Brief Candles: Aryan's Award
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Aryan reintegrated with his pattern ghost. He may benefit from these experiences exactly as if he had been present the entire time. He has spent enough time in Dioscura, Aeaea and the Red Keep that he may advance his Ranks Kolchisi to 10, should he so desire. This is immersive, so does not require any time, and he reduces the Experience cost by 10%.
He has read a Book of Geomancy sacred to the cult of Chthon and learnt
He has read a Dragon's Grimoire and spent
- 2,100 Experience to learn the Mind Shield spell from the College of Sorceries of the Mind
- 2,100 Experience to learn the Herbal Lore spell from the College of Earth Magics
- 2,100 Experience to learn the Tracking spell from the College of Earth Magics
By the grace of the Lady of Souls, he has been granted an
- Extra Life at the cost of 700 Experience, provided he has a House of Life to return to.
He has spent
- 8,400 Experience on acquiring a Heroism Pool
- 6,300 Experience on acquiring Aryan's Alchemical Resistance
- and 15,600 Experience an advancing it to Rank 12
- 8,400 Experience on acquiring the Form of the Form of the Feathered Serpent
- 10,800 Experience on advancing it to Rank 8
- and 2,625 Experience on advancing Flying (Feathered Serpent) to Rank 6
- 14,700 Experience on Serpent Strike I, II & III
- He has has earnt Spots, which may be used once per Pulse to restore FT lost from any cause except Life Drain, and require a Free Act. This table indicates how many "spots" he has, and how much FT they restore.
18 18 12 10 8 8 8 8 8 7 7 6 6 6 6 6 6
He has 34,500 Experience left, may advance Talents 13 Ranks and arrives back at the Guild of Adventures on the 2nd day of Meadow, 813WK.
Mountain Dragon's Teeth x 30

Each of these teeth weigh an oz. They may be sown on a battlefield, whereupon each will grow into a warrior with the following stats:
PS: | 20 | MD: | 18 | AG: | 15 | MA: | 10 | EN: | 24 | FT: | 23 |
WP: | 20 | PC: | 18 | PB: | 12 | TMR: | 6 | NA: | 5 |
Attack | IV | SC | DM | Class | Use | Rk |
Battleaxe | 38 | 105% | +6 | B class | M | 5 |
Kite Shield | 37 | 67% | +2 | C class | M | 4 |
Their Defence is 39 and their Magic Resistance is 40%.
The warriors will fight loyally under the command of whoever sowed them, always succeeding when forced to make a morale check but will last no longer than a minute.
It takes a Pass action to sow the dragon's teeth, and as many as (Military Scientist Rank - 2) may be sown on any given day. The teeth may be sown in one action or one at a time.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
Brief Candles | Summer 813 | Tanuel | Formerly Living | Calling | 500sp each | ![]() |
Charms must be attached to a silver bracelet, which in turn must be worn on the left wrist. It weighs 4 oz. Although the bracelet itself is not magical, it must be made from silver that is at least 92.5% pure, and will cost 2,500 sp to make from a Rank 6 Jeweller.
Obsidian Snake Charm
This obsidian charm of a snake may be used by the wearer to avoid damage from a single attack. It will absorb 81 points before shattering. All of the attack must be absorbed, it cannot be divided. If this would exceed the charms damage capacity, it is destroyed. If it is not destroyed, the charm may be used to absorb the damage from subsequent attacks.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
Brief Candles | Summer 813 | Tanuel | Magical | Serpent | 9000 sp | ![]() |
Tincture of Aconite and Passionflower x 2
This aromatic tincture is Rank 10 and weighs 1/4 oz. It must be Prepared before it can be drunk. It changes the perceptions of whoever drinks it so that everything they see is +20 PB for 10 hours. It can be added to wine or other liquor, thus diluting it's effect - adding it to a bottle of wine would reduce the effects to about a quarter of the usual bonus and a quarter of the duration. Thus, a Rank 10 Tincture (+20 to PB) diluted in this way would increase PB by 5 for 2 hours. All fractions are truncated.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
Brief Candles | Summer 813 | Tanuel | Formerly Living | Beautification | 400sp each | ![]() |
Pot of Flesh x 6

This pot contains a pinkish, oozing mass and weighs 4 oz.
When it's contents are applied to a wounded entity, up to 3 Specific Grievous Injuries will be cured. If there is only one such injury, it will be cured at the end of the next Pulse. If there are three, then none of them will be cured until the end of the third Pulse after the mass has been applied.
No particular Skill is required to place the mass, it will slither around the target's body and infiltrate the wounds.
In addition, D+5 EN damage is cured.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
Brief Candles | Summer 813 | Tanuel | Formerly Living | Regeneration | 5,000 sp each | ![]() |
Invested Items
Invested Gems
These gems contain spells which have been invested into them, and share these properties:
- They require a Fire Action, not a Trigger Action, and are executed on the user's Unengaged Initiative.
- Bonuses and penalties are applied when the invested item is used, not when the item was invested.
- MA bonuses or penalties of the user are applied, not the MA bonuses or penalties of the investor.
- Enchantment bonuses of the user are applied, not the Enchantment bonuses of the investor.
- Only humans can use these invested items.
Obsidian Tear
- Shadow Walk
- Rank 15
- Base Chance: 46%
- Range Self
- Duration: Immediate
- Effects: Teleport from a shadow to known remote shadow within 20 miles.
- Value: 8,250sp each
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Cursed etc.? | GM |
Brief Candles | Summer 813 | Tanuel | Magical | Shadow Weaving | ![]() |
Resurrection Stone
- Resurrection
- Rank:N/A
- Base Chance:(72 + Target's EN)%
- Range:Touch
- Duration:Immediate
- Effects:Raises the dead as if the user were a Rank 9 Healer. Any roll of 96 or higher, even if this would be a success, attracts a Phantasm from a netherworld which will reduce the user's EN permanently by D10 - 5, minimum 1. This EN may be bought back in the normal way.
- Value:55,000sp
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Cursed etc.? | GM |
Brief Candles | Summer 813 | Tanuel | Magical | Spirit Binding | ![]() |
Runed Bloodstone - Sacrifice
- Sacrifice
- Rank:15
- Base Chance:50%
- Range:Self
- Duration:Immeditate
- Effects:For the next 32 Pulses the user is charged so that their next successful Melee or Close Strike will cause an opponent to Resist or have their FT reduced to 0 and their EN reduced to -1. The amount of EN and FT reduced can be used to repair a like amount of the user's EN and FT lost to damage.
If the target successfully Resists, they take 15 EN and 15 FT damage, which repairs up to 15 of the user's EN and up to 15 of the user's FT lost to damage. - Value:9,750sp each
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Cursed etc.? | GM |
Brief Candles | Summer 813 | Tanuel | Magical | Rune Magic | ![]() |
Cairngorm x 2
- Mass Fear
- Rank:15
- Base Chance:50%
- Range:240 ft
- Duration:51 Pulses
- Effects:All entities within range must Resist vs Wicca Magic or roll on the Fright Table
- Value:6,000sp each
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Cursed etc.? | GM |
Brief Candles | Summer 813 | Tanuel | Magical | Wiccan | ![]() |
Fire Opal x 2
- Fireball
- Rank:15
- Base Chance:70%
- Range:210 ft
- Duration:Immediate
- Effects:Fireball detonates, inflicting D10 + 16 Fire damage (Resist for half), over a radius of 25 ft. This will expand to fill a volume.
- Value:8,250sp each
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Cursed etc.? | GM |
Brief Candles | Summer 813 | Tanuel | Magical | Fire Magic | ![]() |
- Diamond Weapon
- Rank:15
- Base Chance:70%
- Range:20 ft
- Duration:16 minutes
- Effects:May be applied to an A or B Class weapon. Increases Strike Chance by 20, reduces the Protection value of Armour and Natural Armour by 5
- Value:3,750sp each
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Cursed etc.? | GM |
Brief Candles | Summer 813 | Tanuel | Magical | Earth Magic | ![]() |
- Lightning
- Rank:15
- Base Chance:75%
- Range:60 ft
- Duration:Immediate
- Effects:All entities or objects in the area of the Lightning Bolt take D10 +10 damage and are Stunned unless they Resist, in which case they take half damage.
- Value:3,375sp each
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Cursed etc.? | GM |
Brief Candles | Summer 813 | Tanuel | Magical | Air Magic | ![]() |
Star Sapphire x 2
- Starfire (Celestial Star College)
- Rank:20
- Base Chance:110%
- Range:330 ft
- Duration:Immediate
- Effects:This searingly bright ray of Starfire inflicts 5 rollup D10 damage on the first entity or object that it hits. If it inflicts more damage than needed to kill the first entity or object it hits, the remainder is applied to the next entity or object it hits. There spell is only Actively Resistable, Passive Resistance is not allowed, normally.
- Value:8,000sp each
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Cursed etc.? | GM |
Brief Candles | Summer 813 | Tanuel | Magical | Conjurations of the Night & Stars | ![]() |
This scimitar is made of blue metal, damascened in silver and weighs 1 1/2 lbs. It has a base Strike Chance of 77% and the base Damage is 2 rollup D10. It may be over-strengthed for extra damage additional to any bonuses from Rank & Skill, without attracting a weapon breakage check, unless the wielder's PS exceeds 51. It will accept weapon spells.
It provides these special abilities:
- The wielder's Rank in scimitar is increased by 3, even beyond the maximum possible with this weapon.
- The wielder may deliver a spinning attack into every occupied adjacent hex, including the ones in their rear. This reduces their Strike Chance by 20, and may only be attempted on a Pulse fully divisible by 4.
- The weapon inflicts A & B Class injuries. Any Specific Grievous Injury result fully divisible by 13 becomes 13.
- The wielder's movements are balletic and graceful, increasing the factor of any AG checks involving movement to be increased by 1 (in other words, a 1 x AG check becomes 2 x AG, for dancing, dodging, acrobatics, leaping, landing and so on). This does not change the equations of abilities which already have a calculation, e.g. horsemanship, flying, etc.
- The wielder may apply the Venom of Fatal Beauty to the blade without requiring an MD check, even if they are not an Assassin.
- Once a season, it can call the dawn a number of hours earlier equal to the Rank of the wielder (minimum 1). This will occur from horizon to horizon, centred on the wielder's location.
Bane - Horrors
The blade is a bane weapon against Horrors, creatures from the Outer Darkness who have neither an Individual True Name nor a Generic True Name (although they may have a use name of some kind). No two of them are alike, although lesser horrors fall into categories, like wormskulls, bloatforms and so on.
Such creatures halve their Protection, EN armour and Damage Reduction against the damage of this weapon, and reduce their SC by 10 against the wielder.
The wielder may deny any number of horrors the ability to close by rolling under their Rank in this weapon for each horror attempting to close. Horrors so denied cannot choose to close anyway, they are magically forced back.
The wielder may choose to increase the quality of their Strikes versus Horrors by spending FT at the beginning of the Pulse (in the Military Scientist "Time out"). This cost 1 FT for the first Pulse, and doubles on subsequent Pulses, resetting at dawn. Any attack made against a Horror has it's quality increased by 1 step. A miss becomes a hit, a hit becomes a blow directly to Endurance, a blow directly to Endurance becomes a possible Specific Grievous Injury, and a possible Specific Grievous Injury becomes two possible Specific Grievous Injuries. A roll in the range of 70 + MD always fails.
The blade whispers "Out of Chaos, Order" if it delivers a killing blow against a Horror and increases either the wielder's Initiative Value by 20 or their TMR by 3, but not both for the next 3 Pulses.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
Brief Candles | Summer 813 | Astral | Magical | Beauty | Quest | ![]() |
This mail shirt covers a humanoid of size 6 from the shoulders to the knees, and must be belted. It weighs 42 lbs, reduces AG by 2 and Stealth by 15. It provides Protection of 10, EN Armour of 1 and 3 points of Spell Armour.
Once a day, for 3 consecutive Pulses, the wearer may double their base PS for the purposes of preventing their opponent from exiting Close. Magical enhancements to PS are not similarly doubled.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
Brief Candles | Summer 813 | Malkuth | Magical | Earth | 16,000sp each | ![]() |
Cold Iron Gauntlets
These gauntlets are made of cold iron and weigh 5lbs. The wearer is denied access to all non-Racial Talent magic, and that magic operates at a 6 Rank penalty while they are worn.
The gauntlets are cold to the touch, but more importantly, they chill the heart of whoever wears them, bringing them ever closer to despair. If they are worn in more than one quarter of the day (dawn to noon, noon to dusk, dusk to midnight, midnight to dawn), then 1 point of the wearer's WP is destroyed per extra quarter of the day. In other words, if they are worn in all four quarters of the day, the wearer will permanently lose 3 WP. Protections from or Resistances to the cold will not help. This loss may be bought back in the usual way.
The MD of the wearer is affected in the same way, although this loss will recover at a rate of 1 per day, and Protections from or Resistances to the cold will be of use.
The gauntlets function as cesti, with a base Strike Chance of 44%. Strike Chance improves at a rate of 8 per Rank, not 4. The base damage is 2 rollup D10, and they inflict A or C Class Specific Grievous Injuries.
The wearer may Break 100 + 2 x MD to avoid any Specific Grievous Injury that targets the wrist or hand.
The wearer may attempt to Grab A class thrusting weapons, i.e. daggers, mains gauche, rapiers, estocs, javelins or spears (but not shortswords). This is a Free Act, and requires that the wearer succeed in a Strike Check against the weapon. The weapon's Defence is calculated as the opponent's MD + 4 * Rank + Defense from spells + Def from wearer's itemry.
A magical function may be Triggered, which will last for 6 Pulses, and over that time, the gauntlets will share something of the properties of a Dark Sphere, although at a much reduced level. Against objects, the effect attacks their integrity, in general making things much more friable: basalt becomes as soft as talc, hard wood has the material strength of plasterboard, and so on. Against entities, the gauntlets will reduce any opponents PS by 20 if the wearer can lay one on them, reducing PS by 40 if they manage both.
If one gauntlet is laid against someone Casting magic, then they must roll %iles. Odd results mean that the entity's attempt failed. If both are laid against someone Casting, then they automatically fail.
Cold iron is resilient against most things, particularly magic. However, against things that cause oxidation or corrosion, it has no special Resistance.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
Brief Candles | Summer 813 | 7th Plane | - | Alchemical | 23,500 sp each | ![]() |
Cold Iron Mail
This armour is designed for a heavily built human. It weighs 70 lbs, applies a penalty to AG of 8 and Stealth is reduced by 50. However, it provides 17 Protection, 7 EN armour and 17 Spell Armour. In addition, the wearer increases their Magic Resistance by 17 (which will affect their Active Magic Resistance).
Only racial Talent magic can be used while wearing this armour.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
Brief Candles | Summer 813 | Tanuel | - | Alchemy | 22,000sp each | ![]() |
Bracelet of the Serpent
This black metal bracelet is inlaid with red and gold intertwining serpents. It weighs 9oz, and must be worn on the left forearm (elbow to wrist).
The subtracts 3 Pulses from the amount of time required to change into or back from a serpent. Serpents include snakes, wyrms, sea serpents, feathered serpents but not dracoforms.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
Brief Candles | Summer 813 | Sparlainth | Magical | Serpent | 8,000sp each | ![]() |
Greater Ring of Protection

This plain ring weighs about 2oz. Its magic will only be effective if it is worn on the ring finger of the right hand.
The bearer subtracts 10 from the die roll whenever they attempt to resist magic, making it more likely that they will succeed. It does not increase Magic Resistance.
In addition, it surrounds the bearer with 11 unseeable pentagonal planes of protection that float around the wearer on all sides. These will protect the wearer so that the first 12 physical damage points the wearer takes per Pulse are ignored. This does not work vs magical damage except for spells like Diamond Javelins, Ice Bolt or Ice Projectiles. It will even protect against blows directly to EN or Specific Grievous Injuries.
If the wearer has some similar means of protection, then the greatest effect will apply.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
Brief Candles | Summer 813 | Sparlainth | Magical | Protection | 19,000 sp | ![]() |
Heart Locket
This locket is made of gold and must be worn ostentatiously on the wearer's chest.
While it is so worn, the locket will absorb the first 5 points of damage that the wearer receives per Pulse, calculated after all other defenses have been applied.
In addition, the wearer may Break 100 + 2 x WP to avoid the effects of the Specific Grievous Injury "11: Your aorta is severed and you are quite dead." or a successful Hand of Death spell.
The locket can be used to absorb a single attack of up to 200 damage, and then will turn to a greenish dust.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
Brief Candles | Summer 813 | Transiberia | Magical | Protection | 19,000 sp | ![]() |
Demonskin Gloves
These black hand coverings weigh 1/2 lb. The wearer's hands always Resist if they come into contact with a Dark Sphere or the volume of effect of Disintegration or Annihilation magic. This may be of scant comfort if every other part of the wearer is destroyed, of course.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
Brief Candles | Summer 813 | Abyss | Long lived sentient | Chaos | 15,000 sp | ![]() ![]() |
Demonskin Shoes
These black shoes weigh 2 lb. The wearer's feet always Resist if they come into contact with a Dark Sphere or the volume of effect of Disintegration or Annihilation magic. This may be of scant comfort if every other part of the wearer is destroyed, of course.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
Brief Candles | Summer 813 | Abyss | Living | Chaos | 24,250 sp | ![]() ![]() |
Dragon's Wing Sail

These sails are made from the wings of a dragon. Each is 10 metres long, 3 metres wide at the base, and weigh 68 lbs.
They are legal targets of the Animation or Animating Bodily Parts spells, and the cost to make each one Permanent is 50,000sp - 800sp per Rank in the Permanency Ritual. They may be attached to the hull of an airship by an experimental Mechanician (Rank 8+) who has experience with flying devices. It will take 4 weeks to install the wings, and the Mechanician will charge 16,000sp for their time.
When deployed as "spinnakers", the airship will move at (76% plus 2 per (Rank in Airmanship OR Rank in Navigator - 2)) x 5 miles per hour (+1 mph per Rank of the Animating magic).
The wings are remarkably sturdy given their lightness and, if deployed in intemperate conditions, will be able to withstand winds of 80 mph for 8 hours. Each hour after this will cause the sails to deteriorate, reducing the effective Rank of the Animating magic, having a direct impact on speed. This may be repaired by Casting Ship Strength, Animating Bodily Parts or Animation spells, and will require 300sp in expensive oils and fabrics per Rank restored.
The effects of exposure to more powerful winds should be determined by the DM.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
Brief Candles | Summer 813 | Tanuel | Formerly living | Mountain dragon | Quest | ![]() |
Elemental Coins
These coins may be spent once a day in the place of FT on a one for one basis. For example, a Flame coin can be spent to as if it were a FT point to Cast or help Cast magic of the Fire College, or magic that suggest fire, flames, burning or conflagration. It may not be spent on Blackfire, or similar magic which does not have anything to do with the element of Fire.
Stone Coins: 4
Wind Coins: 2
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
Brief Candles | Summer 813 | Tanuel | Magical | as element | Quest | ![]() |
Amulets of the Great Gems
Great Emerald
The Amulet of the Word
The wearer of this amulet may choose to capture the effects of a Power Word of which they are the target. They suffer none of the effects of the Power Word and can release it on their next available Magical Fire Action. The amulet will store the Power Word indefinitely until it is used, thus making it capable of capturing a new Power Word. However, only one Power Word may be released from the amulet on any day. This will reset at midnight.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
Brief Candles | Summer 813 | Tanuel | Magical | Alchemy | Quest | ![]() |
Great Ruby
Ruby Pommel Stone
This stone must be set into the pommel of a sword to be effective. It will not be effective in any other kind of weapons. Daggers and Mains Gauche do not count, either.
If this is done, the wielder of that weapon is entitled to an extra Attack at half their Engaged Initiative value.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
Brief Candles | Summer 813 | Tanuel | Magical | Alchemy | Quest | ![]() |
Opera Cloak of the Night
This heavy, dark, velvet cloak weighs 3 lbs and has a scarlet lining of finest

silk. If worn at night, the wearer's PB is increased by 3 to a maximum of 21. If worn during the hours of daylight, the wearer may ignore penalties arising from the deleterious effects of sunlight, except if they should find themselves in direct sunlight. Even in this case, the wearer may Break 100 + EN each Pulse to avoid unpleasant consequences.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
Brief Candles | Summer 813 | Victoria | Formerly living | Blood | 13,000 sp | ![]() |

This plant has long leaves that gave off a sweet and pungent fragrance. The scent has a refreshing and envigorating effect on those who inhale it.
It can be used to ease pain, and it also has the power to counteract the effects of the Black Breath.
In the hands of a King who is also a Ranger,its full power can be released. Once a day, it may be used by such a person in one of the following ways:
- Cure D10 - 5 (+ Rank in Ranger) EN lost to damage
- Recover D10 - 8 (+ Rank in Ranger) FT loss from any cause except a reduction in FT value
- Cure Poison as if they were a Healer but at a penalty of 3 Ranks
- Cure Disease as if they were a Healer but at a penalty of 3 Ranks
- Soothe Pain as if they were a Healer
Athelas does not keep normally, and must be gathered on the day it is to be used. It can be found growing in forests, jungles, hills, moors, meadows, plains and alongside watercourses. It is an uncommon herb.
Adventure | Season | Nature of Magic | Value | GM |
Brief Candles | Summer 813 | Cleansing | 7,000 sp |
Tongue of the Rough Beast
As a result of surviving drinking the blood of a recently slain green and grey dragon, this entity can speak with mundane animals whose natural environment is rough (mountains or hills). More importantly, they can understand these animals when they respond.
Generally speaking, this means that they can talk to hawks, eagles, ravens, lapwings, bears, wolves, snow leopards, goats, sheep and mountain foxes.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Nature of Magic | Value | GM |
Brief Candles | Summer 813 | Tanuel | Mountain dragon | Quest |
Aryan's Heroism Pool
Aryan has a faculty that allows him to pursue Heroic endeavours, and its workings are entirely in the hands of the DM, although Aryan's player may, from time to time, offer a suggestion or two.
In general, the miracle pool will use those abilities Aryan possesses that are the least fantastical and exact the smallest cost in resources of one kind or another.
The miracle pool should not be directly used by Aryan, it has its own agenda, and this will vary from time to time. In general, however, the agenda is to:
- preserve Aryan that he may perform more acts of Heroism
- encourage Aryan to undertake more acts of Heroism
- influence events so that Aryan's feats of Heroism are seen as legendary
The miracle pool will not, in and of itself, make Aryan's Actions more effective, except if it seems that effectiveness will meet the above criteria.
The cost for using
- ordinary, mundane abilities (climbing, swimming, cooking etc) is 1.
- the special abilities of Professional Skills, special Combat Skills/Abilities and Magical/Racial Talents is 2.
- Spells, Power Words or Charms is 3.
- Triggering Invested or charged itemry is 4.
1 is subtracted from this cost if, by this means, the Action would keep Aryan alive.
The pool may only be recharged by performing an Act of Heroism which is legendary in nature, and this is determined by the DM.
It only works for as long as the DM is not fed up with it. On the other hand, it should not be discharged frivolously. The miracle pool reflects a passionate interest in human heroism on the part of some Astral personality, and while it has no claim to omniscience, yet it sees further than most.
Current Hero Points: 12
- Previous Heroism Awards
- +3 Redeeming Kamuel the Cold Knight in combat
- +4 Slaying Set, The Lord of Serpents in combat
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Nature of Magic | Value | GM |
Brief Candles | Summer 813 | Tanuel | Heroism | Quest |
Fruit of Lust
Aryan may take carnal knowledge of whoever takes his fancy, who must agree, and upon the occasion of slaking this thirst, acquire 1 Lust, which may be spent on such abilities as the DM deems appropriate, bearing in mind that lust covers such things as vivacity and vigorousness. It is not solely the exercise of rumpy-pumpy.
Nevertheless, it has to be said that a fair amount of between the sheets excitement is likely to feature in any standard definition of the word, so that is definitely within the bounds of possibility.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Nature of Magic | Value | GM |
Brief Candles | Summer 813 | Eden | Lust | Quest |
First Impression
Duration: 1 dusk per 2 Ranks
Experience Mult.: 50
Base Chance: Break 100 + PB + Rank in this Talent + Rank in Troubadour, Courtier & Merchant
Effects: This magical Talent allows Aryan to impress an entity on first making his acquaintance. If successful, the target will find him attractive and likely believe anything he says. Although they will discount the unsupported warnings of others, they will, in general, believe it to be caused by jealousy or some other pettiness ("You never want me to have ANY fun", "You're ALL against me", etc). Actual evidence to the contrary, however, will break the effect, with reasonably dramatic results.
This Talent may only be used once on a given individual and then only the first time they are encountered.
Bear in mind that Aryan cannot control the particular direction his emotional suasion will take. Some may not find him sexually appealing, others may be way too interested. However, those affected will like him and tend to believe that he is telling the truth as he understands it
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Nature of Magic | Value | GM |
Brief Candles | Summer 813 | Eden | Charm | Quest |
Divine Steed
As a result of exposure to Strange energies in the Abyss while Wind-walking, Aryan's equine form has altered.

His coat is tan, his tail and mane are dark and his hooves are bronze. This increases the Strike Chance of any hoof-based attack by 10 and the Damage Modifier by +2. He may strike and inflict damage to targets that require magical weaponry, although the hooves themselves are not magical.
The exposure has had a more subtle effect on his soul, the forces involved propagating back in time, making tiny changes here and there, the result of which is to establish a connection between him and the gods. As a result, he gains this Racial Talent:
Dark Maned Aryan
Exp. Mult.: 200
Effects: Aryan can speak/understand any language he knows in his horse form. At Rank 10, he may speak/understand the language of normal equines (zebras, donkeys, etc), at Rank 20 fantastical (i.e. winged horses, nightmares, colt pixies, hippocampuses but not unicorns or centaurs).
These abilities only apply to Aryan's horse form:
His swearing is particularly salty and may cause even hardened sailors to blench if he should Break 100 + PB + Rank. Well-bred entities may faint dead away. This effects entities in a volume which will extend out to a range of 10 feet (+5 ft per 2 Ranks), being 15 feet wide(+5 ft per 5 Ranks). Any entity who understands Aryan within the volume must Resist or take no Action until they gasp. Gasping requires consciousness and a Pass Action. Once an entity has successfully Resisted, all subsequent Resistance Checks against this attack will automatically succeed until midnight.
Once a day, Aryan can leave behind him the effects of an Earth Tremor spell which is 5 hexes wide and as long as the TMR he has used that Pulse.

Once a day at Rank 9 or less, twice a day at Rank 10 - 19 and three times a day at Rank 20, Aryan can deliver the effects of a Thunderclap centred on the hex he is Trampling.
He may take a Pass Action and Cast Wildfires upon himself. The effective Rank is the same as this Talent.
Once a day, Aryan may take to the sky as a blazing steed of flame. This has all of the properties of Windwalking of equal Rank to this Talent, except that he sheds the same light as a torch at Ranks 0-5, a small campfire at Ranks 6 to 10, a large campfire at Ranks 11 to 15, and a bonfire at Ranks 16 or higher.
Call the Torrent Steeds
Once a Season Aryan may summon 12 Torrent Steeds from a stream or river.
Torrent Steed
A Torrent Steed is a raging elemental creature of rivers and streams. Their coats are silver, their manes are white like foam and their eyes are mysterious and blue. They will obey Aryan, who may instruct them to bear a rider of size 6 or less.
Special Abilities:
A Torrent Steed is entitled to 2 Actions a Pulse, provided only one of them

involves using TMR or some form of movement.
They may move over water, marshy or swampy terrain as if it were dry land.
They are pernicious to unnatural creatures who are inconvenienced by running water, in which case, they subtract Aryan's Rank in this Talent from any die rolls if they are within 6 hexes of one. Additionally, an extra rollup D10 is added to their Damage.
Movement Rates : Running: 600
PS: | 45 | MD: | 15 | AG: | 20 | MA: | None | EN: | 23 | FT: | 40 |
WP: | 18 | PC: | 19 | PB: | 12 | TMR: | 12 | NA: | Hide absorbs 3 DP |
Weapons: Torrent Steeds may either bite or kick into their rear hex.
Bite: BC 35%, [1 rollup D10], Melee & Close, Rank 0.
Kick: BC 60%, [2 rollup D10], Melee Rear, Rank 0.
They will last as many hours as Aryan has Ranks in this Talent or until slain.
Adventure | Season | Nature of Magic | Value | GM |
Brief Candles | Summer 813 | Ancient | Quest |
Form of the Feathered Serpent
Exp. Mult.: 350

Effects: Aryan may transform into a Feathered Serpent over a period of a 5 minutes, less 15 seconds per Rank in this Talent. It takes 1 Pulse and a Pass Action to return to his human form. Damage carries over between forms, and may need to be recalculated. The transformation will not be possible if it would kill him.
- Description
- Feathered serpents have sinuous bodies 5 metres long, 23 cms across at the widest, and weigh 81 kg. Their feathers are brightly coloured particularly when the weather is inclement. Their heads are beaked like an eagles and quite often, their tail ends in a metre long spine.
- Abilities
- Feathered serpents are unstable in the air. Learning to fly in this form is very difficult and must be learnt separately. However, once mastered, it has significant advantages:
- They may fly in spaces with only 15 feet of clearance. Smaller volumes may require a Flying Skill check at the DM's discretion.
- They may ascend or descend vertically or hover in place by coiling. Climbing reduces TMR or movement to a third, and rising straight up costs 1 FT per Pulse. Climbing at an angle of 45 degrees or less does not cost FT.
Movement Rates : Slithering: 150 yards per minute/30 mph (+1 per Rank)
PS: | 40(+Rank) | MD: | None | AG: | 20(+Rank/4) | MA: | Aryan's | EN: | 30(+Rank) | FT: | Aryan's |
WP: | Aryan's | PC: | Aryan's | PB: | 19 | TMR: | 3/12(+Rank/4) | NA: | Feathers absorbs 8 DP (+Rank/4) |
Bite: BC 65%, [2 rollup D10], Melee & Close, Rank = ½*(Rank of the Talent).
Constrict: BC 80%, [3 rollup D10], Close, Rank = ½*(Rank of the Talent).
Adventure | Season | Nature of Magic | Value | GM |
Brief Candles | Summer 813 | Serpent | Quest |
Aryan's Alchemical Resistance
As a result of his exposure to strange materials Aryan has an enhanced Resistance to poison, toxins and venoms. Any damage of this kind is halved, and may be further modified by other abilities. In addition, Herbalist or Alchemist poisons are reduced in effectiveness by 2 Ranks.
He knows this Talent:
Talent of Poison Resistance
Exp. Mult.: 200
Effects: Aryan gains a bonus to Resist poison, toxins and venoms when he is exposed to them equal to the Rank of this Talent. The Talent also reduces the effective damage of any poison, toxin or venom he is exposed to by 1 per 4 Ranks. At Rank 20, the Rank of Alchemical or Herbal poisons are reduced by 1.
Adventure | Season | Nature of Magic | Value | GM |
Brief Candles | Summer 813 | Serpent | Quest |
Serpent Strike I, II & III
This martial technique allows a combatant to automatically seize the initiative when they are in Melee or Close combat, but never in Unengaged combat. Currently, it will defeat Mantis Strike.
The combatant must sit cross-legged with a weapon held across their forearms for a week of deep contemplation. At the end of this time, the combatant spends 2,100 Experience. This entitles them to use one Serpent Strike per day, resetting at dawn. If they spend a similar amount of time and spend 4,200 Experience, they may use two Serpent Strikes per day, and so on, the cost doubling each time. The combatant must wait four Pulses between Serpent Strikes.
Adventure | Season | Nature of Magic | Value | GM |
Brief Candles | Summer 813 | Serpent | Quest |