Menglana revenge

Adventure: Menglana's Revenge
GM: Jono
Season: ~Summer 824 WK
Night: Starting Monday at 6:30pm on the 20th of November 2023 at Jono's place (dress warm).
Area: The Kingdom of Ibanvaal in the region of Ivinia.
Level: High
Info: Information from players for Jono
House Rules: Jono Quickness and Slowness
- Ragnfríðr Yngvarrsdóttir (Ragna) played by Kelsie.
- Boris the Minotaur by Michael Haycock.
- Mungo the humble played by Michael McFadden. - Party Leader
- Hagan played by Michael Parkinson.
- Morgan Lafayette played by Michael Young. - Scribe and Military Scientist
- Starflower played by Jacqui and encountered along the way.
Current events
- An unnatural alliance of Ice Giants, faithless rogues & warriors from Menglana, Men of the Sea, Destinian's, Southern Pirate's led by a powerful band of Fae, has won a battle outside of Harling, and captured Jaro son of King Osidar and other significant clan members.
- This was done by turning many brave warriors into pigs and making many others fall asleep.
- Runes read by Arngerth Gythja of Hel show many things -
- It whispers of Dagenborg falling to this horde, without the aid of Heroes.
- The Gythja gates are closed and barred from the inside, by the heroes of the Order of the V'hirahn.
- A non-human creature with skills and the arts of Gythja, with no previous given loyalties will come to aid.
- Ragna will return.
- The night sky speaks of many things -
- The return of the Great Heart's blood kin will turn the waters of hate.
- The titan of unnatural size has many faces.
- Those behind these troubles wish for a free Menglana, and have the blessings of the Order of the V'hirahn (Loki's servents).
- Those that rule the southern tides wish with all their heart & minds that Queen Isabella will hold the Don's to account. Let blood rule the waves.
Arngerth Gythja, Priestess of Hel - Agent of King Osidar Dagen of Kingdom of Ibanvaal.
- 10,000 gold pennies (120,000sp) in coin of the Western Kingdom realm.
- Training in rare magic or melee
- Rescue Ragnfríðr Yngvarrsdóttir
- Defeat the army of Queen Isabella.
- Secure the release of captured clan members.
- Rescue Jaro son of King Osidar
After meeting our party employer Arngerth Gythja, a young priestess of Hel we learn that Guild Member Ragnfríðr Yngvarrsdóttir is trapped in Hel by closing of The Gythja Gates so the first task will be her rescue or recovery. Due to his local knowledge and race Mungo is the natural choice as Party Leader (Primary Melee). Morgan is Military Scientist and Party Scribe. Morgan to swap between his Primary Melee and Blast/Support spell casting roles as required. Boris's role is Healer/Secondary Melee, Hagan's is Blast/Support Mage and Ragna in Healer/Support role???
Assorted discussion, planning, rumour mongering and twiddling of thumbs.
We spend a week obtaining scrolls, invested items buffs and rituals.
- Fire Armour from Lady Flamis
- Strength of Stone, Lesser Enchantment, Tunnelling, Trollskin, Smoking Magma, Walls of Iron and Waybread from Lady Callis
- Greater Enchantment from Rodrego the Mayor of Seagate
And so it begins
We head to Turf's Seagate residence to ask for his aid in contacting Lady Syrene the Keeper of the Great Heart. Turf isn't home however his servants are able to facilitate our arrival at Lady Syrene's encampment. We are now somewhere in the Kingdom of Ibanvaal near Pelby. Lady Syrene's camp is busy with assorted factions including some of Lady Syrene's allies and various factions of Queen Isabells's unnatural alliance. I recognise several Destinian Dons or their diplomats indicating that several Destinian factions are present. I attempt to remain disguised so open warfare does not erupt between myself and the Destinian's. There may well be Destinian factions here that will assist us provided we are not forced to kill them before we can identify them.
We have a brief meeting with Lady Syrene where we learn that she is being blackmailed into supporting the attack on Dagenburg and the Kingdom of Ivanvaal as her niece Lady Abigail Sueden has been kidnapped by Queen Isabella, her agents or string pullers. No one is quite sure who is charming whom and who the puppet masters are in this unnatural alliance bearing down on Dagenburg. Mongo assures Lady Syrene that he will rescue her niece and save the day. Upon such assurances Lady Syrene agrees to rescue Ragna from Hel despite the Gythja gates being closed. Some buffs are cast upon us.
A number of Lady Syrene's captains escort us to various rendezvous with her allies and attempt to persuade us to confront the Destinians. However it's too early to reveal our hand and we decline their requests at this time. Matt Tumbledown the Titan turns up with Ragna who he has had recovered from Hel and loans her to us. We attempt to bring Ragna up to date with what's going on. Some buffs are cast upon us.
We agree to escort a Seer and her son to Dagenburg where she will seek to identify Queen Isabella's spies. The Seer also persuades us to go see the Dragon Orm the unwise, an ally of King Osidar Dagen of Ibanvaal. While in Dagenburg we will set up some Bone Circles (Boris's Necromantic Portals) in a local graveyard for future use. We Shadow Wing to Dagenburg were the Seer and her son set off into town while we do Bone Circles. Guards turn up and escort us into Dagenburg to meet King Osidar Dagen as we complete Boris's Bone Circle. The fortress is busy preparing for the arrival of Queen Isabella's invading army. Dozens of Hel priestess greet Ragna, soldiers practice their weapon skills while assorted tradesmen and citizens make equipment or strengthen fortifications. We see the Seer and her son talking to people in Dagenburg. A short audience with King Osidar to inform him of our arrival and our upcoming visit to Dragon Orm the Unwise. He welcomes my suggestion to attempt to destroy the fleet of ships being built by Queen Isabella's army nearby which should delay the siege and attack on Dagenburg or make supply of Queen Isabella's army more difficult.
As expected the visit to the metallic dragon is largely unwise. He likes King Osidar, dislikes Jaro (kings son), gives us crystal to resurrect the Seer whom apparently has been killed in our absence. While the dragon dreams the party rests after I counterspell 3 exploding Spectral Warriors (who were they targeting...) lurking outside the dragons lair (hillside of iron). Dragon Dream reveals beatiful men and women to attack us.
We plan
After resting the party discuss our next move.
- Resurrect Seer
- Destroy the enemy fleet
- Rescue Lady Syrene's niece from Brogar Island, the fortress of Pelyn
- Assassinate enemy leaders
The "Tusks of Edrolyin" rumoured to have done bad things to people who attack the Island through magic.
We decide to use the nearby Bone Circle to return to Dagenborg to check if they are working. Ground mist covers everything other than the dragons hill. Two layers of cloud above the mist. Suspicious. As we shadow wing towards the graveyard where our Bone Circle lies we spot various troop movements around the village where we set up our Bone Circle and groups heading towards the dragons hill. Scouts, main force travelling under 4 canopies (probably Vampires or the like), prisoners (some look familiar) with guards and baggage train. We return to the dragons hill and drop a crystal ball onto the prisoner group. Some of the prisoners are allies of Ragna and Mongo, others are dwarves (likely allies) and humans (potential allies). It seems likely that they are coming here to attack us, the dragon or both. We look at the nearby sacrificial alters and decide the prisoners days are likely numbered. We quickly decide to attempt their rescue and buff up. A quick strike in the mist under Darkness, kill the guards, shadow wing or carry the prisoners away before reinforcements arrive.
First Strike
As we fly in I notice signs that we are not alone up here. Their is something flying in the vicinity, however I don't spot it (likely invisible and out of Witchsight range). We approach the prisoner group from the rear, I drop Darkness onto as many as I can and Mongo and I land in the Darkness and start attacking. Ragna and Boris attack outside the Darkness. It's immediately apparent that there are more guards here than we had spotted previously including a Gryphon. Clearly they were outside our Witchsight range and shrouded from our sight. We have surprise and are attacking from their rears however a number of automatic attacks attempt to Entangle us in chains. Fortunately we resist entanglement at this stage. Each guard has a chain around their waist linked to three prisoners waists. Doesn't bode well, sure enough our attacks get banded off to the prisoners. Mongo and I both drop a prisoner in our Surprise Attack leaving our opponents unharmed. Boris attacks the Gryphon but even with rear and surprise fails to hit it. All our opponents have massive Defence. Clearly we aren't going to win this fight through melee. Time to improvise. I trigger Smothering Darkness while Mongo cuts the chain from his opponent to 3 prisoners. Time to bug out and attack from the air. One of the Entangle attacks against me gets lost in the darkness. Enemy attacks narrowly miss me as I withdraw into the air, another opponent grenado's me with sort of flaming attack that only effects me but it just reduces my Fire Armour. We all get airborne safely. A number of guards and prisoners drop into unconsciousness in the Smothering Darkness.
Second Strike
As we regroup in the air the 9 enemy not unconscious detach themselves from their prisoners, cast and move to a Wall of Stone (with moss on top?). They also have some sort of Dispel Magic Grenado's which they have used to remove my Darkness and Smothering Darkness. Hagan and I fly past and cast Kiss of the Void and Fire down on the Gryphon wounding it. Ragna casts her version of Noxious Vapours down on them. The opposition have been fighting back, mostly with Diamond Tipped Javelins and Enchanted Flying Daggers which for the most part have been harmless.
Mongo and Boris land at the original combat site to dispatch unconscious guards, loot and get prisoners in some state to fly to safety. However when Boris kills one of the guards he is Death Cursed and is now blind. Our attempts to kill our opponents mostly ceases. We must win without killing the enemy. Starflower in her drake form breathes her Mental Attack breath weapon over them. Great start! Did I mention that Starflower joined the party whilst we were airborne? Apparently the SAG sent her reinforce us as we need a Mind Mage according to SAG astrology readings and portaled her nearby on her Flame Wings. Mongo gets jumped from behind by one of the mages in my original Smothering Darkness now awake (prisoners too) and whom should have stuck to spell casting as he can't hit Mongo despite having surprise and rear. Mongo turns and kills him. Surprise, surprise Mongo is now BLIND (Death Curse and Stupidest Adventurer Award). Hagan is wounded by the last remaining Enchanted Flying Dagger and breaks off his attacks and heads for the party healers.
I drop Smothering Darkness over the 9 huddling by the Wall of Stone, dropping one of the enemy. I continue to buzz our opponents to keep them focused on me while the party get the prisoners healed and ready to depart the scene. I drop Shadow Wings on prisoners as I buzz the enemy who are down to 6 (3 now unconscious or Mental Attacked). Two prisoners are now using Mongo and Boris as mounts. Soon the prisoners are all Flame/Shadow Winged or mounted and we depart. Good timing as the enemy have used Dispel Magic Grenado's to remove our Noxious Vapours and Smothering Darkness.
First Escape
As we are flying at different speeds with two of us blind, remaining grouped becomes difficult so we return to Orm the Unwise in the hope that he can remove the Death Curse and to warn him that he may be under attack as we don't know the target of the nearby enemy forces. We have rescued ??? prisoners, ??? Dwarves and ??? Humans (???). The humans are the remains of a group that Mongo and Ragna tasked with holding ??? Pass from all comers until they relieved them. Then Mongo and Ragna forgot all about them. ??? years later the ??? survivors of this group were captured by the people we rescued them from. The Dwarves are from ??? and were captured ???.
Orm the Unwise does indeed have a quick means of removing the Death Curse from Boris and Mongo. It just involves being shut in together in a large coffin! After some wailing and gnashing of teeth Mongo climbs in with Boris (apparently Necroes don't have problems with coffins) and we shut the lid. The party rest while I keep watch for approaching enemies and take the Dwarves to the entrance to equip them with spare weapons and armour lying about. After a few hours the curses are removed, Shadow Wings cast and we all fly to Dagenburg. Orm the Unwise gave Starflower a ring (which she intends to divinate before putting on).
As predicted the Seeress and her son have been murdered in our absence, however with the crystal Orm the Unwise gave us they are soon resurrected. Some enemy spies in Dagenburg are identified and arrested. The prisoners we rescued are all healed and equipped now and will be accompanying us. The expanded party??? go in search of Matt Tumbledown who apparently has some means of knowing when people are looking for him and can arrange to be quickly found. We find him just north west of Dagenburn. Apparently Matt knows someone whom can protect us from the charms of the succubi/incubi and takes us one at a time to some meeting spot on top of some mountain. After a few cold hours atop this mountain Matt turns up with Charm ??? who paints various parts of our bodies with symbols to foil the demonic seducers. We are now on top of Mt. ??? and considerably closer to Brogar Island, the fortress of Pelyn, where the niece of Lady Syrene is being held (assuming she hasn't been moved recently).
Close Encounters
Matt Tumbledown teleports the party closer to Brogar Island and we find out why you don't teleport around here in large groups. We end up somewhere being attacked by those beings lost in mana storms??? and a short brutal fight breaks out before Matt moves us clear. We are now within flying distance of our target. Matt departs to do whatever Titans do when they are not delivering parties to their next hazardous adventure.
We now find out why flying near the Northern Lights is so hazardous, particularly to those with modest flying skill. After a tiring flight with multiple collisions and close encounters with sea, tree and rock we find out why the locals travel by ship! We land on ??? Island, within sight of the fortress of Pelyn on Brogar Island. Avoiding the locals we rest up and magically scout our target. After some crystal ball scrying and lashing of precogs we determine that going in the same way as the previous party will be fatal. Fortunately I had spotted a path leading nowhere and as most paths leading nowhere this one led to secret tunnel and sea cave entrance on the eastern side of the island. Just have to sneak past the Basilisks and bargin with the Succubus. Easy peasy...
We rest and wait for night fall. After buffing we fly to the entrance of the sea cave and land without incident. We sneak past the basilisks after some nervous moments and leave some skin behind as we force ourselves through narrow passages. Confronting the succubus on guard Starflower negotiates a deal where we take out three succubi with their efreeti guards further up the pecking heap in return for 3 keys and some information about our objective. Mention of a Djinn in a bottle was made (lost in a lake apparently). Two of the keys are for doors and one for an unidentified lockbox or similar. We make our way into a chamber where dark and bloody events had happened if the sacrificial alter was anything to go by.
The portal out of here involved a shattered mirror that appeared to go to several locations. One was underwater (discounted). One to a vaulted corridor with circular stairs at the end going up. One other??? We took the mirror to the corridor, one at a time. Using the mirror dropped our shadow/darkness buffs and was like crawling across broken glass with much bleeding involved. As the party emerged bloody from the mirror portal sounds of doors and footsteps came from the stairwell. The party set an ambush in the corridor in favourable conditions. I delayed my portal to appear behind enemy, blocking their retreat. Wasn't perfect but should be adequate. Two succubus and two efreeti guards entered the corridor an made their way to a cell door. Was about then that we noticed that at least one of the cells was occupied! We sprung our ambush. I had hoped to block off the stairwell with Starlight Wall to prevent their retreat and dampen sounds of combat however Mongo jumped the gun and attacked before I could action my plan.
A short, sharp and bloody combat broke out with TK Rage cones, severed limbs flying as the two succubus and their guards were cut down. Unfortunately instead of dying and being sent back to hell or other plane of origin inky black clouds of magical stuff went flying up the stairs. There seems to be some sort of soul trapping device operating nearby. Pity I didn't get that Starlight Wall off...
The occupied cells contained Lady Abagale Sueden and a weird cone pillar like creature similar to a Roper (DA ???). After some quick negotiation we persuaded Lady Abagale and the creature that we were there to rescue her/them and proceeded upstairs. Expecting an ambush at every turn we were somewhat surprised to find the place empty and abandoned. Dust and cobwebs plus signs of a hasty departure. Another broken mirror portal lay in the main hall. As we had rescued Lady Abagale it was decided to Shadow Wing out and we gathered at a shattered large window. It was about then that we WERE ambushed, just after the weird cone creature had departed via the mirror.
Two succubi backstabbed Mongo and Boris, two djinn guards flew in thru the window. Big wounds were quickly made in all but Starflower and I. Other unidentified enemy closed in from outside. Plan B was quickly implemented as we decided to escape via the nearby broken mirror portal. I sealed the broken window with a quick Starlight Wall and the party started withdrawing to the location with the table legs and best lighting. Blows were exchanged, things were looking grim until the traitor succubus appeared from below and demanded that they let us go. We quickly departed via the mirror, attempting to knock it over as we left.
Out of the frying pan...
We found ourselves bleeding heavily in a tent with 3 Destinians (playing cards and unaware of us) presumably within the Destianian camp near Lady Syrenes encampment. We had the drop on them however we were in no condition to start a fight with an unknown number of Destianians. Then they noticed us and got to their feet. Violence was avoided as I plonked a bottle of booze on their table and told them we were just leaving. Discretion being the better part of valour they thanked us for the drinks and we departed. We were indeed within the Destinian camp on the edge of Lady Syrenes encampment. The mysterious cone creature was making a poor attempt at hiding in the woods. We started downhill heading for Lady Syrenes tent, patching our wounds and gathering her guards as we went. Layers of protocol started happening and we went with the flow until we realised that we hadn't had an opportunity to confirm that the person we HAD rescued WAS Lady Abigail Sueden, Lady Syrenes niece! As we entered the tent where she was preparing for being reunited with her aunt she realized that her deception was about to be revealed. She dropped her cup which turned out to be a mirror shard and a Black Grenado (Fail you next saving throw) on the party. She departed via the mirror and I neutralized the Black Grenado by triggering Quickness on the party. We quickly decided to follow her via the mirror as I gave quick instructions to 'loosely secure' the mysterious cone creature and secure the camp to the startled diplomat who had been attending me. We WILL be back with the REAL Lady Abigail shortly!
Travel through the mirror shard took us to a weird place that from what I can gather appeared differently to each individual. Basically it was a tower, open to the sky with a circular platform suspended by 5 chains that disappeared somewhere into the sky above. In the centre of the platform was a stone statue that we decided was a petrified Lady Abigail Sueden. Below was mist. A number of walkways within and without the tower were connected by passageways and stairs. I saw the tower as being made from darkness. Others saw the walls as stone. My take on the location was that it was a portal, probably between Hel and Valhalla.
Located on walkways above us were a number (4-6?) of efreeti guards and elementals (earth or darkness, depending on the viewer) looking upwards. A basilisk was hanging off the tower wall above us. The succubus that we were chasing had climbed up one of the chains and was approximately 90 feet above. Mungo leapt straight into combat with an efreeti guard and cut him down while he was distracted. His 'soul' rushed off along the walkway and out a passage. We were still within range of the soul jar apparently. Boris and Ragna concentrated on grabbing the 'statue' of Lady Abigail while I pursued the succubus. I wanted answers and she had them. Hopefully she would be concentrated on me and ignore the statue-napping. Mongo and the others would kill or distract the remaining enemy forces. Things were going to plan until I made the mistake of catching up with the succubus. Turns out my giant strength was no match for her titan strength! My feeble hand to hand blows and poisonous bite barely slowed her down. She brutally stabbed me 4 out of six times with her poisoned daggers and suddenly I had my more poison in my bloodstream than could be found at a drow wedding! She was just about due for a repeat performance when I time-stopped out of there and got as far from her as possible. Note to future self. Don't get in close combat with a succubus, particularly when she is baiting you.
Mungo and the others had taken down the second efreeti and the basilisk whist dodging the elementals. Despite my warning to just run the elementals around as they moved very slowly and would be brutal in melee, Mongo and Boris decided to mix it with an elemental. After the elemental quickly almost murdered both of them they decided retreat was a GREAT idea. In the mean time it had become apparent that we had attracted attention from both ends of the portal gate and angry spirits were welling up from below whilst Valkyries were descending from above. TIME TO LEAVE. We exited the tower interior and Shadow Wing off into the night sky with our petrified prize whilst quickly patching up the BIG holes the enemy had made in our anatomies. We still had a lot of unanswered questions but we did have Lady Abigail Sueden, even if she was a bit statuesque. We evaded pursuit even if Ragna's bone sphere was working overtime.
We handed over Lady Abigail to her aunt who assured us that she could restore her niece after a divination or two. In the mean time Lady Syrenes had some unwelcome Destinian guests she wanted to be rid of. Whilst she was arranging the removal of her guests we tracked down the mysterious cone creature that we had rescued earlier. It was doing a much better job of hiding in the woods than previously and was giving Lady Syrenes scouts a much harder job of keeping track of. Apparently if you closed one eye when looking at it then it's attempts to blend into the woods were somewhat thwarted. Using my Dark Speech we were able to start a conversation with the creature. Apparently it had been captured and traded around by few slavers before ending up with the demonic forces. When communication became difficult it would concoct a vision from ingredients it found nearby in the forest into a paste which when tasted gave me a vision of what it was trying to tell us. It was grateful for being rescued and was willing to assist us. It could disrupt or mask Mind magics amongst other things (Illusions???).
Into the fire
After some party discussion we decide that killing or exposing the imposter Queen Isabella is our next task. With our rescue of Lady Abigail the hold over Lady Syrene is broken. Soon after she clears her camp of her unwelcome Destinian blackmailers she receives a summons from Queen Isabella to attend her and explain herself. Apparently the Destinians are upset over Lady Syrenes actions and are demanding justice. The party agrees to accompany Lady Syrene amongst her bodyguard and attempt of assassinate Queen Isabella at her trial. After further discussion with Lady Syrenes spy mistress, Matt Tumbledown and advisors we form some plans which Starflower uses for Limited Precogs.
The best course of action involves Mongo sending a message to the giants to meet him for a parlay on ??? Tor. This means that the giants will be absent from the assassination attempt. Mongo can parlay with the giants afterwards. Ragna meets with the Sea Folk faction where we learn that they are also in Queen Isabellas army under duress. Queen Isabella is using the threat of unleashing her 3 Sea Hags on the Sea Folk to compel them to serve in her army. We agree to slay the 3 Sea Hags (We will likely be fighting the 3 Sea Hags anyway) if they sink the Destinian flagship out in the harbour with Water Magic rituals. This should draw some of the Destinians away from our assassination attempt to investigate or at least dilute their strength. With the 3 Sea Hags gone the Sea Folk can leave Queen Isabellas army. Limited Precogs indicate that trying to assassinate Queen Isabella in her tent will go poorly as she has a corrupted Powers of Light Artefact there which would slay Ragna and Boris, possibly other of us. Making our attempt as Lady Syrenes fronts for her summons appears to be the best way to go.
The plan is for Matt Tumbledown to teleport the party in once Lady Syrene formally breaks ties with Queen Isabella. Our new Cone Head friend will mask the parties intentions hopefully giving us surprise on the Queen and her loyal allies, many who she has charmed using her Staff of Transformations. A few TK Rages, a cold iron net and some serious violence by the party Warriors should drop the Queen and do serious damage to any of her allies nearby. Once the Queen is dead we can slay the 3 Sea Hags and anyone else that insists on fighting for the imposter. We know that the Destinian allies are charmed with Mind Counters in place so a Starlight Wall will keep them contained hopefully long enough for the assassination to succeed. Loudly proclaiming Queen Isabella as imposter and usurper may also make some of those present hesitate to see what unfolds.
Our diversions and advanced planning makes our job relatively easy. TK Rages and Starlight Walls remove or contain her minions long enough for Mongo, Boris, Ragna and I to slay the Queen who is reduced to spirit form and shoots into her nearby tent. It seems that the Soul Jar effect that we have been encountering with the Succubi and Djinn is one of the effects of the corrupted Powers of Light Artefact we had attempted to avoid. The corrupted Powers of Light Artefact attempted to suck Ragna into it when she stayed within range and Starflower had to use her TK tentacles to pull Ragna clear. Boris wisely backed away and went to confronted the 3 Sea Hags that came boiling out of their nearby salt water pools. I had dropped a Smothering Darkness within the Starlight Wall to blind and knockout the Destinians and then we concentrated on taking out the Sea Hags and their animated constructs of sea flotsam and dead things. I Kissed a Hag slaying her outright and destroying her construct. Boris brutally deconstructed one of their abominations and then slew the Hag. Boris and Mongo quickly cut down the last remaining Hag before I could Kiss her. The fight was over apart from some verbal diarrhoea from the Destinians who wisely decided that discretion was the better part of valour and withdrew. Time for some serious looting!
I circled the corrupted Powers of Light Artefact with a Wall of Iron and then used a Jug of Endless Liquid Stone provided by Lady Syrene to fill the interior of the Wall of Iron with rapidly hardening stone. Our looting of the imposters tent included below.
Last Rites
After much thumb twiddling the party eventually decide to locate and free prisoners taken in the Battle of Harling including Prince Jaro. Matt Tumbledown evacuated Lady Syrene and her guards and would find us later. Having determined that they were being held in a pit at the edge of the camp we snuck through the camp taking advantage of the confusion. We arrived at the pit which was boarded on one side with a cliff with two slopes leading towards the camp which mostly obscured the pit from view from the camp. There were bound to be guards up on the cliff as it provided a good lookout over the camp. The pit itself was clearly a magically created hole in the ground 30 feet deep and 60 feet square with a ramp down and surrounded by a wooden palisade. In the centre of the pit was a carved wooden totem about 40 tall carved with circles of faces all looking down into the pit. Most of the prisoners, humanoid or enswined were staring up at the faces and were clearly bedazzled or mesmerized. A few prisoners around the edges appear to so far have resisted the pit and totems effects. Approximately 10 guards were having an argument near the palisade gate at the top of the ramp.
After much mindless dithering we worked out Prince Jaro was one of a group of five pigs and set about rescuing them. My Smothering Darkness and Starlight Wall blinded and immobilized the pit gate guards. Boris used Bone Construction to access and Warp Wood to neutralize the totem. Then it was merely a matter of opening the pit gate and avoiding being trampled by the escaping pigs. The party cut the five pigs from the escaping pigs and stuck them in a cart acquired by Mongo from a nearby tent. The humanoid prisoners were abandoned to make their own escape once they overcame their mesmerisation, which did appear to be happening. We then walked the cart to an empty part of the camp as if we owned the place and found a place to lurk. I snuck up a nearby hill to provided overwatch until Matt Tumbledown appeared to transport us away to Dagenburg. There was much rejoicing and wound licking as it took three or four days to recover from close encounters with the Northern Lights.
Daily pattern
How much time does the party spend sleeping, eating, traveling, doing rituals, etc each day
Travel Magics
What travel magic options does the party have, how far per cast/or per day if duration is longer than usual travel time. Can the party eat/sleep/etc on the mode of transport.
Starflower - Wings of the Phoenix Rk 6 Starflower - Mental Leap Rk 10 line of sight teleport 11 miles
Watch Order
Day Watch. Used when stationary, or on a larger transport such as a ship
First - ??
Second - ??
Third - ??
Night watch
First - ??
Second - ??
Third - ??
Marching Order
Skirmish Formations (Front) | ||
Double File | Single File |
General Buff Notes
Buffs listed in the table don't need to be detailed, other buffs not on the table must be mentioned at the time they are cast.
Y means always on, N/- means never on, 'Sit.' means when the party has time for buffs before a fight.
Weapon Spells which weapon/s it is going on normally should be noted also
Long & short duration buffs
Magic | Rk | Effects | Dur | Mun | Rug | Bor | Hag | Star | Mor | Minions |
Shadow Form with Mind Cloak | 21 | + 44 def | 12 Hours | Y | Y | Y | Y | N | Y | Y |
Strength of Darkness | 21 | +12 STR | 3.67 Hours | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y |
Witchsight | 21 | See Invisible etc. 150' Open Sky/75' Elsewhere | 11 Hours | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y |
Mind Speech (SF) | 12 | mental communication (on plane) | 3 Hours | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? |
Disguise Illusion (SF) | 10 | change the target's appearance, voice, clothing | 11 hours | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? |
Illusionary Aura (SF) | 8 | change the target's aura - 9 words | 9 days | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? |
Skulding (Mung) | 8 | +16% to melee SC | For the next battle | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y |
Ring of the Field Commanders (SF) | Item | + 10 to def, IV, SC for melee only | always on | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y |
Minotaur Buff | n/a | Within 50 foot, -5 of any SC, and +5% to melee SC | Special (Spring) | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y |
Spectral Weapon | 10 | +11% SC +4 Dam | 15 mins | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y |
Loot and Expenses
SP & other cash value loot
Significant Items
From the Imposter Queens tent:
A Jewellery Box with 6 Keys
some Bone Keys
An Armour Stand (currently empty)
A Carpet of Entrapment
Assorted weapons
A gag containing Black Mirror Shards
3 Potions
Earth Door Potion Rank 12 (On Morgan) @14000sp/potion
Earth Door
Range Special
Duration One pulse
Experience Multiple 700
Base Chance 1%
Resist Passive only
Storage Potion
Target Self
This spell will transport the Adept and Rank / 3 other entities with her up to 1 mile + 1 mile / 3 or fraction
Ranks through the Earth. At Rank 20 the range is increased to 21 miles. The Adept must be able to see their
hoped for destination or have previously visited or seen it. The other entities must be in physical contact with the Adept and all of the aspiring travellers must be in contact with the ground, although they may be on, say, the second or third floor of a building rooted in the earth. Time to travel by Earth Door is one pulse. This spell always Backfires on a roll of 100, regardless of Base Chance. If the Adept wishes to travel to a point that she cannot see or has never visited, then 30 is added to the die roll when she casts. Should the spell backfire the result is entirely up to the GM
11 pieces of Waybread, each will restore 24 Fatigue. Five minutes after eating wafer, FT will be restored as determined by Rank. The waybread will restore FT lost any means except curses. Waybread is very filling, and may be used to replace a meal without penalty. Weight is 1 oz. (2 each, balance Morgan)
- 6 rings of Trollskin- Rank 15, 118%, 55 feet range, 105 seconds, 6 charges (1 each, balance Morgan) @1875sp each/charge
- 4 rings of Tunneling- Rank 12, 99%, 17 feet range, 90 seconds duration, 3 charges (all but Mongo) @1200sp each/charge
- 2 rings of Smoking Magma- Rank 10, 90%, 75% range, 110 seconds, 6 charges (Mongo and Hagan) @1500sp each/charge
- 1 ring of Wall of Iron- Rank 10, 88%, 120 feet range, 10 minutes, 3 charges (Morgan) @1250sp each/charge
- 6 Scrolls of Armour of Earth- Rank 20, 133%, 10 feet range, 10.5 hours (1 each, balance Morgan) @1000sp each/scroll
- 20 Scrolls of Strength of Stone- Rank 20, 133%, 10 feet range, 21 hours (3 each, balance Morgan) @1000sp each/scroll
Minor Items
Summer | ||||||||||||||
Moonday | Duesday | W'ansday | Th'rsday | Frysday | Reapsday | Sunday | ||||||||
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Beltane | |||||||||||||
Meadow (1) | ||||||||||||||
1 | Guild Meeting | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | White Lotus | 6 | Seagate Light Festival | ||||||
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7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | |||||||
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14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | The Castellan Borderers Ball | 20 | ||||||
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21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | Seagate Crafters Ball | 27 | ||||||
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28 | 29 | 30 | |||||||||||
Heat (2) | ||||||||||||||
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | Seagate Guildmasters Ball | ||||||||||
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5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | Seagate Races | 11 | The Duke of Carzala's Summer Ball | |||||
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12 | 13 | 14 | Midsummers Eve (Faerie Day) |
15 | Solstice | 16 | 17 | Seagate Summer Fair Day | 18 | Seagate Summer Fair Day | |||
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19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | The Castellan of Brastor's Summer Ball | 25 | ||||||
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26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | |||||||||
Breeze (3) | ||||||||||||||
1 | 2 | |||||||||||||
![]() |
3 | Day of Death | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | ||||||
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10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | |||||||
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17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | |||||||
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24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 |