Doblian Province

<-- Lunar Empire or other Lunar Provinces.
One of the western provinces of the Empire. It has connections in the west with Cognitum City and Lunar City to the east.
Capital: Doblian City
Population: 105,000 including the settlements of Doblin City, Durnvok Town, Mephos Town, and Vruanost Town.
Language: 100% Lunar, 60% Common, 5% Storm Giant.
Senators based at Senate: Servius Flavius Cordus, Quintus Villius Merenda, Nikoli Macrembolista
In the south of the province Storm Giants can be found based around High Rock Town. To the south of the province is the Numgaringland Forest. The area is giant country and the Empire has an alliance with the Storm Giants and will not expand into the area.
Production in a normal year is enough to feed around 95,000 people.