Deed of D'arbres
In the name of the powers of light: I, Ulric Swartzrotgold, supported in my royal dignity by God, with the advice of my Duke, Frederick, and the permission of Urlick, Bishop of Gabriel, and Gunther Bishop of Uriel, to Sir Christopher Reynard of the Gabrielite Order of Dominions do grant out of those places, which I possess by paternal inheritance, and hold in my demesne, they being adjacent and fitting for the purpose, for the maintenance of the lands it's peoples, the lands of D'arbres constituting all lands from the north unto the reaches of the known copper mines and the shore of Eldermere to the recent northern borders of Newcourt one half days ride south from D'adres. From the west whence the Helm of Conderwyn riseth from the ground to the eastern borders of the Forest D'Arbres shall also constitute thee lands together with whatever my predecessors have contributed to the same personage their successors and assignee. That he should have perpetual succession, all that part or portion of that country now commonly called D'Arbres; and also all the lands, soil, grounds, havens, rivers, mines, as well royal mines of gold and silver, as other mines, minerals, pearls and precious stones, woods, queries, marshes waters, fishing, hunting, hawking, fowling, commodities and hereditaments whatsoever, together with all prerogatives, jurisdictions, royaltys, privileges, and preliminaries within any of the said territories and precincts thereof whatsoever. To have, hold, possess and enjoy, all and singular, the said lands and premises, in the said Letters Patent granted and mentioned to be granted, unto the said Sir Christopher, their successors and assignee for ever; to be holden of his Majesty, his heir and successors, as of his Highness D'arbres, in free and common soccage and not in capite or by Knts. service-yielding and paying to the Kings Majestie, his heyers and successors, the one fifth part of all gold and silver care that from time to time, and at all times from the date of the said Letters Patents, shall be there gotten, had or obtayned for all services, dutyes and demands as in and his highness said Letters Patents amongst other divers things therein contayned, more fully and at large it doth appeare. And whereas the said Majestie has, upon mature deliberacon, thought fitt, for the better furnishing and furtherance of the lands in those parts to appropriate and allots to several and particular persons divers parcels of lands within the precincts of the aforesaid granted premises by his Majesty's said Letters Patents.
King Ulric Swartzrotgold