Mark, Death's Champion

Mark often wears white plate armour, and rides a white warhorse. He is skilled with all weapons, but when unmounted, he prefers a short sword and mace.
If he is not wearing armour, he will wear black pants, a black leather jacket over a white shirt.
In all cases, he wears a lady's favour around his upper arm, in the shape of a white veil.
He appears to be a man of about 30. His eyes are piercingly blue, and his skin is fair. His hair is so black it appears blue in some lights. His nose is long and fine, and his lips are sensitive.
Base of Operation
Cenotaph on Malkuth
Secondary Titles
Mark's horse is able to move very fast. It may even pass between the planes.
The horse seems intelligent, but if it speaks, it speaks only to a few.
Special Abilities
Mark has access to the Valley of the Shadow of Death, where he can pass to any mortal realm. For mortals, this journey is lethal, unless special precautions are taken. It's pretty bad if you're immortal, too. Mark doesn't seem too fazed by it, however.
He may bring Death Eternal, so that if this blow was the one that slew the target, they would not be able to resurrect.
He may inflict blows that destroy the target's power as well as inflicting damage.
He may forestall the coming of death.
Sometimes, as a favour, he will offer someone a fingerbone. If the knuckles are crushed, he will come to their aid if he is able.
Mark is strong enough to throw a horse and carriage about forty feet.
Aside from his normal movement, Mark may travel vast distances on his mount. Each step taken covers twice the distance of the previous one.
Mark reduces all incoming damage by 50 and his armour deflects physical damage of up to 100.
Mark is the most powerful questor, and no one takes him lightly. He is not the oldest immortal, but he is one of the oldest.
Mark is as honest and true as the day is long. He believes in the power of true love to overcome all obstacles, and he has a sentimental regard for lovers.
Chloros, his mount
Other Notes
He is particularly gifted in the area of combat, not so gifted in other areas. He is not of a philosophical bent, his most common solution to a problem is to slay it.
PS: | Special | MD: | 38 | AG: | 38 | MA: | 15 | EN: | 333 | FT: | 5,000 |
WP: | 38 | PC: | 38 | PB: | 23 | TMR: | 12/Special | NA: | Special |
His Initiative Value is considered to be 98 but this is purely out of considerations of politeness. If he wants to win initiative, he will. For the same kinds of reasons, he will usually limit himself to one attack per pulse.
He displays a skill of maximum Rank with any standard weapon, generally speaking. He may, occasionally, be prevailed upon to exercise weapon skills at super human levels. On any Strike Check of 50 or less he will inflict a blow directly to EN regardless of his opponent's Defense. On any roll of 16 or less, he may inflict a possible Specific Grievous Injury.
His Defense is 70. So long as he is unsurprised, he may choose to spend FT to increase his Defense, each point increasing it by one. The increase is applied versus each attack, and applies to no other.
His Magic Resistance is 61 and he may spend FT to increase it in the same way.
He is sensitive to the nearness of death, and thus it is hard to surprise him.
Finally, he may cast any spell of the College of Necromantic Conjurations without preparing it. He won't cast Agony because it is so unsporting. All spells are Rank 20, although he can raise the Rank of the spell by one FT for every new Rank he is going to. Raising Necrosis from Rank 20 to Rank 21 will cost 23 FT, from Rank 20 to Rank 22 will cost 45 FT, and so on.
He has strong opinions about devil worship, devils and the undead. He doesn't feel too positive about angels, either. He trusts these opinions. He will cut down anyone with even a hint of unholiness about them, and apologise to the remains.