Aryan's Award Sixteen Quarters of Time
Return to The Sixteen Quarters of Time
Aryan returns to the Guild on 13th of Heat 812 WK
He spent 43 days away from the Guild.
- He may
- advance any Talent 7 Ranks.
- He has been immersed in these languages
- Thari - 2 weeks
- Lamethian - 2 weeks
- Albionian - 4 weeks
He may include the time associated with each language as part of his training time.
Stephen earns 6,000 Experience for his Scribe notes, to be applied, in part or whole, to any of his characters.
- Aryan has earnt
- 16,000sp cash
- Nett value of loot
- 149,800sp
- Cash adjusted for Guild Tax of 10%
- 1,020sp
Brimstone x 1

This pot weighs 4 oz and contains a reddish-brown dust.
If the Brimstone dust is scattered when a teleportation effect is invoked, then, so long as the destination is off-plane, range limits are ignored.
It may be used with Rune Portal, the Translocation incantation of Fire Arc, the Torc of Teleportation and similar magic.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
16 ¼ s of Time | Summer 812 | 7th Plane | Magical | Portals | Quest | ![]() |
Avoid Fate Trump

This trump may be played by the character's player to avoid any situation they choose, once. It may be played just before, during or directly after the event. In addition, no more than 5 minutes of real time must have passed (not time inside the game world) before it is played.
In general, no more than a Pulse of game time should have passed, but this is at the discretion of the DM, who should be aware that this is already a powerful effect and allowing it to be used beyond the scope of a few seconds increases its usefulness even further.
This will not simply restore an entity to life, should they have died, the magic of the trump will seek to change the situation so that they will not automatically die yet again. On the other hand, it is a second chance, not automatic success. The ability calls upon many of the DM's reserves, who should take a very dim view of its use, with the only positive thing to be said about it is that it is gone, now.
As a general guideline, the DM is advised to make the smallest and fewest changes to the situation as possible which would damage the suspension of disbelief.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
16 ¼ s of Time | Summer 811 | Land of Fable | Magical | Trump | Quest | ![]() |
Healing Potion x 4
This potion weighs 4 oz. It will restore D10 + 8 EN lost as a result of taking damage.
This potion is fragile, and if it is worn openly on a belt or similar attachment, it may be Prepared and imbibed in 1 Pass Action.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic
Value | Cursed | GM |
16 ¼ s of Time | Summer 812 | Perfidious Albion | Magical | Regeneration
400sp | ![]() |
Jim Arona 021-076 9376
Pot of Flesh x 1

This pot contains a pinkish, oozing mass and weighs 4 oz.
When it's contents are applied to a wounded entity, up to 3 Specific Grievous Injuries will be cured. If there is only one such injury, it will be cured at the end of the next Pulse. If there are three, then none of them will be cured until the end of the third Pulse after the mass has been applied.
No particular Skill is required to place the mass, it will slither around the target's body and infiltrate the wounds.
In addition, D+5 EN damage is cured.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic
Value | Cursed | GM |
16 ¼ s of Time | Summer 812 | Perfidious Albion | Formerly living | Regeneration
5,000sp | ![]() |
Jim Arona 021-076 9376
Stab-Curing Potion x 3

This potion will cure 1 A Class Specific Grievous Injury. In addition, it will restore 3 D10, healing EN deficit first, then FT.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic
Value | Cursed | GM |
16 ¼ s of Time | Summer 812 | Perfidious Albion | Magical | Regeneration
1500sp | ![]() |
Jim Arona 021-076 9376
Bash-Curing Potion x 1

This potion will cure 1 C Class Specific Grievous Injury. In addition, it will restore 3 D10, healing EN deficit first, then FT.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic
Value | Cursed | GM |
16 ¼ s of Time | Summer 812 | Perfidious Albion | Magical | Regeneration
2000sp | ![]() |
Jim Arona 021-076 9376
Slash-Curing Potion x 2
This potion will cure 1 B Class Specific Grievous Injury. In addition, it will restore 3 D10, healing EN deficit first, then FT.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic
Value | Cursed | GM |
16 ¼ s of Time | Summer 812 | Perfidious Albion | Magical | Regeneration
3000sp | ![]() |
Jim Arona 021-076 9376
Lilac Wine x 4

Each dose allows the imbiber to see or sense whatever they want to for about half an hour.
Whenever the imbiber stops drinking lilac wine, they add +5 to their die rolls until they get over it by rolling 3 x EN or less on percentiles.
They are entitled to make this roll once a day at dawn.
All additions to the die roll arise from the withdrawal effects of not taking lilac wine and are cumulative.
Drinking lilac wine removes all of these additions to the die rolls (but not those that arise from other causes) for about 8 hours.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic
Value | Cursed | GM |
16 ¼ s of Time | Summer 812 | Tanuel | Formerly living | Beguilement
300sp | ![]() |
Jim Arona 021-076 9376
Eye of Flame x 2

This eye can be exchanged for 5 Fire. One has been bound to Aryan's Hand.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic
Value | Cursed | GM |
16 ¼ s of Time | Summer 812 | Land of Fable | Formerly Living | Fire
200sp | ![]() |
Jim Arona 021-076 9376
Shunning Eye

This eye is an antagonistic eye. It has been made into:
Shunning Eye Amulet

This jewel weighs 2 oz and is worth 2,500sp. Any entity attempting a Gaze attack upon the wearer must Break 100 + 2 x WP or have their attention deflected away. This does not make them unaware of the bearer. However, where attention has been deflected like that, the wearer may attempt a Stealth activity at half their modified chance.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic
Value | Cursed | GM |
16 ¼ s of Time | Summer 812 | Land of Fable | Formerly Living | Shunning
400sp+Quest | ![]() |
Jim Arona 021-076 9376
Forest Dragon's Teeth x 18

Each of these teeth weigh an oz. They may be sown on a battlefield, whereupon each will grow into a warrior with the following stats:
PS: | 20 | MD: | 18 | AG: | 15 | MA: | 10 | EN: | 24 | FT: | 23 |
WP: | 20 | PC: | 18 | PB: | 12 | TMR: | 6 | NA: | 5 |
Attack | IV | SC | DM | Class | Use | Rk |
Spear | 38 | 96% | +5 | A class | M | 5 |
Large Round Shield | 37 | 68% | +2 | C class | M | 4 |
Their Defence is 35 and their Magic Resistance is 40%.
The warriors will fight loyally under the command of whoever sowed them, always succeeding when forced to make a morale check but will last no longer than a minute.
It takes a Pass action to sow the dragon's teeth, and as many as (Military Scientist Rank - 2) may be sown on any given day. The teeth may be sown in one action or one at a time.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic
Value | Cursed | GM |
16 ¼ s of Time | Summer 812 | Perfidious Albion | Formerly living | Calling
500sp each | ![]() |
Jim Arona 021-076 9376
Shriveled Heart of Resurrection
This dried and shriveled heart weighs less than 4 oz.
When it is powdered and sprinkled on the body of a dead human or humanoid, then they are treated as if they were Resurrected by a Rank 8 Healer. If the dust is used by a Healer, then they must spend the FT, but 5 is added to their Rank for the purposes of calculating success chance, and what Rank of Healer is required to heal the victim.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic
Value | Cursed | GM |
16 ¼ s of Time | Summer 812 | Perfidious Albion | Formerly living | Healing
7000sp | ![]() |
Jim Arona 021-076 9376
Ice Wand of Ray of Cold
Range: 255 feet
Duration: Immediate
Cast Chance: 75%
Resist: Passive
Target: Entity, Object
Effects: Triggering this wand projects a blast of intense magical cold at the target. The ray of cold will impact either on the target or on the first obstruction blocking the path from the Adept to the target. Anything struck
by the ray must either resist or suffer [D + 16] damage (resist for half damage).
The Cast Chance is modified by the MA and Enchantment(s) of the wielder, not the investor, and any situational modifiers that affect Ice College magic.
6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 |
The wand is 30 cms long and will drip constantly but not change its length substantially. However, whenever a charge is used, the length will diminish by 5 cms. It encumbers as if it weighed 12 oz.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
16 ¼ s of Time | Summer 811 | Urania | Magical | Cold | 13,500sp | ![]() |
Fire Lance
This long, slender weapon weighs 7 lbs. It require PS 14 and MD 15, and is treated in as if it were a Crossbow.
It takes all the standard penalties that apply for missile weapons, base Strike Chance being 50%, but damage is calculated by rolling 2 D10 and multiplying them. As it happens, the weapons are misnamed, and do not inflict Fire damage. Instead, it is a form of searing light which ignores Fire Armour and Fire Protection. However, Resistance to Light entirely protects against this damage.
Whenever the wielder rolls greater than 60 + MD, then they have rolled a Fumble. They must roll beneath their Initiative with this weapon or roll 2 D10 and multiply the results, applying it to everyone in the wielder's hex. If this damage is 20 or more, this is halved and applied to everyone up to 1 hex distant from the wielder, and so on until the damage falls below 10.
If the roll hits, but is in the range of a Fumble, then damage is applied first, then the Fumble is resolved.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
16 ¼ s of Time | Summer 811 | Perfidious Albion | Magical | Alchemical | 8,000sp | ![]() |
Baron Meliadus' Fire Lance
This long, slender weapon weighs 7 lbs. It require PS 14 and MD 15, and is treated in as if it were a Crossbow.
It takes all the standard penalties that apply for missile weapons, base Strike Chance being 50%, but damage is calculated by rolling 2 D10 and multiplying them. As it happens, the weapons are misnamed, and do not inflict Fire damage. Instead, it is a form of searing light which ignores Fire Armour and Fire Protection. However, Resistance to Light entirely protects against this damage.
Whenever the wielder rolls greater than 70 + MD, then they have rolled a Fumble. They must roll beneath their Initiative with this weapon or roll 2 D10 and multiply the results, applying it to everyone in the wielder's hex. If this damage is 20 or more, this is halved and applied to everyone up to 1 hex distant from the wielder, and so on until the damage falls below 10.
If the roll hits, but is in the range of a Fumble, then damage is applied first, then the Fumble is resolved.
10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 |
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
16 ¼ s of Time | Summer 811 | Perfidious Albion | Magical | Alchemical | 8,000sp | ![]() |

This broadsword is larger than usual and weighs 5 lbs. It provides a bonus of 17 to Strike Chance and provides enlightenment of 2 rollup D10 + 1 on a successful strike. It requires PS and MD of 15 to wield, and if the owner can wield it, they may achieve Rank with broadsword or hand-and-a-half. It is considered a 1 or 2-handed sword.
Joyeuse enlightens rather than harm, and so does not cause pain, although the enlightenment may be posthumous. If the force of the enlightenment is greater than 1/3rd of the victim's EN, then they are stunned. The workings of the Resist Pain Talent of the College of the Sorceries of the Mind (or similar magic) are ignored in this case.
This is a Named weapon and Charlemagne is believed to be the owner.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
16 ¼ s of Time | Summer 811 | Lands of Fable | Magical | Enlightenment | 17,500sp | ![]() |
Heavy Broadsword

This heavy broadsword weighs twenty-five lbs.
The base Strike Chance is 63%, and base DM is +15. Although the MD required to wield this broadsword is 15, only those who have PS of 35 or higher can strike with it.
The sword is made almost entirely of cold iron, and prohibits the wielder from using magic while they are wearing or wielding it.
It accepts no weapon spell except Weapon of Darkness, and can inflict B or C Class Specific Grievous Injuries.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
16 ¼ s of Time | Summer 811 | Perfidious Albion | Magical | Substantiality | 5000sp | ![]() |
Vanyarami Blade of Holos Klete
This Broadsword was an Ancient Vanyarami blade, the blade of the Legendary Vampire Slayer Holos Klete (date). It has been merged with Shadow Steel from the wings of a Jabberwock, and Death from a Trump on the plane of Fable in Summer, 811. It has the following attributes:
- The wielder gains the grace of a Vanyarami warrior; this Broadsword adds 1 to the wielders AG for each rank in Broadsword and adds 1 to MD for each rank in Warrior.
- The blade is imbued with the skill of sword master Holos Klete; this adds 3 effective ranks to the wielders Broadsword skill, applies to this weapon only and does not increase the AG gain above.
- The Battle Spirit of Holos Klete protects the wielder when they combat undead: it raises their WP by 6 for resistance purposes; +2pts of Necrogeny; +17% to any fear check.
- Vampires may be destroyed by this weapon when their condition of health is reduced to the point where they would normally have become mist.
- Shadow Steel increases the lethality of blows; the Specific Grievous chance is raised to 10% and Endurance chance to 20% of the modified strike chance.
- When struck by this blade, Lesser Undead must break 100 + WP or be slain, Greater Undead add their WillPower + EN + current FT.
- Insubstantial undead will be touched by True Death on a successful Strike and must resist even if they are otherwise unharmed by the blow.
- Adds 3 damage above normal weapons from Weapon Smith.
- Weapon spells on this sword will have their normal effect.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
16 ¼ s of Time | Summer 811 | Various | Magical | Various | 35000sp | ![]() |
Wolf Armour of Meliadus

This plate mail armour is sized for a human, weighs 36 lbs and prevents any attempt to cast in it. It provides 8 points of Protection, and reduces all incoming damage by 3 such that the wearer would ignore a FT blow of 11 damage or less. It penalises Stealth by 5.
The wearer's PS and MD are increased by 5, while their AG is increased by 1. TMR (on the ground, only) is increased by 3 to a maximum of 8. These bonuses will stack with other effects.
The armour has a reservoir of power which it draws upon to sustain it's special abilties. In the event that the reservoir is empty, the armour weighs 48 lbs, penalises Stealth by 25, and any bonuses to PS, MD, AG and TMR no longer apply.
Whenever the armour is activated (which will last until the end of the season), the reservoir is reduced by 25. It can hold a maximum of 200, and at the moment has
It can be recharged by Galvinism, or magic that gives life to things.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
16 ¼ s of Time | Summer 811 | Perfidious Albion | Magical | Flesh Crafting | 12000sp | ![]() |
Meliadus' Helm

This helm weighs 3 lbs, and prevents any attempt to cast magic while wearing it. If the wearer is a Ranger, they may subtract their Rank in that Skill from any PC check made to listen or identify sounds. The ears of the mask focus the wearer's hearing so that if they make this check (at the discretion of the DM), they may even target an entity or object so long as it is making some noise. This attracts the usual penalty for attacking blind, but it may be applied to thrown, missile attacks or spells that manifest their effects as a bolt or projectile (i.e. Diamond Javelins, Starfire, etc).
The jaws of the mask are articulated and will bite at the direction of the wearer. The Strike Chance is calculated from the wearer's Rank in Unarmed Combat, and the base Damage Modifier is D+3. The jaws inflict B Class damage. If the bite is successful, regardless of whether any damage is done, the mask will automatically shake their target, inflicting 2 rollup D10 per Pulse. Bonuses from PS and Rank may be applied. Preparing or loosing spells is impossible if the mask is shaking.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
16 ¼ s of Time | Summer 811 | Perfidious Albion | Magical | Flesh-crafting | 5500sp | ![]() |
Mr Wulf's Fur Coat

This fur coat counts as cloth armour and provides six points of protection. It has a weight factor of 2.5, and will adjust itself to its wearer. It is very cool and the wearer subtracts five from the gauge. It can quickly become dangerously cold. For every point that the wearer's gauge is below seven, they will lose one point of FT per hour. Magical abilities may reduce or remove these penalties.
At a cost of two FT, the wearer may take the general appearance of a type of creature they have studied. This study is treated as an Adventuring Skill with an Experience Multiple of 125. Each creature type is learnt and advanced separately and is considered to be the Rank of the disguise. They must have had an opportunity to examine the creature's behaviour reasonably closely.
The wearer may disguise themselves as a creature of the same size or a creature larger in size by up to Rank feet in any dimension, whichever is greater. They may not disguise themselves as something smaller than themselves. The disguise can be sustained for as long as the wearer maintains concentration.
At least four points of FT must be surrendered to the coat each day or it will starve, dying in seven days.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic
Value | Cursed | GM |
16 ¼ s of Time | Summer 812 | Uranus | Living non-sentient | Disguise
12,000sp | ![]() |
Jim Arona 021-076 9376
Great Ring of Plants

This ring encumbers as if it weighed 4 oz, and must be worn on the ring finger of the left hand.
It provides these special abilities:
- The bearer's Rank in Herbalist is increased by 1. Unranked increases to 0, Rank 10 increases to 11.
- They know the spell Converse with Plants of the College of Earth Magics, and may Rank it.
- They know the spell Enchanting Plants of the College of Earth Magics, and may Rank it.
- They may, by sacrificing 1 EN, Awaken a plant so that it is sentient. This EN loss may be recovered in the usual way. Such a plant will feel great loyalty to the bearer (unless they are betrayed) and be loyal to their interests.
- No other Great Ring may be borne at the same time.
- Unless the bearer allows it, no plant may move closer to them than 5 feet unless they succeed in a Magic Resistance check.
- The ring will store up to 15 FT. This can only be used for casting magic and the abilities of the Herbalist profession count in this regard (if they cost FT). The ring's store may be replenished by committing FT to it, the process taking an hour. However, until the bearer is completely rested, they only recover FT at half the normal rate (2 FT per hour of sleep, Restoratives only give half their FT value, etc).
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
16 ¼ s of Time | Summer 811 | Perfidious Albion | Living plant | Plant | 20000sp | ![]() |
Amulet of Karistocles

This amulet must be worn openly to be effective, although anywhere on the chest will do. It weighs 4 oz.
The wearer subtracts 5 from the result of their die roll when making a Magic Resistance check. This will not stack with other subtractions from the die roll, the greatest subtraction will apply, however.
Note: This does not increase Magic Resistance. Since Magic Resistance is not increased, neither is Active Magic Resistance. On the other hand, the 5 point subtraction from the die roll is not affected if the wearer's Magic Resistance is halved etc.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
16 ¼ s of Time | Summer 811 | Perfidious Albion | Construct | Galvanism | 12000sp | ![]() |
Figurine of the Air Ship

This figurine is 2½ ft long by 8 inches in diameter. It weighs 20 lbs
Once a season, if the appropriate command word is spoken, Aryan may release this Air Ship, which will transform over the space of a minute if there is sufficient space.
He may return the ship to its figurine form at any time and as frequently as he likes, however, this will take an hour.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic
Value | Cursed | GM |
16 ¼ s of Time | Summer 812 | Lands of Chaos | Formerly living | Spell Storage
Quest | ![]() |
Jim Arona 021-076 9376
Phylactery of Strength of Stone

This is a scroll that appears to be itemised so as to form a brooch. Strength of Stone has been invested in the phylactery at five times the normal cost. The phylactery can be read as a scroll (taking two full pulses), but instead of being used up, the spell will become reinvested on the following dawn.
The cast chance of the invested spell is the Base Chance plus three times the Rank. Bonuses from Enchantment and College modifiers are only applied when the cast check is made, the investor's Enchantment or situational modifiers have no effect. No bonus (or penalty) for Magical Aptitude is ever considered.
If the roll of the Cast Check should ever fall on a number fully divisible by 10 (e.g. 10, 20, 30, etc), then whoever is reading the phylactery must resist versus a Backfire, or the phylactery will be destroyed. If that number would be a success, then the spell is cast even if the MR versus Backfire fails destroying the phylactery.
Cast Chance: 80% Range: 10 feet Duration: 21 hours Rank: 20 Effects: +20 Endurance
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic
Value | Cursed | GM |
16 ¼ s of Time | Summer 812 | Lands of Chaos | Formerly living | Spell Storage
20,000sp | ![]() |
Jim Arona 021-076 9376

Aryan has agreed to serve Mark, Death's Champion.
Mark is an Immortal, not a god, and will not respond to appeals for aid nor may he be summoned. Serving him, or more accurately, the quest he pursues, is a dangerous and taxing task. Although he is a patron, he behaves more like a comrade in arms and expects his companions to serve with honour. He is always sad when worthy comrades fall.
Those in his service gain two benefits:
Traverse the Valley of Death
In the Shadow of Death
Mark expects a standard of behaviour congruent with honour and decency. He takes a final approach to people who are actively dishonourable. If he grows unsure of the rectitude of someone in his service, he will end the relationship directly. If he is certain that there has been impropriety or worse, his response will be swift and unilateral.
He is somewhat sentimental, and has a soft spot for lovers, so his approval can be won if star-crossed lovers are united.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | GM |
16 ¼ s of Time | Summer 812 | Land of Fable |
The Unforgotten
Experience Factor: 300
The Rank of this Free Sending is _________

This is a free sending which appears only in the recent memory of their target(s). They are unseeable by any means, unless an observer examines their recent memory, where they will be revealed. Examining recent memories requires an observer to close their eyes, which will make the sending impossible to target with spells. They may be targeted with weapons or spells that resolve their attack by means of Strike Checks. They may not be closed with.
Unforgotten are summoned to a point within 20 feet of the caller, and move in the same way as a Phantasm does.
One of the Unforgotten may be bound per 3 or fraction Ranks of the sending. Each of the Unforgotten may cast the Phantasm spell (at the Rank of the sending).
The sending may be bound to a place which may be released in the same kinds of ways that a ward may be triggered. In this case, the Rank is reduced by 5.
Aryan recovers 20% of the Experience he has spent on binding the sending to him if he has not called them before the next solstice or equinox. If he has not called them by the next solstice or equinox, then another 20% is returned to him. This continues every season until he has called them or recovered a maximum of 80% of the Experience spent.
These Unforgotten may be bound in the forest, near Yboracum, 400 miles north of the Londra Metroplex in Perfidious Albion.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | GM |
16 ¼ s of Time | Summer 812 | Perfidious Albion |
A Paragon of Manly Beauty

Aryan has become a paragon of manly beauty,and all who meet him are impressed by his charismatic personality. This in no way prevents them from disabusing themselves of this notion on further acquaintance.
He gains +20 to his Military Scientiest Rally chance.
In addition, he can, without cost or time, raise a House which will act as a High Mana Zone as well as a Place of Power for his (and his alone) magic. If he raises the House in a place that is proximate to it, a gate into the Astral will be included in the construction.
The default description of the House is that it is 2 storeys high, 20 metres by 30 metres. This reflects a cost of about 100,000sp and although this includes the cost of linen, furnishings, kitchenware etc., it does not include the wages of servants and other staff.
The House has been raised in conjunction with Kilroy as a concealed house in the forest, near Yboracum, 400 miles north of the Londra Metroplex in Perfidious Albion.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin
Nature of Magic
GM |
16 ¼ s of Time | Summer 812 | The Land of Fable
Jim Arona 021-076 9376
Aryan's Equine Shape Change
Aryan may assume the form of a powerfully-muscled horse, which has the following properties.
PS: | 55 | MD: | 11 | AG: | 16 | MA: | Aryan's | EN: | 25 | FT: | Aryan's |
WP: | Aryan's | PC: | Aryan's | PB: | 16 | TMR: | 10 | NA: | Hide absorbs 3 DP |
- Weapons
- Aryan may either bite or kick into their rear hex, and enter Close to trample.
- Bite: BC 25%, [D + 2], Melee & Close, Rank 0.
- Kick: BC 45%, [D + 7], Melee Rear, Rank 0.
- Trample: BC 25%, [D + 8], Close, Rank 0.
- In addition, if he rears (3 x AG check manoeuvre), he can kick into his front hexes, and this has a DM of D+4.
Assuming the shape requires a Pass Action, and all of his clothing and gear transform with him, making any special abilities inaccessible, although the benefit of any spell will apply when he is a horse.
He may only use Skills that he might reasonably be able to use as a horse. Swimming is fine but Climbing is not, neither is Philosopher, on the other hand, Ranger is. He may use Talents like DA, Witchsight etc, but not those abilities that are designed for a human form (i.e. not Leaping, Combat Training in Maintaining Melee with Large Monsters, Quick Draw, Enduring Regeneration, Transformation of Enlargement, Breathing, Leaping, Satyr's Racial Talent of Allure etc).
Biting and kicking may be Ranked as high as 6, and they may both be advanced by Ranking the Unarmed Combat skill.
PS, MD, AG and EN may each be raised once per season or adventure, whichever is least, to a maximum of 5 points at the normal cost. PB may also be raised 5 points in the same way, but the cost is 1250.
Adventure | Season | Value | GM |
16 ¼ s of Time | Summer 812 | Quest |
The Appreciation of Beauty
Experience Factor: 200
Effects: By visiting places where great art is displayed or attending performances of surpassing grace and wonder, an adventurer may be deeply moved by the experience so that, at a later time, they will be able to draw upon their recollection and find the fortitude to shrug off the twisted and insidious blandishments of Horrors and their ilk.
The Experience Factor of this particular exhibition is 200, and the viewer multiplies this number by the Rank they wish to know it at. The maximum Rank is 20.
If they should be attacked by such things that the DM believes the recollection of art may be of use, then the adventurer may spend the points until there are none left, each point providing a 5 point bonus to resist effects which target their personality, spirit or will. This takes no Action, but must be declared before they have made the die roll.
If this appreciation has not been used before the next solstice or equinox, the binder recovers 20% of the Experience spent. This keeps happening unless they invoke it or until they recover 80% of their initial expenditure, whichever comes first.
10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 |
Adventure | Season | Value | GM |
16 ¼ s of Time | Summer 811 | Quest |
Traverse the Valley of Death
Range: Self
Duration: Varies
Experience Multiple: 300
Base Chance: 10%
Effects: This Talent allows Aryan to enter the Valley of Death, a realm inimical to mortals, who will instantly die upon entering it. Only those who are immortal, or of the undying (as Aryan and Elves in general are) have any chance of surviving this realm.
Even then, there is a price to travel in this way, which must be paid in blood. Whoever travels through the Valley of Death loses all of their FT and reduces their EN by 10. The amount of EN doubles on each subsequent trip, resetting on the Season-end festival.
The Valley of Death is proximate to any mortal realm, 'though only very rarely contiguous to two or more. It is most definitely not proximate to the Abyss, the Void, Hell, the Firmament, or indeed any realm that is empty of mortals. In general, Aryan cannot travel from plane to plane with this ability, although he can travel from point to point within a mortal realm.
The distance covered is not a factor, but he must travel from one Death Node (burial place, graveyard, cemetery or cenotaph) to another that he has recorded. The first burial place costs nothing, the second costs 1 permanent point of EN, the third point costs 2 , the fourth costs 3, incrementing by 1 each time. This value resets to 0 on planes where he has no Death Nodes established.
Travel through the Valley of Death has a downside or two.
- Any Specific Grievous Injury not completely treated before entering the Valley will re-open, all of the repair work being undone.
- No Healing can be attempted while in the Valley of Death, these effects always fail, whether by use of Skill, Magic or Divine Boon.
- Anyone who dies while in the Valley of Death will die without hope of resurrection unless they are immortal or have powerful allies.
Adventure | Season | Value | GM |
16 ¼ s of Time | Summer 811 | Quest |
In the Shadow of Death
Aryan does not lose consciousness unless his EN is reduced to a negative number less than half his modified EN. If he has 25 EN and a Rank 20 Strength of Stone, he will not lose consciousness until his EN reaches -23.
If he is slain outright (for example, if he is decapitated), then he will likewise not sustain consciousness.
Adventure | Season | Value | GM |
16 ¼ s of Time | Summer 811 | Quest |
Mental and Physical Fortitude
This character may advance their FT by 1 per Adventure or Season, whichever is less.
There is no upper limit to which their FT value can ascend.
This costs 3 EN which may be bought back in the usual way.
Adventure | Season
GM |
16 ¼ s of Time | Summer 812
Jim Arona 021-076 9376
Aryan's Combat Addiction
Dabbling with a dangerous deck has enhanced Aryan's joy in combat.
Each pulse he is engaged in hand-to-hand combat (Melee/Close) he gains a cumulative -1 Dice Modifier to a maximum of -25. This will diminish at 1 per pulse he is not engaged in combat.
If he has not engaged in combat for over a day then he will be inflicted with a dice penalty based on how long it has been since his last fight.
- 1 Day: +1; 1 Week +5; 1 Month: +10; 1 Season: +25.
Aryan may always apply his Weapon Rank to increasing damage, even when over-strengthing the weapon.
Adventure | Season
GM |
16 ¼ s of Time | Summer 812
Jim Arona 021-076 9376
Aryan's Eye of Flame
Aryan has a Jabberwok's Eye of Flame bound into his left palm which grants him the ability to shoot flame from his open palm.
Initially this grants the talent of Pyrogenesis (as per Fire College talent).
If he achieves rank 20 in Pyrogenesis then he gains the 'talent' of Fire Bolt - requiring a magical pass action of preparation followed by a magical fire action and in all other ways identical to the Fire College spell.
If he achieves rank 20 in Fire Bolt then he gains the 'talent' of Fire Ball - requiring a magical pass action of preparation followed by a magical fire action and in all other ways identical to the Fire College spell.
If he achieves rank 20 in Fire Ball then he gains the 'talent' of Malignant Flames - requiring a magical pass action of preparation followed by a magical fire action and in all other ways identical to the Fire College spell except that if the target resists, they suffer half damage.
If he achieves rank 20 in Malignant Flames then he gains the 'talent' of Dragonflames - requiring a magical pass action of preparation followed by a magical fire action and in all other ways identical to the Fire College spell.
Normal base chances (including MA and Fire College modifiers), FT costs, backfires, and adept's cold iron limitations apply to all of the above.
Adventure | Season
GM |
16 ¼ s of Time | Summer 812
Jim Arona 021-076 9376