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I'm originally from Italy, born and raised. I had my first encounter with RPG games at 15 with the 1st edition of Dungeons and Dragons, and played continuously for 4-5 year with multiple character. I departed for military service and stopped playing all together. I then moved to London and due to a very busy lifestyle I had no time to play. I finally moved to NZ in 2003 and again due to my busy schedule as hospitality and wine expert, I did not pursued the quest of finding someone to play RPG games with. This all changed a few weeks ago when, after a month of intense search on discovering people who shared the same hobby in RPG, I discovered your Dragon Quest Community. Thanks for welcoming me with open arms.

Alandis Darksoul


I'm new to the DQ system and for that reason I decided to create my first character and make it a non magic user. I play with Alandis an elf who has skills as a ranger, a thief and a spy and some other dark secrets. He likes been unnoticed so he can help himself to anything he pleases. Is weapon of choice is the rapier, however the sap is slowly becoming a good friend of his. I am still coming to terms with the system but I can easily see the potential of the game.

Ignis Lambertis

Ignis My second Character. A 7 foot tall Air Mage and warrior from Palestrina.

Papa Midnight

Papa Midnight The newest creation.