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This multi-generational, extended family of Dwarves lives in Gugnir's Hope where they work a nearby coal mine. However that coal pit is NOT really the source of their modest wealth; more of a "Training & Exercise resource for the children" — sorry: an example of dour Dwarvish humor: i.e. "It's funny because it's Mostly True & Somewhat Uncomfortable to hear".

The Dwarves are brought up to honor their elders, and to be loyal & honest to their Gugnir's Hope neighbors/friends. Indeed, a young neighbor recently asked, "How can Stone be bold?" And, since the lass's profession is wielding a hammer to bend steel to her whim, she clearly merits a prompt answer. Exposed Stone is hard, but subject to the Elements — it may be crackled by Lightning and slowly, but eventually, ground down by Rain or other Waters ... that particular Hard stone still endured a long, boldly, until it finally crumbled, leaving any unprotected dirt behind behind it to rapidly eroded, so that (soon enough) stony faces, Bold Faces will take up their Duty Watch.

The Clan's main income is from trading: especially their AsBoldAsStone Tinctures.
The dwarves gather various colorful minerals and grind them into very fine powders — e.g., Lazurite for bright blue; Jadite for green, etc. These tinctures are ESSENTIAL components that enable other Artisans in Alusia to make:

* Their own vibrant or "atmospheric" Artists' paints;
* Enamels for snazzily coloured armour, shields, weapon handles;
* Multiple shades of high-quality writing inks
* exquisite clothing dyes
* various, mostly non-toxic high-class face-powders & face-paint, etc.

The CRITICAL EXPERTISE is knowing which minerals are safe ... Although some of the Artists' tinctures are somewhat toxic: possibly explaining why a disproportionate number of Alusia's great artists are crazy &/or drunk. ("Hey guys, how hard is it stop sucking or chewing your brushes?".)

The Clan also maintains a specialist shop in MMHS, selling at the traditionally excessive MMHS prices ... near the Magical University, of course, but not too close. Also, sometimes traders and gypsies "in the know" visit Gugnir's Hope to trade items & information more discretely or cheaply with the Clan and their neighbors.

What is generally unknown to outsiders is that in every generation of the AsBoldAsStone Clan there is at least one female who is a promisingly skillful Alchemist. For convenience, they're always named Diana, but each has a different family nickname — e.g., currently the youngest Alchemist is "Die", and her favorite aunt is "Di-do".