Imagined Problems
GM: Sam
Season: Summer 824 WK
Night: Wednesday
Location: Birdlands
Level: Low-Medium
- Party
- Lady Arcadia and La Luna - Played by Kita
- Kaitva - Played by Anne
- Boom Boom - Played By Ian
- Callie - Played by Helen
- Eydis Dwarf Mind Mage played by Kelsie
- Someone Elf Necro played by Niki
- Employer
Seagate guild, sponsored by Brastor locals
- Mission
Various reports and sightings of fae like events happening in the Filgiso Forest want a guild party to go in find out what's going on and hopefully stop it.
- Pay
To Be Discussed
Scribe Notes
1st Meadow
We started this season like most others, in a guild meeting room sorting out our paperwork, then talking to an employer. We learn of several reports from the Filgiso Forest including but not limited to:
- Oddly coloured trees (of the pastel persuasion)
- Circles of mushroom that disappear people
- Strangely coloured lights
We are to head out to Westgate to work out what's going on and put a stop to it.
We make plans to sort out the last of our requirements then fly out to Westgate with an endurance buff for the less practised flyers. Shortly after landing we locate our local resurrector, before talking to the Lumberjacks to get a better understanding of the going ons.
We learn of a member of the town 'Tim' went missing recently. So we spoke to 'Borris' who was present when Tim went missing and learn that there was a multi-coloured tree left where Tim vanished from.
We go and talk to the boss of the Lumberyard, a goblin named Jacob, who gives us a guild, another goblin named Dimwit, into the forest in the morning. We then arrange to stay in the Dunce's Rest Inn for the night.
2nd Meadow
In the morning we head over to meet Dimwit at the Lumber yard, in which we hear rumours of yet another person going missing over night. When we get to the Lumber yard we learn it was Borris who went missing. While in the yard we noticed a change in the employees in the yard, along with a change in the Bosses cat, which prompted some DA's around the yard. The last magic to impact majority of the yards men is changing. We followed through the town asking very similar questions and discovered that these answers only came back on townsfolk who have been in the forest. Reading the Aura's we make a connection to Fey with the magic but it's not Fey in origin.
We also learn that anyone who was present with an individual when they went missing no longer remembers that individual.
We then followed Dimwit into the forest, who made us sit on a stump before enterying cause its apparently tradition. Following Dimwit for half an hour we see a smoke from a campfire. At the campsite is yet another goblin who we learn is named Pipsqueak, who DA's with last magic to impact with True Awake. Pipsqueak introduces us to the fact that whatever we will happens. So we Will into existence a Borris compass to find Borris and follow it into the forest. At some point during this we realise that we've lost Dimwit so we call out for him and a Halfling turns up answering to the name. The halfling DA's as a construct, which means we can create 'people' while in here. So we ceases baying attention to the halfling an continue on.
Half an hour later we find a clearing fill of rabbit burrows with an unconscious person in the middle of it. Approaching the bodies Eydis monitors the minds of the rabbits beneath us. As Boom Boom and I pick up the unconscious person the bunnies all start to pile out the burrows.
Fighting with the Bunnies seemed futile as they kept reappearing out the burrows. So we use the other skills available to us and learn that the bunnies are connected to our unconscious Borris, and seem to effected by Mind Counters. So we laid one down underneath Borris and Eydis willed Borris awake. Borris seemed to be under something called Dream Sleep.
We send Borris hopefully out of the forest following a Westgate Compass after retrieving a Tim Compass from Borris, however Borris doesn't remember Tim today despite remembering him yesterday. We set off following Arcadia who had the compass as we walked some of the trees started to become marble pillars and we come across a regal building. Inside the building appears to be a library when we step inside the library the compass begins to spin so I double check the Plane of inside and outside the library, both of which read as Imaginarium. On the upper floor atop a chandler is an unconscious man. So we create ourselves the mechanism to lower the chandler. And we use the same trick to wake our presumed Tim. In doing so we accidentally wake the Library and half to Force the books back into the shelves, which helps the Library calm down. Asking 'Tim' a few questions, and confirming he is indeed Tim, we learn he is a Hedge Mage, capable of counters, and learn that he believes his Library is in the city not a forest. So we dragged him out the front door and the Library collapses behind us.
Tim starts to believe what we are telling him so we decide to head out the forest. Its at this point we learn that the forest doesn't want us to leave as it gives us three different directions for the way 'out' we eventually decide on a direction with a little bit of information from a mysterious bush goblin named Dumpster. We find a way station camp with couple of contructed buildings for the Lumberjacks who let us stay for the night.
During the night we witness a few of the Lumberjacks attempt to sleep walk into the forest so we tackle them to the ground and then tie them up so they can't continue to walk off. The sleep walkers DA with Dream Walk.
3rd Meadow
In the morning after having a discussion with the Lumberjacks leader, Jackson, we decide to head back with them to Westgate.
It takes us most of the morning to get out of the forest and then back to town. Taking tim back to his actual library we have a nosy around and find the notes Tim left himself before he forgot everything. It details a number of individuals who checked out books vaguely related to what's going on in the forest in the last few months.
This list just includes
Mcgonagall - A seamstress - Checked out a Fey Encyclopedia
Jacobs - A servant for trade lord Reginald
Dimwit - Lumberyard goblin assistant
Along with reports of small, robed figures and larger than normal goblin counts.
While those of us search the library Edyis went to go find Dimwit, not sending her alone we sent Callie after her not long after. While we book hunted, we came across Edyis and Callie in the town and learnt that Eydis had been persuaded of the magic inclination to go somewhere and Callie found her in an alley with 3 robed small figures. Luckily, she scared then off before they could do anything to Eydis. For note Eydis doesn't recall any of these events or the events leading up to this.
Eydis DA : Last magic to Impact : Dreamwalk
We head out to find Dimwit at the lumber yard, following the book hunt and checking he made it out when we lost him. We failed to find Dimwit, so we asked the lumber yard cat, Pumpkin. Pumpkin is able to tell us that Dimwit comes and goes from the forest regularly and he hides things in the lumberyard. Having Pumpkin take us to Dimwits hiding spot we find a "letter opener" (it might be a dagger but it's a little small)
Finishing our book hunt the servant Jacobs is very unhelp and will not share anything with us other than his master is off on business travel. So we spend the rest of the evening preparing to go back into the forest the next day and we go see a divinator for the 'letter opener'
4th of Meadow
Heading into the forest we summon ourselves a Dimwit compass and follow it till we find Dimwit Sat on a rock. Recheaking Dimwit's DA's from the other day we learn his last magic to impact has changed to Purge. Asking Dimwit a bunch of questions while running a Telepathy on him we learn that Dimwit is indeed an agent for whatever is going on in the forest but he isn't aware that he's being used like this as they either don't talk to him directly, making use of the fact he's stupid and talking to him from the forest, or erasing his memory.
Dimwit suddenly remembers that he was told to do something when he saw us and tries to drag me into the forest, lucky for the party I am much stronger than Dimwit, so we continue to read his thoughts learning that he's been told to take us that way for about 2-3 hours. Smelling a definite trap we put our long duration buffs on and began to follow Dimwit. We walked for almost two hours when I decided to throw Counterspells on everyone. At the 2 hour mark we find a slight clearing with a small plinth and we spot inconsistencies in the bushes. We know this is the ambush spot.
Getting to the ambush spot we started our set up launching grenadoes and wall into the space disrupting the ambush and setting off the ambush early. During the fight the goblins raise the terrain and launch created goblins over the top of them at us. Quickly taking down the ambush. Searching the makeshift camp they had set up we found some loot.
Afterwards we interrogated that last living goblin, Kink, and learnt that the plinth glow when used, that he was told he was a hostage, by one of the dead goblins who we spoke with beyond the grave, who was also told he was a hostage. The individuals who have been running the show ran away during the fight. DA's on the Plinth told us its Aura Strength was akin to that of an Avatar and its GTN was Imaginarium, and it last ran a Greater Changing spell.
Having finished looting and questioning we shrunk down Kink and accidentally turned him into a frog, so that we could take him with us. We also gathered some goblin robes just in case we needed them.
We headed out following some track in the direction one of the dead goblins told us was another camp, there also a set of tracks leading off in that direction. As we walk the forest starts to get noisy in terms of wildlife and Arcadia talks to a goat who is standing in a tree. As we continue BoomBoom starts to see movement and heat signatures in the bushes. So we do the traditional thing, believe there is nothing in the bushes. Eventually someone's lack of belief or 'wishful thinking' catches up with us and wolf Bunny Wolf hybrids and Tree Goats come out the bushes to look at us. We kept walking and said goodbye to the animals and they just let us go. When the track run out we default to following a Dimwit compass which happened to go in the same direction.
We eventually come across a large 3 story ziggurat, at which point we buffed up before we enter. Inside the bottom level we find, many doors trapped to activate a large number of 'maybe living' statues of satyrs and centuars, large stone spiders. There was a living quarter which contained a kitchen, barracks and various other living necessities. In a separate large room we found a 10ft tall Satyr upon a 10ft pillar and runes across the floor. The door into this room was warded with Whitefire.
Heading outside for the night we camp Eydis sscouts in bat form before we get settled for the night to come
5th of Meadow
The next day We also discovered that Kink had been replaced with a dead frog.
“I think it might be a frog, not a Kink”
We headed into the second level of the ziggurat and encountered a rolling fight of Goblin’s and Satyr’s. In the second half of the fight we encountered a large fey spider with stone capped limbs. And a set of Satyrs continued to run away down a corridor. We ‘chase after them’ discovering a study and a courtyard garden. Within the garden hidden in a tree was a secret passage downwards.
Heading downstairs we discovered large rooms filled with Petrified fey creatures that had died in the last 5 years. On the walls of the corridors was a mural of a war between the Fey and the Fiends which made us start to second guess their position in the encroachment on Alusia.
Internal was a goblin camp of 30 goblins who pointed us in the direction of the Satyr’s so we could have a discussion. Talking to the Satyrs we learnt they are actually trying to stop a ‘Gnome’ who is the source of the leakage. To actually trap him away they need a Root of a Malignant Tree, according to a prophecy or something.
Talking to the ‘Gnome’ Eydis learns that he knows of an evil malignant tree that can be reached through the instructions of
“Bare yourself upon the alter and you will find it”
which seemed ominous enough to stop the discussion.
Talking to some of the goblins one of them knew about a ‘sick’ tree (the alternate meaning of malignant) so Deedill (the goblin) is going to guide us to Death and Farts Tree
Arriving at the sick tree about an hour away from the site of the ziggurat, we had a rath unpleasant fight with some entities that DAed as Corpse Blooms, a species of undead plant zombies, lead by a Corpse Dryad. Having collected the necessary ingredients we made our way back to the ziggurat to give them the roots.
When then spent some extra time preparing to take on this powerful fey ‘gnome’ creature, doing so we built a grenado dropping platform, a mild acid made of goblin barf, planning to drop called meteorites and streams of undeath at them. Our planning paid off as the ‘gnome’ basically melted under the force.
The Satyr’s paid us for our help and we headed back to the guild.
Daily pattern
How much time does the party spend sleeping, eating, traveling, doing rituals, etc each day
Travel Magics
What travel magic options does the party have, how far per cast/or per day if duration is longer than usual travel time. Can the party eat/sleep/etc on the mode of transport.
Watch Order
Day Watch. Used when stationary, or on a larger transport such as a ship
First - ??
Second - ??
Third - ??
Night watch
First - ??
Second - ??
Third - ??
Marching Order
Skirmish Formations (Front) | ||
Double File | Single File |
General Buff Notes
Buffs listed in the table don't need to be detailed, other buffs not on the table must be mentioned at the time they are cast.
Y means always on, N/- means never on, 'Sit.' means when the party has time for buffs before a fight.
Weapon Spells which weapon/s it is going on normally should be noted also
Long duration buffs
Magic | Rk | Effects | Dur | Ar | BB | Ca | Ey | Ka | Ni |
Fire Armour (BB) | 12 | 52 Ablative | 13 hours | ? | ? | Y | Y | ? | Y |
Fireproofing (BB) | 12 | Prod vs nat fire | 13 Hours | ? | ? | Y | Y | ? | Y |
Strength of stone (Ca or Ar) | 7 | + 7 | 8 Hours | ? | ? | EN | ? | ? | ? |
Coruscade (Ar) | 7 | +16% Def Half in Close | 4 Hours | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? |
Name (??) | ## | ???? | ? Hours | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? |
Name (??) | ## | ???? | ? Hours | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? |
Short duration buffs
Magic | Rk | Effects | Dur | Ar | BB | Ca | Ey | Ka | Ni |
Weapon of Flames (BB) | 12 | 13SC 6DMG | 17 Mins | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? |
Light Sword (Ar) | 7 | +8% SC, +4 DM Vs Creatures of Dark | 12 Mins | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? |
Name ??? | ?? | ???? | ? Mins | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? |
Name (??) | ## | ???? | ? Hours | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? |
Eydis Mandolin playing: within 20', +10SC, +2dam, +10 vs fear, +10MR vs undead or unholy
Loot and Expenses
SP & other cash value loot
- Jewelry box + Assorted Jewelry
- Assorted Cash Value
Significant Items
- Clear Tear Vial - Hatred
- Black Vial - GTN:Elf - Anguish
- Stick and String Ball - Torture
- Bag of sharpened teeth - Terror
- Dagger - Poisoning
- Bandana - Disguise self
- Nose Ring - Healing
- Ring - Protection
- Red Diamond eye - Vision Enhancement
- Cleaver - Flavour
- Breadbox - Create Food
- Shag-wool Cloak - Comfort
- Red Gem Amulet - Conduit
- Skull - Corruption - Marquee of Corruption
- 6 Assorted Wiccan Amulets
- Meazma Goop - Alchemy Ingredients
- Engraved Dragger (1 per person)
- 6 assorted amulets
Minor Items
- 12 magic arrows
Summer | ||||||||||||||
Moonday | Duesday | W'ansday | Th'rsday | Frysday | Reapsday | Sunday | ||||||||
![]() |
Beltane | |||||||||||||
Meadow (1) | ||||||||||||||
1 | Guild Meeting Arrive in Westgate | 2 | Find Borris and Tim | 3 | 4 | Ambush | 5 | White Lotus Death and Farts, Gnome Melting | 6 | Seagate Light Festival | ||||
![]() |
7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | |||||||
![]() |
14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | The Castellan Borderers Ball | 20 | ||||||
![]() |
21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | Seagate Crafters Ball | 27 | ||||||
![]() |
28 | 29 | 30 | |||||||||||
Heat (2) | ||||||||||||||
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | Seagate Guildmasters Ball | ||||||||||
![]() |
5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | Seagate Races | 11 | The Duke of Carzala's Summer Ball | |||||
![]() |
12 | 13 | 14 | Midsummers Eve (Faerie Day) |
15 | Solstice | 16 | 17 | Seagate Summer Fair Day | 18 | Seagate Summer Fair Day | |||
![]() |
19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | The Castellan of Brastor's Summer Ball | 25 | ||||||
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26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | |||||||||
Breeze (3) | ||||||||||||||
1 | 2 | |||||||||||||
![]() |
3 | Day of Death | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | ||||||
![]() |
10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | |||||||
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17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | |||||||
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24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 |