Argentum Metaphysics
This article expresses the opinion of an individual or group within the game world, and may not be entirely factual, or free of bias. |
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This section contains some open questions and opinion of individual philosophers. There is as yet no coherent Argentum Metaphysics. Any Philosopher will hold at least three opinions on any subject worthy of consideration. Please add opinions, comments, and theories - this is by no means a fixed thesis or exposition of a single viewpoint.
Not all planes are made equal. While there is no over-arching theory of plane types, construction or distribution, some basic descriptive properties of planes can be listed.
Substantial Planes
Some planes are in some sense more substantial than others. These planes tend to be richer and more complex, but more importantly, they attract or create parallel planes – worlds that are a shadow or imitation of them. This can be seen by the proliferation of parallel Alusias – Illusia, Elusia, Alusia 3, etc. Earth appears to be another substantial world – several different variants of Earth have been visited by Guild members. These substantial worlds tend to be more textured, diverse, and larger than most other worlds, without being fundamentally weird.
Shadow Planes
Around every substantial plane is a collection of shadow planes, distorted reflections or simplifications of the more real plane. These worlds often serve as analogies, alternative histories, or "what if" scenarios of their associated main plane.
Concept Planes
Some planes appear to be embodiments of fundamental elements, concepts or natures. The Elemental, and Astral planes can be placed here, along with Hells, Heavens, the Void, Dreamland planes, and even planes based on ideas or social conventions, such as Proscenia.
Simple Planes
Some planes are simple, containing only a small area, with one or two different cultures, simplified terrain, etc. These are often idyllic or play out parables. Small paradise planes (pocket universes accessible via chests, rugs, hats, etc.), sit somewhere between Simple and Concept planes, as do the faerie realms.
Constructed Planes
Several planes visited have been constructed by sentient artisans – World-builders of various sorts. These worlds are often Simple planes, and perhaps all Simple planes are constructed. These tend to be more mechanical or artificial than natural planes – or possibly "natural" planes are merely more subtly designed, or built longer ago so the construction marks have worn off.
The nature of Powers, beings we worship, varies greatly. They can be grouped and categorised in several fashions, but most Powers exist somewhere in between, and the categories should perhaps been seen more as a set of metrics to contrast the different styles of Powers. This section is very general, as the hubris to create a Type Theory of Powers, who by their nature may be beyond mortal ken, escapes us.
Local vs. Inter-Planar
Many Powers only care about one world, or even one region, race, or terrain feature within that world. It is possible that these Powers are tied to this location, through their nature, source of power, or just empathy with the locals. Other Powers, while better known in some places than others, can incarnate on many different worlds. The Archangels and Demons are primarily of this second kind, although there are several worlds they cannot visit.
Singular vs. Amalgam
Most Gods are singular individuals, while the Archangels and Demons are amalgams of multiple like-minded individuals serving a common goal.
Creator vs. Caretaker
All planes were created. Some Powers claim to create their worlds, but many arrived afterwards, and lack the power to create worlds. The world-creators are usually Local – Powers strong enough to create multiple planes seem to be very rare. A third type might be the destroyers of planes, but these don't seem to attract much worship or attention.
Personal vs. Conceptual
Many Powers are anthropomorphic, either because they were once mortal, gain their power from their links to mortals, prefer to be seen that way for ease of communication, or because we are made in their image. They tend to have human form, personalities, emotions, goals, and often families. Some Powers are more conceptual, and are thus more distant. In general, more primitive cultures have animal or humaniform gods, while highly ritualised or abstract cultures often worship more abstract Gods.
Moral vs. Amoral
Conceptual powers often make no moral claims – an abstract Ice God may freeze people by exercising their nature without it being an act of malice or cruelty, but a personal Ice God who chooses people to freeze for amusement is performing a moral act, and thus making moral claims. The Archangels and Demons are moral, in that they are working in a moral framework, and their acts are caused by Free Will, after weighing moral suffering and comparative worth of various choices. Of course, the Demons are immoral, in that they are flawed morally, and their moral claims reek of corruption.
Pantheonic vs. Solitary
Powers sometimes come in families or pantheons. The more abstract Powers can come in linked sets, like Earth, Fire, Ice, Air. Sometimes there are dualist Powers – two Powers opposed to each other, requiring the other to define their existence. And finally, there are solitary Gods, who tend to be more difficult to deal with, like only children.
An Heretical View of the Archangels
The Archangels appear to be amalgams of many kindred souls, each led by the soul of an individual elf from the time of the War of Tears. The souls of strong, pure worshippers combine and serve the common goals, adding to their strength. However, this means the Archangels had a beginning, and their founders presumably had some form of religion. Does this religion have any relevance to their later worshippers?
The other examples of amalgam creatures are some of the Fantastical races, which are generally held to be constructed by Shapers or powerful beings. Is it possible that the Archangels are constructs? If so, are they any less worthy of worship, especially if they are self-constructed?
Parallel forms of the Archangels have been found, both on other planes and on Alusia. These parallel forms have described themselves as holding the same or equivalent offices or roles to the Archangels, over different physical regions. If the Archangels are holding offices, who are they serving? Is there a Power they follow, and if so, is their relationship like a worshipper to a God, or like a Duke to his King – that is, are they of a similar order of majesty and power, or is there a hierarchy of Powers? Or perhaps there are metaphysical roles which need to be filled to keep a stable universe, in the same was that many pantheons have a thunder god, a hearth goddess, etc., and different groups of Powers sometimes fill the same roles in the same way, and at times recognise their peers.
There appear to be some forms that reoccur in nature. One of the most extreme examples is the similarity in form of many sentient races. Most Fae, Giants, Earth Dwellers, and sentient non-fantasticals are anthropoid. Most shapechangers have an anthropoid component – wolf/man, snake/man, etc. Even primal spirits such as Elementals, Efreet, and Djinn come in the same rough form.
Perhaps it is not chance that we regard Elves and Sidhe as the highest of the Fae, Titans as the highest of the Giants, Dwarves as the highest of the Earth Dwellers, and Humans as the highest of the beast-men. Each is perhaps the most magical of their type, and most similar in form to each other. The number of Gods that take on anthropic form as well lead us to the possibility that we are not so much made in the image of our gods, as shaped and bred into that image.
Many people may object to the assertion that humans are a type of beast-man. Beast-men include Saurime (lizard-man), Sahuagin (fish-man), Spawn (frog-man), the snake-men of the southern continent, Sasquatch (ape-man, snow-man), and Shapechangers (men with alternate beast forms). However, Humans (a) interbred with Shapechangers, and thus must be closely connected; (b) are more prone to lycanthropy than any other race; (c) transform into greater Undead more easily than any other races; and (d) are more akin to the Neanderthal & Yeti than other races, hence the Elvish for Human translating as "smart-ape". Perhaps Shapechangers and/or Humans are a degenerate form of Doppelganger, no longer able to change shape at will.
For completeness, one must list the Orcish theory of types – that we are in fact all orcoid, rather than anthropoid. A strong argument can be made for Goblins, Hobgoblins, and even Gnolls & Ogres, that they are the result of unspeakable crossbreeding between Orcs and animals. However, the idea that a Dryad, Titan or Hobbit could be the spawn of an Orc and some other creature does not bear reflection.
Exceptions to the anthropic form include the Dragon, Wyvern, Kraken, Unicorn, Gryphon, (some) Pegasi, and the partial anthropomorphic constructs the Sphinx, Gargoyle, and Naga.
Other Archetypes
Other shapes that reoccur commonly in sentient forms include Dogs, Horses, Lions, Eagles, and Lizards (or Dragons). These are more commonly seen as partial features of Demons or Fantasticals – the Hellhound, Unicorn, Gryphon, Hippogriff, Roc, Hydra, Wyvern, etc. Dragons are the First Race and the primary non-anthropoid sentient race, Lions are the King of the Beasts, Eagles are the King of the Birds, but the prevalence of the Horse is a little more mysterious, as is another common demonic creature, the Duck or Goose. The Hellhound is the only common non-anthropoid demon.
Mind, Body and Soul
Our world is clearly dualist – the body and soul each have existence independent of each other. Resurrection is proof of this. This is one reason why lesser undead and animated golems – and their warped creators – fill all right-minded people with repugnance, and greater undead and the few sentient golems are inherently evil.
Mind and Soul
Whether mind and soul are completely independent is a more delicate question. Usually, Mind and Soul are together an inseparable. Greater undead have sentience without a soul. Senility, lycanthropes, and similar magicks show a retention of soul without mind. However, only creatures that have (had) a sentience have a soul – animals cannot be resurrected, and have no representation in the afterlife. The soul is essentially shaped by its ethics, which require Free Will and thus sentience. It is likely that in the case of undead, the soul has been cruelly ripped from the mind and discarded; while for temporary loss of sentience, or even village idiots, the mind is simply repressed.