Hrothgar Bronzebeard
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Hrothgar Bronzebeard is a male dwarf Binder played by Alex Dickson
A slightly over average (4'6") and solid (137lbs) dwarf. ???
Hrothgar is a member of the College of Binding and Animating Magics and a Mechanician-Weaponsmith, with some skills in alchemy and armour making.
Info for GMs
- Visible Value
- To be determined
- Party Roles
- Offence:
- Defence:
- Utility: Beginner level Binding magics.
- Goals
- To be advised...
- Friends and Allies
- To be added in the future...
- Enemies
- To be advised...
- Gods and Powers
- To be advised...
- Languages
- Dwarvish and Common, with a little Reichspiel.
- Main Skills
- Mid-ranked Weaponsmith and Mechanician
- Low ranks in Merchant, Armourer, and Alchemy.
- Hobbies include tinkering and creating things.
- Main Spells & Rituals
- Low generals in Binding Magics.
- Rank 6 Ritual Item Divination
- Other Stuff of Note
- To be advised...
Games played on
Future Game: Unknown