While being another plane of existence, the Microverse is also a pocket universe inside the Alusian plane.
The originally discovered portal into the Microverse was located [???] was the size of an ant tunnel (or was down an ant tunnel) requiring the use of super strength shrinking potions.
Other portals exist that do not require this -- either they take care of the problem, or the condition only existed because of the physical size and location of the first portal.
There are a number of areas and nations within the Microverse including the Zyrgss, an Elven kingdom, and France [pron (approx): Fronz] sometime incorrectly thought to be a separate plane, (see To Catch a Thief).
It was in the Microverse that the demon Istu was trapped -- inside a flying city -- and watched over by a Balrog who would challenge people to games of chess (and cheat).
Earliest scribe notes for the area do not appear to exist. There is some information in: [Skystone Heist].