Quest Level

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POTENTIAL AWARD: 0-1500 EP / Session

This category is awarded based solely on the difficulty and complexity of the quest. The adjudged level of difficulty and risk should be announced at the beginning of the quest and the Game-master should endeavour to abide by this level. This means not making things harder when the party is able to overpower the quest and also not being easy on younger and less experienced characters when the quest seems too tough for them.


0 EP Very Low Level
The characters will be confronted with little personal risk, with death unlikely, low ability opponents, e.g. animals, low experience NPC's. Problems will have readily obtainable solutions with little, low Rank magic involved.
300 EP Low Level
The characters will be confronted with some personal risk with opponents of some ability, e.g. humanoid monsters, NPC's with some experience. Problems will have obtainable solutions with some low Rank magic and a little, medium Rank magic involved.
600 EP Medium Level
The characters will be confronted with definite personal risk, and possible death, with opponents of equal ability, e.g. lesser undead, monsters, experienced NPC's. Problems will require thought and include magic, though little magic above medium Rank.
900 EP High Level
The characters will be confronted with high personal risk, including the likelihood of death, with tough opponents, e.g. greater undead, devils, very experienced mages. Problems will be difficult and involve much magic and/or ingenuity, but not entirely high Rank magic.
1200 EP Very High Level
The characters will be confronted with death, possibly irresurrectable, with very tough opponents, e.g. powerful groups, individual dragons or Powers. Problems will require thought, ingenuity and magic to solve and will involve any (and probably all) magic.
1500 EP Extreme Level (Certain Death or World-Saving)
The characters will be confronted with almost certain death, probably irresurrectable, with virtually unbeatable opponents, e.g. groups of Powers, Empires. Problems will be all but unsolvable and will involve any and all magic plus stuff not readily possible within the rules.

To assist in helping you determine the level of your character there are spreadsheets available to help you.