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A member of the Pentach of the Kijaand Empire, Tal'Khvoy are the most mercantile of the five major Houses. Virtually unknown before the Black Festival, his house is seen by many as a money grubbing upstart, although many are envious of its rapid rise to promenance. Its is one of the few houses to maintain its own fleet of ships, this house has an established presence in all the major port cities. With little land holdings it relies heavily on friendly minor houses to supply it with produce, in return for favourable trading consessions.

Its also rumoured to have a very dynamic internal structure, very different from the paterfamilia structure of most other houses. During the immediate aftermath of the Black Festival considerable civil strife ensued and many believe Tal'Khvoy are actually an amalgamation of a number of smaller houses who has lost out during the fighting.

The House has become the defacto rulers of Jarafel, giving them considerable sway of the maritine activities with and around the Empire. However the presence of the sea elf galleons continues to stop any House gaining a monopoly on seafaring.

The House suffered from its association with the Lord of Blood and were on the brink of collapse after his demise. Recently they have regained some of their former glory.