Plane of Elemental Earth
The Elemental Plane of Earth is believed to be the source of all earth and earth related magic.
Most of what is known about this plane is regarded as hearsay and rumour by respected philosophers as it is based on questioning creatures of earth summoned to mortal planes.
Visits to this plane by mortals is suspected to be nigh-impossible as it would require the ability to live within earth.
It is theorised that it may be possible for mortals to visit quasi-elemental planes that border the Elemental Plane of Earth or possible the borders of the Elemental plane itself.
Related Planes
Earth Nexus
The Earth Nexus is belived to be a sub-plane, shadow-plane, or quasi-Elemental plane of Earth. It is reportedly the place where earth affected by the Spell of Tunneling goes while the spell is in effect.
Report/Warning from a Guild Air Mage
Braegon has a "last resort escape route" that transports people to here. It is inimical to air mages, they will die within minutes. When earth mages use the tunnelling spell the material evacuated from Alusia is transported here for the duration of the spell. So observers in this plane see huge pillars of material appear and disappear. Braegon's method of getting back to Alusia is tied up with these tunnelling mounds.