Talk:Guild Council
What are the actual duties, role, responsibilities and powers of being on the guild council?
In RL terms are these nothing more than name holders of the office?
--- Chris NZST 5th Sept, 7.55am
As far as I know, they are just NPCs that help run the guild, are sometimes head of Departments within the guild, and help PCs. It is clear that Mr Pennywise reports on the Guild to the Duke, and is some form of accountant.
--Jono Bean 10:00, 5 Sep 2006 (NZST)
Ah Guild Bureaucracy. Where our hard earned taxes go. Do they visit other guilds and far places to assess things and then report back with nothing like other councils?
Where do you think Hercum and Maia went?
Hercum and Maia are still missing from the period a few years ago when Rashak's forces attacked the guild complex. Since no one is paying to have them recovered they have not been found ;-). I know one group of adventures found a couple of the current members (who where also abducted at the same time).
--Jono Bean 23:05, 5 Sep 2006 (NZST)
Greg, if you want to do something with Hercum and Maia you may wish to talk to William Dymock as he ran a game which I understand involved them, shortly after they went missing.
--Jono Bean 15:23, 4 Oct 2006 (NZDT)
Guild Council page updated.
I have updated this as best I can. It is from my view as a player, not GM. The information is from a game run by GM: Jon McSpadden.
I hope that this information is helpful and/or useful.
--Jono Bean 14:04, 16 Aug 2007 (NZST)
- Thanks Jono. If Jon has additional info he may want to put it on a different page or behind the GMinfo spoiler-hider thingee.--Errol 14:18, 16 Aug 2007 (NZST)