Brief Candles: Book of Geomancy
Talent of Detecting Ley Lines
Range: Touch + 150 feet / Rank, 1 mile at Rank 20
Duration: Immediate
Experience Multiple: 75
Resist: None
Effects: This Talent allows the Adept to detect the presence of ley lines. They must declare a bearing (which they do not need to be facing or pointing at), and will be successful if one or more ley lines is within range. The DM decides whether or not they can determine range and number, except in the case when the ley lines intersect within range, which will be obvious to the Adept.
Earth Tremor
Range: 15 feet + 15 / Rank
Duration: 5 seconds + 5 / Rank
Experience Multiple: 350
Resist: None
Storage: Investment, Ward, Magical Trap
Target: Area
Effects:By the use of this spell the Adept causes the very earth to pitch and roll uncontrollably as though in a tremendous earthquake. The area that may be affected is a one hex area of ground (+ 1 / Rank).
Any Entities within the Area must roll less than or equal to 1 x AG to retain their footing. Those who fail to remain standing fall prone immediately and may not rise for the duration of the tremor. Objects within the Area will tend to topple and roll around. If the spell is cast under part of, or all of, a building, wall, or other such construction, significant structural damage will occur, probably causing partial or total collapse.
Cost: 500 Experience.
Constraints: May only be racked on a Ley Line
This spell is not teachable.
Incantation of Crystal Darts
Name: Crystal Darts
Spell: Elemental or Energy Bolt spell
Effects: This incantation of an elemental or energy bolt spell creates a Crystal Dart per 4 Ranks. For the purposes of determining what the darts can hit, they are considered magical A class weapons. A single Cast check is made with a Double Effect reducing Magic Resistance by 10, Triple Effects reducing it by 30. Any or all of the darts may be aimed at the same target, however, a Magic Resistance check is allowed against each Dart.
Crystal Darts are slender flechettes about half a metre long, and shatter on impact. If a Dart inflicts EN damage, the result of 2 D10 is summed and the result read as a Specific Grievous Injury and applied to the target.
This incantation can be applied to Bolt of Fire, Ice Bolt, Bolt of Energy, Bolt of Starfire, Bolt of Darkness or similar magic.
Cost: 1000 Experience.
Constraints: Unracks the spell, reduces FT by 2
Incantation of Stoneskin
Name: Stoneskin
Spell: Wall spells
Effects: This incantation may be applied to any wall spell except walls of Starlight, Darkness, Fire, Rune or Wind. The spell effect is transformed and absorbed into the body of the Adept, ready for it to be called upon.
The Adept may call upon the Stoneskin to avoid any damage from a single attack, although environmental effects like an avalanche or explosive decompression are at the discretion of the DM.
Although calling upon Stoneskin is a Free Action and may even be used before the Adept's initiative, it requires their next Pass Action. The effects of the Stoneskin last for the duration of the spell or for 1 attack per 4 Ranks, whichever comes first.
Constraints: Unracks the spell, reduces FT value by 2
Experience: 2,000
This incantation cannot be taught.
Ritual of Creating a Crystal of Vision
Experience Multiple: 200
Base Chance: 75% + 1% / Rank
Cast Time: 1 hour
Effects: The Adept can create a crystal that acts as a viewing crystal. They perform the ritual over an available piece of crystal (the bigger the crystal, the better the image will ultimately be) in their possession.
The Adept must burn 1 ounce of ambergris during the ritual at a cost of 1,000 Silver Pennies. The resulting crystal may be used once per day for 10 minutes
+ 1 minute per Rank (GMs should carefully time consultations).
They may then view visions (usually precognitive in nature) concocted by the GM. At Rank 6 and above, they may use the crystal to spy into an area to see
what is going on there. The maximum distance from the character to the area being spied into is 5 miles (+ 15 / Rank). To do so, the Adept must remain in the same place and take no other action.
If a crystal ball is used to look at a location then the ball will only look at the location specified. It can not then be commanded to move around. It will enable the observation of events in that location for its duration and will then clear. Once started it will continue to look at that location for its entire duration.
If the user cannot form a clear mental image for the ball to focus on, or command it to focus on an unambiguously defined point in space, then it is the GM's discretion as to what the ball will show. These are mystical devices, not telescopes or x-ray machines.
It is not possible to use detection talents (such as Detect Aura) through a crystal of vision.
Ritual of Raising Standing Stones
Range: Special
Duration: Special
Experience Multiple: 400
Base Chance: MA + 5 / Rank
Cast Time: 30 minutes
Effects: Standing Stones allow a Geomancer to communicate with entities at another set of Standing Stones which are within range and known to them. This will cost two FT. In addition, they may transport themselves and Rank other entities to another set of Standing Stones which are also within range and known to them.
These connections are not paired, but connect to a network and are permanent. The stones are raised on a flat surface to create a circle of a size, in hexes, at least equal to that of the maximum number of entities to be transported. It takes a day per hex to construct and cannot be destroyed unless all the stones are smashed. The destination must be to the site of Standing Stones the Geomancer has previously visited.
To use the Standing Stones, the Geomancer performs a half hour ritual. The Geomancer may transport a maximum of themselves and Rank others (multihex creatures count as size, in hexes, entities). Base Chance to transport is MA + (5 / Rank) - (1 / 5 miles). If the ritual is successful, the Adept must spend 1 FT per entity transported. A backfire will only result the expenditure of the Fatigue. Transportation is instantaneous. All entities passing through the Standing Stones lose all their Fatigue, in the form of tiredness fatigue.
If, however, the Standing Stones are built on the intersection of two ley lines, then it will cost but 1/2 of their Fatigue, if built on the intersection of 3 ley lines, the cost will be 1/3, and so on.