lighter than usual. It has a SC of 60% and a DM of D10 + 5 and cannot be broken by 'over-strengthing'. For every 10 points of PS in excess of the minimum needed to wield it, the wielder inflicts +D10 damage. Thus, at PS 26 and Rank 5 in the weapon, they would inflict 2D10 + 6 damage on a successful strike.
By touching one or both of the gems, the position of the handle or the rod itself may be locked in place as if immovable. The PS of the immovability is 10 + 1 per Rank in Mace + 1 per 2 Ranks in Troubador. Medeanite Dancers are reputed to be have abilities that raise the PS much higher than this.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
Where Angels Fear to Tread | Autumn 810 | Nualis | Magical | Blood Tides | 24,000sp | ![]() |
The Key of Anubis

This is a rod about the size of a walking stick and weighs 3lbs. It is made from a pale wood and is quite light. Carved into the side of the cane are cartouches. Many of these show images of a jackal-headed man in various positions and attitudes. One, in particular, shows him weighing a heart in a set of scales against a feather. The handle of the cane is the head of a jackal carved from silver. The eyes are a pair of bright rubies.
- The Key may be used as a weapon. It will accept weapon spells. The Damage Modifier is +7 (being 2 greater than normal) and the base Strike Chance is 60% (being 10 greater than normal). This improves by 5 per Rank in Mace instead of the usual 4 and whenever a Strike Check is made, the wielder's Rank in Mace is subtracted from the die roll. If the weapon is thrown, it has none of these special abilites and is considered a normal mace.
- The rod has a ferrule made from a very hard, very sharp crystal. If the Strike Check is 5% of the modified Strike Chance then A and C class Specific Grievous injuries may be applied.
- If the owner knows the Opening spell they may cast it through the rod, increasing their base chance by 10. If they do not know the spell, they may cast it at Rank 0.
- The wielder can find North as if they were a Rank 0 Ranger.
- Once per season or adventure (whichever is less), the owner may sacrifice a permanent point of EN to the rod which they may buy back in the normal way. For each point so sacrificed, they may store a point of FT in the rod to be used for any purpose. If the owner has sacrificed three points of EN to the rod for this purpose, then they may store three points of FT in the rod. For example, the wielder may use the FT reserve to pay some or all of the cost of a spell that they want to cast or to survive an attack of massive damage. Recharging the rod's FT reserve takes 30 minutes and must be completed at midnight. The rod is recharged at a rate of 2 for every point of FT stored. The FT spent on recharging the rod is tiredness FT loss and cannot be healed back.
At Ranks 10 or higher in Divination, this information is revealed:
- Upon discovering the meaning of the magical phrase Mene mene tekel upharsin, they may sacrifice a point of EN to the Key. From that point on if they utter the phrase (requires a Free Act which cannot be combined with most Magical Fire actions) when they roll 5% of their modified Strike Chance with the rod, they roll 2D10 and sum the result to check for a possible Specific Grievous injury. This ability recharges if the wielder writes the phrase on a wall after dawn on a subsequent Sunday, Tuesday or Friday. The phrase must be legible from a distance of 4 hexes.
- Upon discovering how to bathe the Key in the blood of nightfall, the wielder may sacrifice a point of EN to it. Once a day, they can cast the rod to the ground whereupon it will become Shadowfoot:
- Appearance

Shadowfoot is a jackal with moon-coloured speckles on a dark blue coat. Her eyes are large, dark and glitter under starlight. The fur on her legs becomes darker so that her feet are almost completely black.
- Abilities

She is loyal and of human intelligence. She can follow a scent on a roll of 69 or less if the moon is in the sky. However, as everyone knows, moonscents fade under the dark of the moon. Nevertheless, she will always be able to find her owner's scent and, if separated, will attempt to return to them.
- Special

If Shadowfoot dies for any reason, she will once again become a rod and cannot be called again until the next full moon. If the rod is lost and not found by then, it will spontaneously assume jackalform and look for her owner.
- Movement Rate
Running: 300
PS: | 7 | MD: | 20 | AG: | 24 | MA: | None | EN: | 8 | FT: | 12 |
WP: | 9 | PC: | 23 | PB: | 9 | TMR: | 6 | NA: | Fur absorbs 3DP |
She may bite in close, but her Base Chance, DM, Initiative Value and Rank are the same as her wielder's.
Bite: BC _____%, DM [______],A Class, Close, Rank_____.
At Ranks 15 or higher in Divination, this information is revealed:
The Key may devour another rod, mace, maul or club (but not flails). The process takes about an hour or so.
If the devoured rod's bonus to Strike Chance is greater than the Key's SC, then the SC bonus is replaced. The same process is applied to bonuses to Damage Modifier.
Special abilities of rods, maces, mauls or clubs may be devoured, the process proving somewhat draining on the wielder. For a special ability to be gained, the following conditions must be met:
- the DM agrees
- the wielder agrees to pay the cost
If the DM agrees that the Key can devour a rod's, mace's, maul's or club's special ability, then they should levy a cost that the wielder will have to pay. This might be trivial or exacting depending on how powerful they judge the ability to be. In general, special abilities will cost somewhere between 2,500 and 7,500 Experience in the most appropriate stat points (most commonly EN). These can be bought back in the usual way.
The wielder's Rank with the Opening spell increases by 1 for every Rank in Mace.
At Rank 20 in Divination, this information is revealed:
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
Blood of Girwyllan | Summer 808 | Feralie | Magical | Wands/Charm | Quest | ![]() |
Seraph Spell Rack

This breastplate of lapis lazuli, coral and jasper is a spell rack. It is nine inches across, weighs 3 lbs.
A spell rack is a device that allows an Adept to prepare special modifications of spells they already know. To do this, they must buy spell matrices which are slots into which the modified spell is stored. An appropriate item must be found or created for this purpose.
Generally speaking, spell racks are at least the size of a cigar box, often larger. Staves are a common choice.
If Adept wears scale, mail or plate armour, then they will not be able to use their spell rack even if the armour is made from unusual materials like orichalcum, porcelain, glass, mithril, etc.
Spell Matrices
A spell matrix takes about a month to create, in which period, the Adept may do nothing else. They must also expend Experience to create each of them. The base cost for a spell matrix is 1000 Experience divided by (the Adept's MA - 15). If the Adept has less than 16 MA, they cannot create spell matrices. The cost doubles for each new matrix bought. There is no upper limit, the Adept can keep buying matrices so long as they are willing to spend the Experience.
Incantations of a spell must be racked before they can be cast by the Adept. To rack a spell, the Adept must ritually cast it with it's particular incantation. If the spell cannot be ritually cast, it cannot be racked.
Experience cost for Clementine - 2,000
Spell | Incantation | Constraints |
Thunderclap | Spell Penetration | Unracks, reduces FT by 1 |
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
Where Angels Fear to Tread | Autumn 810 | Lands of Chaos | Formerly living | Meta-magic | 15,000 sp | ![]() |
Phylactery of Stagger

This scroll has had the power word Stagger inscribed upon it in ink made from the liquor of a Great Emerald. The language it is written in bears a striking similarity to Volksprach. It has been itemised and remembles an iridescently green pin, weighing 4oz. Whoever wears it openly above their heart knows this Power Word.
- Break 100: percentile dice + 3 x Adept's WP - target's WP. The target loses a non-magical pass action until they recover. This requires a 2 WP at the end of the Pulse, followed by a 3 x WP roll next Pulse, then a 4 x WP roll. Recovery is automatic after that.
- Break 100: percentile dice + 2 x Adept's WP - target's WP. The target loses a non-magical pass action until they recover. This requires a 2 WP at the end of the Pulse, followed by a 3 x WP roll next Pulse, then a 4 x WP roll. Recovery is automatic after that.
- Break 100: percentile dice + Adept's WP - target's WP. The target loses a non-magical pass action until they recover. This requires a 2 WP at the end of the Pulse, followed by a 3 x WP roll next Pulse, then a 4 x WP roll. Recovery is automatic after that.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
Where Angels Fear to Tread | Autumn 810 | Reich | Magical | Power Word | 12,000sp | ![]() |
Clementine's Feather Cloak

This cloak is sized for Clementine and weighs two lbs. She will always appears interestingly windswept when wearing it.
- She is considered to be standing in winds of 40 mph or greater (+10 to Cast Chances).
- She may increase or decrease the speed of wind by up to 10 mph for any spell that contains the word 'wind' in the title.
- If she wraps herself in the cloak, she may perform Rituals of her College in half the usual time.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
Where Angels Fear to Tread | Autumn 810 | Tanuel | Formerly living | Wind | Quest | ![]() |
Clementine has provided service to House Mal'Ebonir who are deeply grateful. No contract of assassination or intrigue will be entered into by a member of the House unless the reward is in excess of 100,000sp.
Adventure | Season | GM |
Where Angels Fear to Tread | Autumn 810 |
Clementine's Racial Modifier
Clementine's Racial Modifier for Experience is set back to 1.1.
Adventure | Season | GM |
Where Angels Fear to Tread | Autumn 810 |
Thunderclap-Spell Penetration
Name: Spell Penetration
Spell: Thunderclap
Effects: Halves the Magic Resistance of all targets of the spell. Halving is applied first, then subtractions to MR.
Cost: 1,500
Constraints: Unracks the spell, reduces FT value by one.
This incantation is not teachable.
Adventure | Season | Nature of Magic | College of Magic | Value | GM |
Where Angels Fear to Tread | Autumn 810 | Meta-magic | College of Air Magic | Quest |
Clementine's Barrier of Wind (S-4)
Range: 10 feet + 10 / Rank
Duration: 5 minutes + 1 / Rank
Experience Multiple: 250
Base Chance: 30%
Resist: None
Storage: Investment, Ward, Magical Trap
Target: Area or Entity
Effects: This spell forms a swirling pattern of
wind around the entity in all directions. Thrown and
missile weapons passing through the barrier have a
chance of being deflected from their course, to impact
harmlessly elsewhere. The deflection adds 5 (+
2 / Rank) to defence against missiles. This spell provides
a bonus of 5 (+ 1 / Rank) in melee or close
It may also be cast as an Area of Effect spell affecting one
hex per Rank of the spell. Each hex must be contiguous
with all others, and if the barrier is to be curved, there can
be only one (i.e. the barrier cannot be a squiggly line on a
hex grid) The barrier is about 10 feet high.
Any missile or thrown weapon which passes over a hex
where a barrier has been placed will be knocked from the
sky. Knockout Gas, Noxious Vapours and most non-illusory
mist spells have a chance equal to 50% + 3 per Rank in
Barrier of Wind - 3 per Rank of the attacking spell of being
dispelled if they are cast across the barrier.
If a breath weapon of poison gas or fire passes through the
barrier, those protected are entitled to a MR check. If they
succeed, they take no damage, and in any case can reduce
damage by the Rank of this spell.
If Dragonflames or Fireball is cast so that the area of
effect will cross the the barrier, then the damage
is immediately halved for any targets on the other side.
In any case, the damage is reduced by the Rank of the spell.
This spell is not teachable.
Adventure | Season | College of Magic | Nature of Magic | Value | GM |
Where Angels Fear to Tread | Autumn 810 | Air College | Elemental Dispellation | Quest |

Experience Multiple: 150
Effects: The Adept may see objects or entities that are invisible — they appear to have a slight blue sheen around them. If the invisibility effect (excluding
Walking Unseen) is of a higher Rank than the Wizardsight, the object or entity may not be clearly identified or directly magically targeted.
Adventure | Season | Nature of Magic | Value | GM |
Where Angels Fear to Tread | Autumn 810 | Divination | Quest |
Resist Pain

Experience Multiple: 300
Effects:The Adept is somewhat resistant to pain. They may add 1 for every 2 Ranks they have in this Talent to the amount of damage needed to stun them. They cannot easily be tortured or stunned by physical means. In addition, if there is a chance that their concentration has been broken, 5 + 1 per Rank is
always added to their chance to make the Concentration Check. No matter what the circumstances the Adept will always have a chance of maintaining concentration.
Like all magic, this talent is affected by cold iron. However, for a weapon to affect the talent, the weapon must be made of cold iron, must have done endurance damage, and must remain in contact with the body. If cold iron is used in the torture of a mind mage, the Adept adds their concentration bonus to
the base chance of resisting the torture attempt.
Adventure | Season | Nature of Magic | Value | GM |
Where Angels Fear to Tread | Autumn 810 | Resistance | Quest |
Lightning Bolt (S 10) v 1.1
Range: 60 feet
Duration: Immediate
Experience Multiple: 225
Base Chance: 30%
Resist: Active, Passive
Storage: Investment, Ward, Magical Trap
Target: Entity, Object
Effects: The Adept may cause lightning to arc between two or more nodes. The Adept has two nodes at Rank 0, three at Rank 10 and 4 at Rank 20. Nodes that are within 10 feet of each other dissipate. All nodes and arcs must be within range. The Adept must be able to see the nodes, but not necessarily the path the arc might travel along. So, for example, they may put nodes on either side of a wall of stone to catch those cowering behind it.
All targets that are in the path of the arc must resist or suffer [D + 5] (+1/3 Ranks) damage (save for half damage). In addition, any target who fails to resist is automatically stunned.
This spell is not teachable.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Nature of Magic | College of Magic | Value | GM |
Where Angels Fear to Tread | Autumn 810 | Lands of Chaos | Fulmination | College of Air Magic | Quest |
Breath Stealer
Range: 10 ft (+10/Rank)
Duration: 1 day (+1/Rank)
Experience Multiple: 300
Base Chance: 20%
Resist: Active, Passive
Storage: Ward, Investment, Trap
Target: Entity
Effects: This is a Major Curse. Any entity who fails to resist it will have the breath stolen from their lungs, reducing their EN by 1 for every three Ranks. At Rank 20, the amount of EN reduced is doubled to twelve. The victim's EN will drop by another point (two points, if the curse is Rank 20) each midnight while the curse is still in effect,
This curse is not teachable.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Nature of Magic | College of Magic | Value | GM |
Where Angels Fear to Tread | Winter 810 | Tintagel | Spite Crafting | College of Air Magic | Quest |
Ritual of the Hourglass
Range: Self
Duration: Until midnight
Experience Multiple: 350
Base Chance: Always succeeds
Resist: None
Actions: The Adept converts sand into moments, then pours them into an hourglass
Effects: The Adept performs this Ritual, which will take an hour, by transforming grains of sand into moments. Each of these moments is about a pulse long and the Adept can store one moment (+1 for every 2 Ranks in the Ritual) in a specially prepared hourglass. At Rank 20, the number of moments thus stored is 12. The hourglass will store the moments until the next midnight, at which time they will expire.
If the Adept uses the hourglass (requiring a Magical Pass Action), then they must roll under 10 (+4 per Rank) on percentile dice. If they succeed, then they are Quickened for as many pulses as they have moments in the hourglass.
The hourglass is small, being only large enough to hold a minute's worth of moments. It must be made from orichalcum, crystal glass and fine white gypsum sand. It will require the arts of a Rank 8 Artificer or a Rank 8 Mechanician (Spell Containment, Chronometers & Glass Blowing) working with /who is an Adept of the College of Binding & Animating Magics. The cost of the materials is 2,000 sp, but the crafter(s) will demand 10,000 sp for their expertise.
Although several of these hourglasses may be owned, the Adept may only perform the Ritual on one of them at any given time.
This Ritual is considered to be part of the Special Knowledge of the Adept's college, and is subject to all of the restrictions and benefits that apply thereunto.
This Ritual is not teachable.
Adventure | Season | Nature of Magic | Value | GM |
Where Angels Fear to Tread | Autumn 810 | Quickness |