Talk:Magic Item Value

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General Comments

These are a first draft based on my gut feel with the amount of thought put into them that it took to type them up. But it is a starting point, perhaps we can work from it to find some values we can mostly agree to.

No formula is going to be exactly right. But perhaps if we can agree on somthing that comes close then it gives new and infrequent GMs a base to work from when valuing their items. And some consistency between us opinionated old farts. :-)

Or if we can at least agree to relative values of the various components, then GMs can apply their own modifier. E.g. I think you're all cheap skates and apply a 1.2 value multiplier. Or I think you're all inflation junkies and apply a 0.7 value multiplier.

Not ideal but we do all have strongly held opinions about treasure levels and values, perhaps we can agree on an average and then agree to disagree on our individual multipliers.

Stephen 11:16, 4 Sep 2006 (NZST)

Game Standards

Should we not look to make this set of rules part of the games core rules as are the 'Ten Commandments'. With a standardised set of rules we should be able to do away with the recent furore over item values etc and have something that can be the 'norm' across all writeups.

How about getting this to a point where the gods meeting prior to the Guild Meeting on 10th September can vote to 'playtest' the document in the session so that GM's get a chance to compare its merits and what improvements are still needed?

Chris 8:55am (NZST) 5th September 2006.

The new 'Ten Commandments' have been acknowledged to be a guide rather than a rule. Because nobody wants to give or accept the authority to enforce them.

Also there is the expectation that a set of rules should be more precise than a guide needs to be. A set of rules would be expected to cover the difference in value between an Axe with +3 Dam vs Orcs and another with +3 vs Dwarves. A Guide could say that +3 Dam is worth 15k and the GM can decide what discount vs Orcs is worth to an adventurer.

And I think that we are more likely to follow the intent of a guide, but being the wild and crazy rebels (and rules lawyers) that we are we'll look at ways of working around or to the letter of rules.

Formal acceptance by the gods meeting would help a value guide gain authority, but I think getting general agreement for a document by Sunday is optimistic. We could aim for the december meeting - assuming that it is generally considered a good/acceptable idea.

-- Stephen 10:51, 5 Sep 2006 (NZST)

I'd be happy if we could just agree on what the value meant. There seems to be a majority opinion that it is a reasonable market value, but a vocal minority opinion that it is the Guild's buy price.

Martin Dickson 15:27, 5 Sep 2006 (NZST)



Magic Resistance


My weapon valuation is pretty simple Bonus SC 1000 sp per point Bonus Dmg 5000 sp per point Bonus IV 500 per point multiply by weapon multiplier based on usability. (Hand a half = 1.1, sabre = 1.0, dagger = 0.8, whip = 0.5, etc) Dean

I was going for much the same thing but trying to quantify what aspects made the weapons better or worse. Which is preferred? Listing all weapons with a value multiplier, or working out the worth of each of the weapon attributes. Applying a multiplier seems quicker/easier to use but is not as 'normalised'. -- Stephen 12:21, 4 Sep 2006 (NZST)