Talk:Masterwork Points (Proposal)

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This is a summary of what ideas got tossed around last time this came up, plus some stuff I added for basic guidelines. Thanks to those I bounced some stuff off also for their advice.
If people have any feedback as to issues, or which system is preferred (we could quibble over exact numbers for ever admittedly), please feel free to add comments.
--Bernard 19:26, 8 May 2009 (NZST)

I'm probably being dense, but how does this page differ from Master Rank Points? Have you talked to Dean about where he is at with progressing this idea? Could you perhaps highlight the differences between the proposals and discuss the features/advantages of each? Or have I just misunderstood completely? Thanks --Andreww 20:04, 8 May 2009 (NZST)

Oh bother, I seem to have duplicated a lot of this info. I missed that page going up obviously. Ignore me. Was thinking nothing was moving on it.

Mk II. Ah thats why I missed it going up, it's been around a year already. I did bump Dean about it three months ago but have heard nothing back in the mean time. I'll bump again.
--Bernard 20:20, 8 May 2009 (NZST)

So do you want to amalgamate the two pages before marking one for deletion? No sense on having two separate pages on the same thing. --Keith 08:32, 9 May 2009 (NZST)

This page is an excellent summary of the previous proposal and subsequent discussion. It alsi has some conclusions and examples to help us visualise and move forward. Thanks very much Bernard. --Rosemary 23:17, 9 May 2009 (NZST)

Comment on the Content
Currently to get a master rank (in my experience) you need to do the sort of thing described in your 2 point example (2 Points: A major single use of the skill in question, requiring major planning and research to succeed. I.e. Orchestrating a major battle after carefully positioning elements during the lead up and planning as well as researching the enemy's force.)

Therefore using these examples no single act or project will get you to even rank 8. In consequence, (as well as clarifying master works) in practice it maybe easier for a player to gain a master rank for a character, it will be more difficult for the character.

As an aside traditionally a 'master work'was a single peice of craftsmanship, recongnised by the journeyman's guild, that allowed them to change from journeyman to master (and those ranks were titles with legal and social implications in a similar way as knight or baron).

Therefore I would like to suggest these examples:
1 Point: A significant single use of the skill in question. Not taking much planning but with significant risk to it. I.e. A major duel for a Warrior, or Assassinating someone in an unplanned break in with decent body guards.
2 Points: Dedicated and significate use of the skill over a sustained time (i.e. no training or other distractions). The length of time should be in excess of a season and require planning and research, e.g. running an entire military campaign with skill, training a Dragon.
3 Points: A major single project using the skill, requiring extensive planning and research to succeed. I.e. Orchestrating a major battle after carefully positioning elements during the lead up and planning as well as researching the enemy's force.

With this suggestion you can reach rank 8 with one project but it will take more than one project to get any higher.
--Rosemary 23:17, 9 May 2009 (NZST)