South Gate Rot Award: Gnashdar
Return to Southgate Rot
Gnashdar returns to the Guild on the 7th Harvest 817wk with 13,044 Experience, has earnt
after Guild Taxes.
He has earnt these Spots:
5 | 6 | 6 | 6 | 8 | 8 | 8 |
He had 11 days available for training on the adventure and spent 17 days away from the Guild.
- He may
- advance any Talents three Ranks.
- advance his Rank in Stealth as if he had 17 days of training time and at only 90% of the cost.
- advance his Rank in Goblin as if he had been immersed in it for 17 days.
- advance his Rank in Common as if he had been immersed in it for 77 days
Enhanced Siege Grenado x 2
Requires Rank 10 Alchemy & Rank 10 Arithmetician
This grenado contains an incendiary device contrived by an Alchemist who was assisted in their calculations by an Arithmetician. It is not usually thrown by hand, mostly being deployed by means of a perriere or other siege engine. It will not normally detonate when subjected to sudden sudden shocks. It has a fuse that must be lighted and when it burns down, it will detonate inflicting damage according to this schedule:
Result | Damage |
1 | 5 |
2 or 3 | 25 |
4 - 6 | 125 |
7-0* | 625 |
The damage is applied to everything in the hex where the grenado detonated, 1/5th being done to everything else a hex distant, 1/25th being done to everything two hexes distant, 1/125th to everything three hexes distant, and so on until the damage falls below 1.
If it is thrown by hand, it always leaves a parabolic ballistic arc. The backlash of the energies travel back down this path, inflicting one fifth of the damage done to their primary target.
Targets are allowed to Break 100 + 2 x AG + Rank in Sense Danger to avoid the damage.
*If the D10 result is from 7 - 10, and it was thrown at a terrain feature, it will blow a hole about 10 ft in diameter into anything with the structural integrity of a 10 ft curtain wall or less.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Cursed? | GM |
Southgate Rot | Autumn 817 | Alusia | Alchemy | Incendiariasm | ![]() |
Red Iron Grenado x 1
Rank 8 Alchemy
This grenado contains an alchemical incendiary device. It will not be set off by sudden blows. It is lighted and then usually thrown at a hex within range (15 hexes). The hex has no Defence, but the thrower's SC is reduced by 3 per hex beyond the first. Any Strike Check greater than 70 + MD means that the thrower dropped the grenado at their feet, or, if the roll is 99 or 100, has gone off prematurely.
If the Strike Check result is high enough to indicate a miss but not high enough for a catastrophe, then a scatter D10 is rolled.
D10 | Destination hex |
1 | D10 ft beyond the target hex |
2 | D10 feet beyond and to the right of the target hex |
3 | D10 feet to the right of the target hex |
4 | D10 feet short and to the right of the target hex |
5 | D10 feet short of the target hex |
6 | D10 feet short and to the left of the target hex |
7 | D10 feet to the left of the target hex |
8 | D10 feet beyond and to the left of the target hex |
9 | 2D10 feet beyond the target hex |
10 | D10 hexes short of the target hex |
On detonation, the grenado inflicts 3 Specific Grievous Injuries on anyone up to 3 hexes away. Targets who are between 4 and 6 hexes away suffer 2 Specific Grievous Injuries, while those between 7 and 9 only suffer one. The grenado inflicts A, B or C Class injuries, so all results are applied.
Targets are allowed to Break 100 + 2 x AG + Rank in Sense Danger to avoid each wound.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Cursed? | GM |
Southgate Rot | Autumn 817 | Alusia | Alchemy | Incendiariasm | ![]() |
Strength of Stone x 3
Base Chance: 80% + Reader's MA bonus & Enchantment | Duration: 21 hours | +20 to PS or EN |
Restorative Potion x 2
This potion weighs 4 oz and may be used without Preparing if it is kept in some easily accessible place (bandolier or belt, etc).
This Restorative is Rank 1, inflicts 3 EN and restores 6 FT.
Restorative Potion
This potion weighs 4 oz and may be used without Preparing if it is kept in some easily accessible place (bandolier or belt, etc).
This Restorative is Rank 2, inflicts 4 EN and restores 8 FT.
Love Philtre x 3
This potion weighs 4 oz but must be Prepared before it may be used. The Rank of the Philtre is 10.
Potion of Iron Skin
This potion weighs 4 oz but must be Prepared before it may be used.
It improves the imbiber's Natural Armour by 2 or gives the imbiber Natural Armour of 1 if they do not have any. The effects of the potion last until the next dusk or dawn but turn their skin a matte blue/black, increasing Stealth by 10 at night, but in social situations, making them quite noticeable.
Oil of Blade of Darkness
This oil may be applied to any weapon on the Swords table of Section 56 Weapons, Shields and Armour Charts.
The oil improves the weapon damage by 6, and the wielder subtracts 8 from the result of a Strike Check. The oil will only last for 20 minutes.
The Consummation of Fire and Water
This 8oz phial contains a fluid that is vividly orange/red in colour. When the phial is thrown at an object or entity it will rapidly spread to cover a surface of about two square metres, large enough to cover a man. This will make the target as flammable as paper to the point where it can be ignited with Pyrogenesis or like magic. A cantrip would be incapable of generating sufficient heat. A lighted match would do just fine, however.
Usually, entities who catch on fire will burn from the legs up, but obviously if other body parts have been exposed to an open flame, they will start burning from the point of contact. It is extremely unusual for the head not to burn last, unless the victim snorts a lighted candle or something.
This is a curious spectacle to observe, the victim experiencing nothing more than an unusual sensation of warmth and perhaps some alarm. It takes about two pulses for the legs to burn off, about two pulses for the arms, and another three pulses for the torso. Their head will burn up at the end of the pulse. Until that time, the victim can move, attack, cast spells and so on. If the Consummation is somehow stopped short of death, then the victim's body will gradually reappear over a like number of pulses. Items that were subject to the Consummation, i.e. those that were worn on the parts burnt off, have a good chance of being destroyed. They are considered to be made of paper and must save versus normal fire. The chance of the item surviviving is 10% plus any magical bonus inherent to the item, plus the value of the wearer's enchantment. Only items made of orichalcum or those that are bound to the victim's soul are immune to this destruction.
Since the residue of the Consummation does not constitute a torso-sized lump, then dying by this method is likely to be permanent barring unusual defenses of some kind.
If the fluid is applied to an inanimate surface it will quickly spread over an area that would be easily big enough to fit a man. If this area is lighted it will burn for 4 pulses before guttering, burning through¼ inch of metal or stone per pulse.
- 1 inch of material like wood or bone per pulse.
- 1 foot of ice per pulse.
- It will not burn through orichalcum.
If the ash and smoke are collected, dissolved into a solution, and all of the corruption filtered from it (requiring an Alchemist of Rank 8 or better), abstract properties may be decanted off (at the G.M.'s discretion). The Alchemist might collect Wood from the remains of a door, for example.
The Sublimation of Water into Fire
When drunk, the imbiber's body is transformed into an explosive ball of fire inflicting 4 roll up D10 damage on everything in the same hex, minus 10 for every 5 feet distant. The imbiber will find themselves transformed into smoke covering the volume of a megahex. Treat them as if Gaseous Form has been cast on them at the creator's Rank in Alchemy. They will smell strongly of burning wherever they drift.
Melian Healing Potion
This draught weighs 9oz and is very robust. It must be Prepared before it may be taken. It cures 1 rollup D10 + 8 damage.
Invested Gems
Other Invested Items
Pint of Red Beer x 5
This pint of beer weighs, inclusive of the bottle, 1lb 14 oz. When it is drunk after a long day's march, it leads to a state of satisfaction lasting 15 minutes. In this time, anything other than conversation and eating is too much trouble. All perentile values have 20 added to the result on the die inside this period. Those who retire within an hour of drinking this beer will recover 1 point of EN per hour of sleep to a maximum of 8.
Pint of Pale Ale x 2
This pint of ale weighs, inclusive of the bottle, 1lb 14 oz. It has a strong, yeasty taste, and makes whoever drinks it more alert, adding 15 to their PC checks until they would likely have their next meal (i.e. no more than 4 hours). In addition, upon first drinking the ale, they take 7 EN damage, restoring 15 FT.
Pint of Dark Ale x 5
This pint of ale weighs, inclusive of the bottle, 1lb 14 oz. It is quite bitter, tastes strongly of molasses and hops and increases EN by 4. This lasts until they would likely have their next meal (i.e no more than 4 hours). This will not stack with Strength of Stone, but while duration remains it will immediately heal 3 EN when the first EN damage is taken.
Copper Rose
This strip of copper is 1/2 an inch wide and 3 inches long. It has a rose embossed onto it. An entity may benefit from a given copper rose once, after which it will never work for them again. Other copper roses will, however. When touched to an entity and their name uttered, they will be healed of 1 rollup D10 damage.
This copper rose will last until the winter solstice 818 WK.
Translucent Clay x 120 lbs
Ceramics made of this clay will be translucent. If the ceramic is fired again, it will be transparent.
Reduced Shadow Wine
Shadow wine may be created from the reduction by adding 3 parts of water. However, the resultant product will spoil in a week unless used.
Distillate of Bronze
This metallic fluid is an intense metallic yellow/orange, and is otherwise similar to mercury. Although it is the size of a standard crystal phial, it weighs 3 1/2 lbs.
Pyrites of Iron x 2
These golden metal flakes are iron although they do not impede spell casting. They are held in a delicate glassware bulb about the size of a man's fist and weigh 1 lb.
When used in the Casting process, they increase the base chance of any illusory magic by 10.
When exposed to water, the flakes will bubble noxiously for 3 Pulses then generate toxic fumes over the megahex (3 x MD + 2 x Alchemist Rank to avoid) or suffer 3 rollup D10 acid damage. Fume production continues for 3 more Pulses, whereupon the pyrites will burst into flame, igniting the fumes which will inflict 3 rollup D10 fire damage and 3 rollup D10 impact damage. Protection from armour applies against both of these attacks, although Magic Resistance is not allowed.
Humour of Melancholy x 2
This crystal phial weighs 4 oz and contains an aqueous humour of melancholy.
Melian Healing Salve x 2
This small stoneware pot contains an amber unguent and weighs 8 oz. No Skill is required to apply the ointment. It will cure 1 point of damage per Pulse for 1 rollup D10 + 8 Pulses.
Skin Changes
The user of the skin may use any Skill or Ability that the form would naturally allow. While this includes most Talent magic, unless the form is human-like, spells and rituals may not be performed. If an animal has a range of Ranks next to one or more of their natural weapons, then the user may apply their Unarmed Combat up to the maximum listed.
Harry the House
PS: | 23 | MD: | 18 | AG: | 18 | MA: | User | EN: | 23 | FT: | User |
WP: | User | PC: | User | PB: | 11 | TMR: | 6 | NA: | None |
Harry the House is a particularly hairy man of hulking presence. His hair is dark brown and it grows down his back in great, masculine tufts. He smells of sweat and honest labour.
- Description
- Ravens are large black birds, standing two foot high, with a 5 foot wingspan..
- Comments
- A sentient in raven form can use any language they are familiar with.
- Abilities
- Ravens may fly upside down for up to a mile.
- Movement Rates
- Flying: 800
PS: | 6 | MD: | 18 | AG: | 17 | MA: | User | EN: | 6 | FT: | User |
WP: | User | PC: | User | PB: | 8 | TMR: | 16 | NA: | Feathers absorb 2 DP |
- Weapons
- Ravens may attack with beak or two talons without penalty. They will Close in great numbers, or attack the eyes if alone.
- Beak: BC 45%, [D - 3], Close, Rank 0.
- Talons: BC 75%, [D - 2], Close, Rank 1-4.
Mouse x 3
- Description
- Mice are small brown, white or grey rodents. They are shy of almost all creatures, most especially cats, dogs and men.
- Abilities
- Mice have no special talents or skills, and they are not tool users.
- Movement Rates
- Running & Climbing: 150
PS: | 1 | MD: | 12 | AG: | 18 | MA: | User | EN: | 1 | FT: | User |
WP: | User | PC: | User | PB: | 4 | TMR: | 3/3 | NA: | Fur absorbs 1 DP |
- Weapons
- Mice may bite.
- Bite: BC 20%, [D - 7], Close, Rank 0.
Eyes of Death x 2
This eye contains 3 Death.
Goblin Dagger x 12
This black steel tulwar is sized for a goblin and weighs 1 lb. It may be advanced as a Dagger by humanoids larger in size than goblins to Rank 9. The base Strike Chance is 50%, the base Damage is 1 rollup D10 + 4, inflicts A & B class injuries , and may only be wielded in Melee or Close. An entity carrying this weapon may not make use of non-racial magic.
Bronze Gauntlet
This bronze gauntlet for the left hand weighs 1/2 lb. It may be wielded as a cestus with a base Strike Chance of 55% and base C Class damage of 1 rollup D10 + 3. Alternatively, the base Strike Chance of any weapon wielded in the gauntlet is increased by 20.
In addition:
- PS is increased by 3 on the left hand
- MD is increased by 2 on the left hand
- the gauntlet will protect against these Specific Grievous Injuries: 26, 27 & 61 - 67 and the wearer may ignore any damage associated with them.
Dagger Set of Khores
The daggers in this set are varied, although they have the same base Strike Chance of 57%. Warrior Rank does not help with these weapons, although Troubadour Rank will, if juggling is taken more than once. The wielder's Initiative Value is the same, regardless of whether they are delivering a Melee, Close or Ranged attack.
The following schedule is consulted when considering the wielder's Rank:
Rank | Ability |
3 | Wielder may summon a dagger to their hand from up to 12 hexes away, requiring a Free Act. |
5 | Wielder may make two attacks per Pulse with prepared daggers against one or two targets within range |
9 | Wielder may make three attacks per Pulse with prepared daggers against one, two or three targets within range |
Excess PS may only be employed when wielding a dagger in close or melee, and may be added to bonuses from Skills and Weapon Ranks. The daggers have no chance of breaking unless the PS is in excess of 37.
The wielder's Player must call out each dagger's name as they strike or summon them, and no dagger may be thrown more than once a Pulse.
Opener is a heavy mithril dagger with a dragonbone hilt. It weighs 1 1/2 lbs. It inflicts 2 rollup D10 A Class damage and may be thrown without penalty up to 12 hexes.
- Special Ability
- The first time Opener hits a target, it reduces the Protection value of their armour by 1/2 (round up) the wielder's Rank in Dagger. This only applies to attacks from daggers and lasts for 12 Pulses. If Opener hits the same target again, this will end the effect.
Witch Bite
Witch Bite is a silver dagger with a stag horn hilt. It weighs 14 oz.It inflicts 1 rollup D10 + 2 A Class damage and may be thrown without penalty up to 12 hexes.
- Special Ability
- If damage is taken, the wielder rolls a D10 and consults the table:
D10 | Result |
1 | Wasting disease causes -1 Strength and -1 Endurance per day until stopped by Cure Disease. The Strength and Endurance lost will be recovered at 1 point per day, or by being treated by Repair Muscles. |
2 | Recurring migraines cause a loss of 2 Magical Aptitude and 2 Willpower. Each minute of concentration requires a 4 * Willpower concentration check. The effects can be treated by Soothe Pain and cured by Repair Vital Organs. |
3 & 4 | Creeping senility will cause a loss of 1 Magical Aptitude every two days until treated by Regenerate Vital Organs. |
5 & 6 | Arthritis causes -4 Dexterity, -4 Agility and increases by 1 per hour the Fatigue loss due to exercise, until treated by Repair Tissues. |
7 & 8 | Enfeeblement causes -4 Strength, -4 Endurance and doubles the Fatigue loss due to exercise, until treated by Repair Muscles. |
9 & 10 | Asthma causes TMR to be halved, doubles the Fatigue loss due to exercise, and the target cannot perform strenuous exercise until treated by Repair Vital Organs. |
Wraith Blade
Wraith Blade is a leaf-shaped dagger made from the scraped bone of a elven wraith's thigh and weighs 9oz. It may be thrown up to 12 hexes without penalty. It inflicts 1 rollup D10 A & B Class damage, and entirely ignores the Protection value of armour. This damage is also considered undead drain and may only be repaired by the arts of a Healer.
- Special Ability
- It inflicts 3 rollup D10 A & B Class damage against insubstantial creatures but this will drop to 1 rollup D10 damage the next Pulse.
Tinker's Folly
Tinker's Folly is a crescent shaped dagger of white metal with an ivory hilt and weighs 12 oz. It inflicts 1 rollup D10 + 3 A & B Class damage and may be thrown up to 12 hexes without penalty.
- Special Ability
- If effective damage is taken, the target's Defence is reduced versus daggers by 30. This lasts until the target takes a Pass Action (+1 for every three Ranks the wielder has in dagger).
Serpent's Tooth
Serpent's Tooth is carved from the pale green fang of a sea serpent, and has been attached to a bronze hilt. It weighs 1lb, inflicts 1 rollup D10 + 5 A Class damage and may be thrown up to 12 hexes without penalty. It inflicts a blow directly to EN on 20% of the modified Strike Chance and a Possible Specific Grievous Injury on 10% of the modified Strike Chance.
- Special Ability
- When it is anointed with blade venom from a snake or reptile, a roll greater than 70 + MD is a miss, any other miss is a hit, a hit is a blow directly to EN, a blow directly to EN is a possible Specific Grievous Injury, and on a possible Specific Grievous Injury, 2D10 are rolled and summed to generate one. Blade venom is applied as appropriate, and this will wipe Serpent's Tooth clean.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Cursed etc.? | GM |
Southgate Rot | Autumn 817 | Alusia | Various | Blades | ![]() |
Orcish Trispear
This hafted weapon has three heavy tines, the central one of which is actually a nethermancer's wand. It has been crafted from a bone of a chimaera, weighs 6 lbs, requires PS 15 & MD 16 to wield and inflicts A Class damage. The base Strike Chance is 57, base damage is 1 rollup D10 + 4 and it may be thrown to a range of 7 hexes. It may be wielded as a trident or spear. In the hands of an orc necromancer, Ranks in trident and spear are cumulative with respect to Strike Chance, Damage and Initiative Value.
Once a bonding cost of 1 EN has been paid:
- It is a legal target for the Animating Body Parts spell, in which case it will add the Rank to the Strike Chance, and may be directed by the wielder to move at a rate of 4 TMR but not attack. This requires a Free Act.
- It improves the wielder's Cast Chance of Spectral Hand by their Ranks in spear and trident.
If the wielder pays a further bonding cost of 1 EN, then these abilities become active:
- Once a week, resetting at dusk on Saturday, the trispear is a legal target for the Animation of the Dead spell, in which case it is wielded by a orcish spirit warrior with the following stats:
PS: | 15 | MD: | 16 | AG: | 15 | MA: | 3 | EN: | 18 | FT: | 22 |
WP: | 11 | PC: | 18 | PB: | 7 | TMR: | 5 | NA: | 6 |
- His Rank with spear and trident is the same as the wielder's, and similarly cumulative. He is treated as undead, so cannot be feared, charmed, diseased, rendered unconscious, slept or paralysed. Nor may he be poisoned, stunned or harmed by Necrosis, Putrid Wound or similar magic (although Disruption will work).
- If the wielder delivers a blow directly to EN or a possible Specific Grievous Injury, then they may immediately cast a spell that targets an entity, and this may only be applied to the victim.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Cursed etc.? | GM |
Southgate Rot | Autumn 817 | Alusia | Formerly living | Nethermancy | ![]() |
Bronze Pauldron
This bronze pauldron and elbow cop may be worn on either shoulder and weighs 3 lbs. It takes 4 Pass Actions to attach them and as soon as this is done, bronze fish scale armour forms from shoulder to elbow. The pauldron provides
- no Protection unless leather armour is worn, in which case it increases Protection by 2 to a maximum of 8
- it allows the wearer to deflect the special damage of these results on the Specific Grievous Injury table: 01 - 05, 36, 44 - 50, 56 - 60, 68 - 69 and 85 - 87. Weapon damage is still applied directly to EN, but the wound description and special damage is ignored.
- a Reflex Action when first attacked from the rear, either in close or melee. The wearer may deliver an Unarmed Combat attack with the elbow cop. The base Strike Chance is unpenalised, and the base Damage is 1 rollup D10 + 5. This will infict 5 strain on the wearer's FT, which may stun. Subsequent Unarmed Combat attacks may be delivered with that elbow on their Initiative but they do not inflict strain and the damage is 1 rollup D10.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Cursed etc.? | GM |
Southgate Rot | Autumn 817 | Alusia | Magical | Protection | ![]() |
Spell Racks
Enhanced Amulet of Jade
This green jade amulet, when it is worn openly around the neck, increases the wearer's Initiative by 8 versus the undead. In addition, any Cast or Strike check vs the undead that ends in an 8 will be treated as ending with a 1 and any damage roll of 1 on a D10 becomes 8.
Enhanced Amulet of Iron
This amulet of iron, when it is worn openly around the neck, increases the wearer's Initiative by 8 versus the devils and demons. In addition, any Cast or Strike check vs devils and demons that ends in an 8 will be treated as ending with a 1 and any damage roll of 1 on a D10 becomes 8.
- Description
- Anklebiter appears to be a puppet about 2 feet high dressed in "leather armour" crafted from lacquered wood. In fact, he is a tiny human skeleton who is a legal target of the Animation of the Dead spell. He weighs 1 lb.
- Although animated by the will of a Binder or Necromancer, he may not be stunned, bound or controlled. He will not fall apart and turn to dust when he ceases to be animated.
- Abilities
- Anklebiter may use and Rank weapons (including shields) and armour that is overlaid onto him. This will stack with his Natural Armour. His Stealth is increased by 20 because of his small size.
- When the Ritual of Converse with the Dead is targeted on him, Anklebiter may Divine Enchantment at the same Rank as this ritual.
- He has the Lifesense talent, which lets him see the living or constructs/undead out to a range of 150 feet. Within 30 feet, this is only impeded by barriers that are both opaque and substantial. He may not pick out terrain features.
- His special magical nature and skeletal construction makes him immune to damage from weapons rated for A type damage (arrows, thrusting swords, stabbing weapons). Nor may he take damage from falling.
- Movement Rates
- Running: 250
PS: | 6 | MD: | 14 | AG: | 16 | MA: | 5 | EN: | 8 | FT: | 10 |
WP: | 25 | PC: | 7 | PB: | 4 | TMR: | 5 | NA: | 4 |
- Weapons
- Anklebiter attacks using unarmed. He may advance weapons he meets the restrictions for.
- Bite: BC: 53%, [D - 1], Close, A Class, Rank 0. This requires a Free Act.
- Hand: BC: 57%, [D - 4], Melee & Close, C Class, Rank 0.
- Incantations
- Spectral Hand - Battering Fist
Duration: 6 Pulses
Effects: This incantation of Spectral Hand allows the Adept to smash a hole about a hex across and up to 3 feet thick according to the following schedule:
Rank | Reinforced wood | Compacted earth | Stone | Reinforced Stone | Bronze | Iron |
0-5 | 6 Pulses | - | - | - | - | - |
6-11 | 5 Pulses | 6 Pulses | - | - | - | - |
12-15 | 4 Pulses | 5 Pulses | 6 Pulses | - | - | - |
16-17 | 3 Pulses | 4 Pulses | 5 Pulses | 6 Pulses | - | - |
18, 19 | 2 Pulses | 3 Pulses | 4 Pulses | 5 Pulses | 6 Pulses | - |
20 | 1 Pulse | 2 Pulses | 3 Pulses | 4 Pulses | 5 Pulses | 6 Pulses |
Cost: 500 Experience.
Constraints: Unracks the spell, reduces FT value by 1.
- Spectral Hand - Digging Hand
Duration: 10 seconds (+ 10 seconds per Rank)
Effects: This incantation of Spectral Hand allows the Adept to dig and move 10 lbs (+10 lbs per Rank) of earth, sand, stone or similar material per Pulse.
Cost: 1000 Experience.
Constraints: Unracks the spell, reduces FT value by 3.
These abilities become available if EN is sacrificed to him:
- Anklebiter is a spell rack capable of holding 1 (only) spell matrix of the College of Necromantic Conjurations. Sacrifice: 1 EN
- The Adept may cast Wraithcloak on Anklebiter. Sacrifice: 1 EN
- Anklebiter increases the Necromancer's MA by 1 for every point of EN sacrificed to him., which does not reduce the cost of General Knowledge Spells & Rituals or spell matrices. This costs 1 EN
- The Adept may possess Anklebiter at a cost of 2 spell casting FT. Possession lasts for 30 minutes and during this period the Adept can perceive through and communicate with Anklebiter spirit to spirit. The range of this ability is 20 feet (+10 feet for every point of EN sacrificed). Sacrifice: 2 EN
- The Adept may heal damage inflicted upon Anklebiter by draining a target (by means of the Life Draining spell). Damage to the Adept must be cured before any of Anklebiter's damage is healed. In addition, if Anklebiter is undamaged, an amount of healing equal to the total number of EN sacrificed may be stored in him. This may be used to heal either the Adept or Anklebiter himself and requires a Free Act. Sacrifice:3 EN
- Anklebiter may Prepare and Cast the incantation of the spell stored in his spell matrix at the Adept's will. Sacrifice: 3 EN
The EN cost may be recovered in the normal way.
Each special ability must be acquired in order, and only one ability may be advanced per adventure or season, whichever is least.
Formula of Distilling Bronze
Alchemist Rank 7
Enough ruby of arsenic to fill a pail must be melted in a copper bath plated in tin and to cover an equal amount of bronze. The contents must be slowly heated until the mixture begins to express small blue flames, which must be immediately extinguished and the temperature lowered sufficient to prevent burning. The contents must be kept at this temperature for four hours, the while it will produce vapours of the corruption of bronze, and these are pernicious to mortal life.
At the end of this time, the noxious scum must be poured off to reveal the bronze has been distilled to half its original volume and one quarter its weight.
This process must be repeated six more times, and at the end of it, a distillate of bronze of the consistency of quicksilver will remain.
The chance of success is equal to 7 x Alchemist Rank, failure indicating the materials and time have been completely wasted.
The same process should be successful with consecrated bell metal for the production of a distillate which is baneful to the unholy, however the operant must contrive to be complete at noon on Sunday.
The cost of the materials is 1 truesilver guinea for every lb of bronze.
The noxious corruption is pernicious to mortal life which will not be sustained upon the land where it is discarded for a year and a day, and over an area as far as a man can throw an axe.
An Alchemist may teach this ability to another of Rank 7 or higher, but it will cost them 11,100 Experience.
Liberator Discipline
This is a collection of abilities that only orcs who have committed themselves to fight against slavery and injustice may learn. It is tied to the Troubadour profession, and the discipline as well as any of its subordinate abilities may not be of higher Rank. Additionally, the discipline may only be advanced once per adventure or season, whichever is least, and only if all the currently known abilities are Ranked to the current Circle number. Subordinate abilities may be raised from unranked to the current Circle number and are treated in all ways as if they were spells.
Stain is identical to spell casting FT.
A Reflex Action does not count as an Action or Free Act. However, only 1 Reflex Action is allowed per Pulse, so any others that the Liberator may have access to become inaccessible until the next Pulse.
First Circle
- Body Void
- Base Troubadour (requires Acrobatics).
- Experience Multiple: 200
- Cost: 1 Strain
- Reflex Action
- The Liberator may avoid the damage from an attack that can be dodged (e.g. a blow in melee or close, an arrow, Bolt of Fire, etc) but not a spiritual or mental attack or one that targets a volume (e.g. Spectral Warrior, Whirlwind Vortex, Enchanted Sleep, Dragonflames, etc).The Liberator must 'Break 100' by rolling percentiles and adding Troubadour Rank + Body Void Rank. If that number is equal to or greater than 100, they avoid the harm. Enchantments, bonuses to base chance and subtractions from die rolls do not apply to attempts to Break 100. In addition, they may add their cumulative Ranks to their Agility for the purposes of avoiding tramples and attacks of a similar nature that the DM deems appropriate.
- Mind Blade
- Base: -
- Experience Multiple: 200
- Cost: 1 Strain
- 1 Magical Prepare Action & 1 Cast Action
- The Liberator may create a weapon with the power of their naked will. At Ranks 1 & 2, the weapon is a dagger, Ranks 3 & 4, a falchion, Ranks 5 & 6, a scimitar, Ranks 7 & 8, a tulwar, Ranks 9, a hand and a half, Rank 10, a hand and a half + 1. The weapon lasts for 1 minute (+ 1 minute per Rank) and until actively wielded can only be discerned as a shimmer in the air. It will flash (as a blade might) when wielded in combat, however.
- Mind Armour
- Base: WP
- Experience Multiple: 250
- Cost: 1 Strain
- 2 Pass Actions
- The Liberator may create armour with the power of their naked will. The armour is only discernible as a shimmer around the Adept, but will flash (as armour might) when it deflects damage. It provides 2 Protection (+1 for every 5 points of WP and Rank in Mind Armour). The armour will only last for 1 minute (+1 minute per Rank) and does not stack with other Protection except Natural Armour.
Second Circle
- Lion Spirit
- Base: WP/Magic Resistance + Troubadour (requires Whistling as a musical instrument)
- Experience Multiple: 100
- Cost: -
- Passive, always on
- The Liberator adds their Ranks in Troubadour and Lion Spirit to either their WP or their Magic Resistance as appropriate to the effect to avoid the effects of Fear, Terror or Horror.
- Feign Death
- Base: PC + Troubadour (requires Acting)
- Experience Multiple: 200
- Cost: 1 Strain
- Reflex Action or Free Act
- The Liberator may use illusory magic to exaggerate their wounds or state of health and convincingly portray their death. They roll percentile dice and adds their PC + Troubadour Rank + Rank in Feign Death to create a deception total. Any observer must beat this target by rolling percentiles and adding their Perception + Enhanced Vision to penetrate the illusion. Those that fail are convinced. If they attempt to test this by stabbing the body then they automatically miss but believe they have delivered a coup de grace. The effect lasts for a number of minutes equal to their Rank. Feign Death may be used repeatedly by making another deception total, but lower values are ignored.
Third Circle
- Escape Artist
- Base: MD + Troubadour (requires Contortionist)
- Experience Multiple: 250
- Cost: 1 Strain per 30 minutes
- 30 minutes (+30 minutes per 10 point bonus)
- Escape Artist allows the Liberator to escape from bonds around his hands or feet by gradually straining against them and using extraordinary flexibility to slip his wrists or ankles from openings too small to wriggle out of normally. To escape twine or string, they must Break 100 + MD + Troubadour Rank + Escape Artist Rank. If rope is used, 10 is subtracted from the result, if iron shackles are used, 30 is subtracted from the result and if the shackles are magical, 40 is subtracted. If the gaoler is inexperienced, 10 is added to the result, if veteran, a further 10 is subtracted.
- The process takes 30 minutes or more, and can only be attempted once a day.
- False Binding
- Base: MD + Troubadour (requires Acting)
- Experience Multiple: 200
- Cost: -
- Pass Action
- The Liberator arranges his bindings so that they appear to be in place, mimicking the stance and movement of a bound prisoner and generates a deception test: percentiles + MD + Troubadour Rank + False Binding Rank. Anyone checking to see if the Liberator is still bound must roll percentiles + Perception + Enhanced Vision to penetrate the illusion. The DM may add bonuses if the Liberator's behaviour is not congruent with someone in chains. The illusion will last for 1 hour (+1 per Rank in False Binding)
Fourth Circle
The Liberator gains a miracle pool which holds 5 points. Each point in the Pool allows them to re-roll a Willpower Check. These points are lost from the pool and may be refilled at a cost 1000 EP per point. The DM may add miracle points if they have successfully released a prisoner from unjust durance vile or freed slaves.
Fifh Circle
The Liberator's Defence is increased by 5.
- Opening
- Range: 15 feet + 15 / Ranks
- Duration: Immediate
- Experience Multiple: 150
- Base Chance: 30%
- Resist:" Passive
- Target: Object
- Cost: 2 Strain
- 1 Magical Pass Action + 1 Cast Action
- Effects: Instantly opens any one object or portal, including those locked by Mage Lock or Rune Lock. A door or lid will have all locks unlocked and bolts undone and will become immediately open (ajar).
Sixth Circle
The Liberator's WP is increased by 5 versus Charm, Compel, Bind, seduction attempts or Bardic Voice. The capacity of his Miracle Pool increases to 6.
- Aura Mask
- Base: WP
- Experience Multiple: 250
- Cost: 1 Strain
- Pass Action
- Duration: 1 hour per Rank
- Aura Mask allows a Liberator to conceal their nature from mundane and magical detection by wrapping themselves in illusion. They must roll percentiles + WP + Aura Mask Rank. Whenever an attempt is made to Detect Aura, the DM rolls percentiles + Perception + Rank in Enhanced Vision. If this does not beat the deception test, the talent will only reveal they are but a lowly wretch with no magic or unusual abilities.
Seventh Circle
The Liberator's Magic Resistance is increased by 5.
- Cry Freedom
- Base: WP + Troubadour (Bardic Voice)
- Experience Multiple: 300
- Cost: 4 Strain
- Free Act
- Duration: End of the Pulse
- This battle shout affects 1 target per Rank in Troubadour and Cry Freedom. It reduces their Strike Chance and Defence by 5 for every 5 combined Ranks
Eighth Circle
The Liberator may use his Miracle Pool to resist or use Charm, Compel, Bind, seduction attempts or Bardic Voice. The capacity of his Miracle Pool increases to 7.
- Lion Heart
- Base: WP + Troubadour (Bardic Voice)
- Experience Multiple: 300
- Cost: 1 Strain
- 2 Pass Actions
- 1 minute per Rank
- Having gotten to know his targets previously, the Liberator may replace the WP value of 1 entity per Rank in Lion Heart with his WP + Rank in Troubadour + Rank in Lion Heart versus Fear, Terror or Horror for the duration.
Ninth Circle
The Liberator's Initiative is increased by his Circle number.
- Divine Escape
- Base: PC
- Experience Multiple: 350
- Cost: 1 Strain
- 30 minutes
- An imprisoned or trapped Liberator may use the Divine Escape ability to determine the best way out of their confinement. They must meditate for 30 minutes and at the end of that time receive a vague mental impression of the escape route and when, within the next Rank in Divine Escape hours would be the best time to make the attempt.
Tenth Circle
The Liberator gains a Vengeance Pool of 30 points. He may increase this pool by 5 points at a cost of 1 EN which may be bought back in the usual way. This pool may not be increased more than once per adventure or season, whichever is least, and the cost doubles each time..
The Liberator may use his Miracle Points to re-roll any attack or resistance roll.
- Revenge
- Base: EN + WP
- Experience Multiple: 350
- Cost: 2 Strain
- 1 Cast Action
- 1 day per Rank
- Whenever the Liberator takes damage, they may store it in their Vengeance Pool and this requires a Reflex Action. This does not prevent the Liberator from taking the damage, but they may return the damage to the one who inflicted it upon them when they are adjacent to them, and this requires a Cast Action. The Liberator rolls percentiles and adds EN + WP + Rank in Revenge. If this Breaks 100, the target must make a successful MR Check or take the damage.
- The Liberator may hold the damage in their Vengeance Pool for 1 day per Rank in this ability. Damage taken which is greater than the size of their Vengeance Pool is lost. Only one entity may by the target of the Revenge at a time. The Vengeance Pool may be gradually increased over a period of time, it is not necessary to take a lot of damage in a single event.
- Cower
- Base: AG + Troubadour (requires Contortionist)
- Cost: -
- Pass Action
- 1 minute per Rank
- The Liberator may use illusory magic to subtly alter reality so that they hide behind things much smaller than themselves: a cobble stone, a cockroach, a waste paper basket. The Liberator makes a deception test by rolling percentiles and adding AG + Troubadour Rank + Cower Rank. If a potential observer does not exceed the test by rolling PC + Enhanced Vision Rank, then they remain undiscovered. If a searcher actually lifts up or removes the thing that Liberator is hiding behind, reality asserts itself and they shoot up out of nowhere. The searchers can do nothing until they take a Pass Action to gasp.
Special Abilities
Deep Breath
Range: Self
Duration: MA Pulses
Effects: The Adept does not begin to suffer the effects of anoxia until the duration ends. It may be cast underwater, but not again until they have taken another breath.
Spectral Warrior - Improved Damage Capacity
Effects: The amount of combined EN + FT of the Spectral Warrior generated by the Adept's Rank is doubled.
Cost: 750 Experience.
Constraints: Unracks the spell, reduces FT value by 1.
Spectral Warrior - Enhanced Damage
Effects: This incantation of Spectral Warrior changes the Damage equation to 1 rollup D10 (+1 per Rank) . An extra rollup D10 is added at Rank 10, and another at Rank 20.
Cost: 1000 Experience.
Constraints: Unracks the spell, reduces FT value by 2.
The Appreciation of Beauty
Experience Factor: 200
Effects: By visiting places where great art is displayed or attending performances of surpassing grace and wonder, an adventurer may be deeply moved by the experience so that, at a later time, they will be able to draw upon their recollection and find the fortitude to shrug off the twisted and insidious blandishments of Horrors and their ilk.
The Experience Factor of this particular exhibition is 200, and the viewer multiplies this number by the Rank they wish to know it at. The maximum Rank is 20.
If they should be attacked by such things that the DM believes the recollection of art may be of use, then the adventurer may spend the points until there are none left, each point providing a 5 point bonus to resist effects which target their personality, spirit or will. This takes no Action, but must be declared before they have made the die roll.
If this appreciation has not been used before the next solstice or equinox, the binder recovers 20% of the Experience spent. This keeps happening unless they invoke it or until they recover 80% of their initial expenditure, whichever comes first.
20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 | 15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 |
10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 |
The Gift of Jing Wei
Gnashdar has heard the song of Jing Wei, a great power of the east. This has raised his MA & FT by 2, exceeding personal and, if high enough, racial limits. His Magic Rsistance is permanently reduced by 5.