Talk:The Cleansing of the Shire
Does Charcoal shield stack with normal def spells like Armour of Earth?
Nope, it's a normal defence spell, it just requires you have a prepared shield to manifest it's effect. Much like Enchant Armour only works if you are wearing armour, despite the spell being on the person not the item.
Also why it doesn't work in close since shields become unprepared in close. So Armour of Earth may be a better option depending on rank, or Wraith Cloak may be our best option for the resistance vs normal weapons. One cast does the entire party if done through Enchanted Area so easier to have everyone on the same defence spell also unless there is a really good reason to mix them on a daily basis. --Bernard (talk) 06:38, 15 June 2014 (MDT)
Good thing I just ranked shield then ;) Having wraithcloak or Armours o Earth running underneath for when we drop/don't have our shields seems easy enough. Serra's spells all cost 1 for her to cast assuming that is what the brackets are indicating.
Confirming we are playing tomorrow? --Bernard (talk) 17:06, 3 July 2014 (MDT) Yes -- 7pm -- Keith - 11:31am 4th July (NZST)\ So it it is Saturday July 5th at 7pm then.--Ian Anderson 23:55, 3 July 2014 (MDT)
No game this week right? --Bernard (talk) 17:04, 30 July 2014 (MDT)