Aladarian Navy
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The Aladarian Navy
The homeport of this 'Navy' is Zumular.
The 'Navy' as of early 807 consists of only 4 ships with 2 of these being river boats.
The Navy was under the command of the Lord High Admiral of Aladar who was also Viscount of Zumular until Spring 807. At the 2nd Aladarian Congress of Lords the position was split from the Noble role and the position of Lord High Admiral of Aladar became an independent position.
The 1st holder of the new independent position is Davydd Sartoris who took command in Spring 807.
The 3rd Aladarian Congress of Lords in 808 voted additional funds for vessels and troops so the Lord High Admiral can expand the navy to combat the growing pirate threat off the Aladarian Coast.