Talk:Kill Them All

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Playing Nights

  1. 10th Sept - Terry not present.
  2. 17th Sept -
  3. 24th Sept - Stephen away
  4. 1st Oct - No Game Ian busy
  5. 8th Oct -
  6. 15th Oct - shorter session
  7. 22nd Oct -
  8. 28th Oct - Labour Day double-session to wrap up adventure
  9. 29th Oct - Errol away No Game Ian overseas for work
  10. 5th Nov - No Game Ian overseas for work
  11. 12th Nov - No Game Ian overseas for work
  12. 19th Nov - No Game Ian overseas for work
  13. 26th Nov - No Game Ian overseas for work
  14. 3rd Dec - No Game Ian overseas for work

An Army of 300 drow at your door and no blast magics? Good luck with that, team! --Neil Davies (talk) 14:38, 18 September 2013 (MDT)

The trick is to get them to line up nicely and take turns being knocked down. Does anyone have a mass curse to make them all English? -- Stephen (talk) 15:31, 26 September 2013 (MDT)
Can we get a few woman and send them in their direction and when the fighting has stopped kill the winners? - Joe, Eltans player