Magic Training

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The special knowledge spells available for each represented college are listed below. We have no representative of the colleges of Greater Summoning or Witchcraft. All General Knowledge Spells and Rituals cost 300sp each to re-learn from the Guild. The GM value quoted is the amount you will be taxed on if you learn the spell while adventuring. Spells with a price of 'never' are not part of the college and may never be learnt (eg. The spell belongs to another branch of the college).

Non-College Specific

Taught by the Namer College

Price GM Value
Names 30
GK Counterspells 1,000
SK Counterspells 2,000
Curse Removal 5,000
Geas 15,000
Major Curse QUEST 30,000


Price GM Value
1 Charming 6,000
2 Compel Speech 1,000
3 Comprehending Tongues 10,000
4 Confusion of Tongues 10,000
5 Dance of Swords 5,500
7 Enthralling Audience 5,000
8 Shout of Thunder 8,000
9 Inspirational Song 5,000
10 Satyr's Dance 5,000
11 Shell of Silence 15,000
12 Silver Tongue QUEST 25,000
13 Siren Song 12,000
14 Slumber Song 4,500
15 Whispering World 5,000
R1 Cure Deafness & Muteness 2,000
R2 Resounding Instrument 5,000
R3 Sound of Doom 20,000
R4 The Piper's Song 4,000
R Investment QUEST 100,000
R Ward 4,000

Binding and Animating

Price GM Value
1 Bubble of Force 30,000
2 Disintegration 15,000
3 Frictionless Floor 5,000
4 Instant Golem 20,000
5 Instant Petrifaction QUEST 60,000
6 Instilling Flight 10,000
7 Itemisation 8,000
8 Making 3,000
9 Matter Transmutation 15,000
10 Posses Golem 8,000
11 Unfastening 8,000
12 Wall of Dust and Sand 5,000
13 Wall Walking 20,000
R1 Binding Permanency QUEST 100,000
R2 Investment 100,000
R3 Item Divination 3,000
R4 Major Creation 5,000
R5 Shaping Iron Golems 60,000
R6 Shaping Stone Golems 40,000
R7 Shaping Wood Golems 25,000
R. Ward 5,000

Ensorcelments & Enchantments

Price GM Value
1 Ventriloquism 500
2 Bolt of Energy 3,000
3 Opening 3,000
4 Enchanted Weapon 3,000
5 Web of Entanglement 2,000
6 Mage Lock 2,000
7 Enhance Enchantment 20,000
8 Levitation 2,000
9 Enchant Armour 5,000
10 Wizard's Eye 15,000
11 Slowness 12,000
12 Quickness 30,000
R Investment 100,000
R Ward 8,000


Price GM Value
1 Animal 10,000
2 Bolt 2,000
3 Creation 5,000
4 Deep Pockets 5,000
5 Disguise 15,000
6 Euphonia 1,000
7 Hallucination 7,000
8 Heroism 5,000
9 Innocence 4,000
10 Maze 25,000
11 Metamorphosis 15,000
12 Mist 1,000
13 Multiple Images 7,500
14 Nightmare 10,000
R1 Aura 10,000
R2 Terrain 10,000
R3 Permanency 15,000
R Investment QUEST 50,000
R Ward 4,000


Price GM Value
1 Disruption 7,500
2 Force Shield 1,500
3 Healing 5,000
4 Mental Attack 2,500
5 Mind Speech 15,000
6 Phantasm 7,000
7 Telekinesis 3,000
8 Telekinetic Rage 10,000
9 Telepathy 8,000
10 Transmutation QUEST 40,000
R Ward 4,000
R Investment 100,000


Price GM Value
1 Bane 12,000
2 Banishment 2,000
3 Compel Obedience 10,000
4 Disjunction 8000
5 Dispel Magic 15,000
6 Forbidding 4,000
7 Mana Sense 3,000
8 Scry Shield 15,000
9 Spell Barrier 7,500
10 True Seeing 6,000
R1 Divination 2,000
R2 Expulsion 7,500
R3 Interregnum 7,500
R4 Remove Curse 5,000
R5 Sealing 10,000
R6 True Form 3,000
R7 True Speaking Quest 15,000
Ward 2,000
Investment 75,000

Names - Those on this list marked {I} are part of the initial list taught to Namers.


Price GM Value
1 Air Blast 4,000
2 Arrow Flight 1,500
3 Avian Control 3,000
4 Barrier of Wind 5,000
5 Conjuring Air 3,000
6 Flying 15,000
7 Gaseous Form 30,000
8 Gliding 4,000
9 Knockout Gas 10,000
10 Lightning Bolt 10,000
11 Lightning Strike 3,000
12 Resist Cold 2,000
13 Shaping Cloud 1,000
14 Whirlwind Vortex QUEST 50,000
15 Whispering Wind 5,000
16 Windstorm 20,000
17 Wind Walking 15,000
18 Ball of Lightning 7,500
19 Thunderclap 13,000
R1 Air Spring 2,500
R2 Conjuring Air Elemental 60,000
R3 Control Weather 25,000
R4 Summon & Bind Clouds 8,000
R Ward 4,000
R Investment QUEST 100,000


Dark Shadow Solar Star GM Value
1 Healing 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000
2 Create Light/Dark Sword 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500
3 Bolt of Star Fire 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000
4 Meteorite Shower 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000
5 Star/Shadow Wings 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000
6 Web of Light/Dark 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000
7 Fear 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000
8 Increased Gravity 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000
10 Solar Flare never never 10,000 never
10 Falling Star never never never 13,000
10 Black Fire 10,000 never never never
10 Shadow Walking never 20,000 never never
R1 S & C Light/Dark Sphere QUEST QUEST QUEST QUEST 70,000
R Ward 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000
R Investment 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000


Price GM Value
1 Earth Hammer 3,000
2 Hands of Earth 6,000
3 Strength of Stone 10,000
4 Armour of Earth 5,000
5 Diamond Weapon 1,500
6 Gem Creation 500
7 Animal Growth 2,000
8 Enchanting Plants 2,000
9 Bind Animals 4,000
10 Conjuring Earth Elemental 50,000
11 Controlling Earth Elemental 0
12 Sinking Doom 50,000
13 Wall of Stone 4,000
14 Wall of Iron 4,000
15 Tunnelling 8,000
16 Trollskin 10,000
17 Smoking Magma 10,000
18 Diamond Javelins 15,000
19 Earth Transformation QUEST 15,000
R1 Binding Earth 25,000
R Ward 5,000
R Investment 100,000


Price GM Value
1 Cleansing Flame 6,000
2 Dragon Flames 50,000
3 Fire Arc 8,000
4 Fireball 10,000
5 Heat Shield 5,000
6 Hellfire 35,000
7 Immolation 5,000
8 Malignant Flames 10,000
9 Pyrotechnics 5,000
10 Speak to Fire Creatures 500
11 Summoning Salamander QUEST 25,000
12 Weapon of Flame 2,500
13 Wall of Fire 3,000
14 Wildfires 5,000
R1 Creating Drought QUEST 20,000
R2 Flame Sight 5,000
R3 Summon Fire Elemental 30,000
R4 Summon Lesser Efreet 60,000
R Ward 4,000
R Investment 100,000


Price GM Value
1 Armour of Ice 5,000
2 Icy Transformation 8,000
3 Freezing Wind 10,000
4 Frostbite 500
5 Frozen Doom QUEST 50,000
6 Hibernation QUEST 30,000
7 Ice Bolt 3,000
8 Ice Construction 5,000
9 Iceberg 5,000
10 Ice Pack 4,000
11 Ice Projectiles 10,000
12 Ray of Cold 7,500
13 Snowball 2,000
14 Snowfall 1,000
15 Wall of Ice 4,000
16 Weapon of Cold 3,000
17 Winter Garden 1,000
R1 Snow Simulacrum 15,000
R2 Summon & Control Ice Elemental 30,000
R3 Ritual of Winter 25,000
R Ward 4,000
R Investment 100,000


Price GM Value
1 Control Aquatic Life 2,000
2 Dehydration QUEST 40,000
3 Flash Flood 30,000
4 Geyser 15,000
5 Liquid Purification 2,000
6 Liquid Transmutation 2,000
7 Maelstrom 25,000
8 Rainstorm 12,000
9 Storm Calling 12,000
10 Walk on Water 3,500
11 Waters of Healing 5,000
12 Waters of Strength 10,000
13 Waters of Vision 5,000
14 Waterspout 40,000
15 Wave Riding 8,000
R1 Summon Water Elemental 30,000
R Ward 2,500
R Investment QUEST 80,000


Price GM Value
1 Agony 25,000
2 Animation of the Dead 1,000
3 Binding Greater Undead 15,000
4 Bone Construction 3,000
5 Dark Vision 2,000
6 Hand of Death 1,000
7 Life Draining 1,000
8 Mass Fear 8,000
9 Necrosis 35,000
10 Petit Mort 5,000
11 Scarring Terrain QUEST 50,000
12 Spectral Warrior 4,000
13 Spectral Weapon 3,500
14 Stream of Corruption 8,000
15 Wall of Bones 5,000
16 Wraithcloak 8,000
R1 Becoming Undead QUEST 60,000
R2 Life Prolonging 3,000
R3 Permanency 15,000
R4 Shaping Flesh Golem 30,000
R5 Summoning Greater Undead 30,000
R Ward 5,000
R Investment QUEST


Price GM Value
1 Runewall 3,000
2 Torment 5,000
3 Rune Shield 5,000
4 Visitation 5,000
5 Truth 5,000
6 Banishment 10,000
7 Smite 8,000
8 Rune Weapon 5,000
R1 Casting Runes 15,000
R2 Creeping Doom 10,000
R3 Create Rune Portal 30,000
R4 Binding 50,000
R Ward 4,000
R Investment QUEST 100,000


The Guild has made arrangements with a local coven for the training of Guild Witches. As the coven is located near the town of Slippery Rock, guild members must make their own arrangements for the one day ride there and back.

Price GM Value
1 Blessing Crops 500
2 Blessing/Curse Unborn Child 1,000
3 Blessing Livestock 500
4 Blighting Crops 3,000
5 Cat Vision 2,000
6 Controlling Animals 8,000
7 Converse with Animals 4,000
8 Creating Plague QUEST 4,000
9 Creating Restorative 10,000
10 Damnum Magnatum 60,000
11 Earth Tremor 15,000
12 Evil Eye 5,000
13 Hellfire 40,000
14 Instilling Flight 11,000
15 Mass Fear 9,000
16 Pestilence QUEST 8,000
17 Skin Change 12,500
18 Virility 2,000
19 Wall of Thorns 5,000
R1 Controlling Weather 15,000
R2 Creeping Doom 10,000
R3 Dead Man's Candle QUEST 60,000
R4 Hand of Glory QUEST 30,000
R5 Summoning Animals 5,000
R Ward 5,000
R Investment 100,000