Troubles with Blackstrike

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Winter 810
Trouble with Blackstrike


  • Fizzgig - master merchant and supplier of the finest silks.
  • Sabastian - master builder and all around charming hobbit.


Travel to Kanlaoise and install a scying device within Blackstrikes compound for Baccarat.


Following an evening of Peaches and Cream Sebastian finds a card in his pocket depicting the face of Baccarat. Making contact with Baccarat he leans of the many intrigues taking place in Kanlaoise, and Blackstrike is currently their focus. Blackstrike was in involved with the death of the previous Emperor, and climbed over the bodies of many allies to amass power and wealth. Baccarat seek knowledge of Blackstrike, and requires a scrying device placed within his compound, it is magically protected from scrying but the cunning device created by Orthostopheles records activity - it must be placed and then retrieved at a later time.

The activity requires cunning and stealth, and Sebastian seeks out fellow hobbit Fizzgig to join him for high adventure. Fizzgig explains to his rather annoyed wife they are off to a merchants convention and they disappear off to Kanlaoise via the tree portal. It is agreed that Sebastian should act as the party leader and scribe due to his naturally bold and charming ways. Not wanting to be left our Fizzgig takes up the role as Military scientist, he once knew an adventure with the skill and watched him carefully, so should be able to wing it if any conflict occurs.

Meeting Baccarat and Metastopheles in Sernoyia they discuss the details of the mission. The compound is a few days journey away, well protected both magically and militarily. The scying device is a bottle of silver liquid, to be poured upon a surface - it will record anything in observes, however it must be retrieved to view the recordings.

Setting off the next day they take a boat to Er'ab the closest town and walk for half a day to the estate. While travelling we observe troops and a priest making their way to the estate, more intrigue. Arriving at the estate find large jungle surround the entirety of the main estate, wild lions live there and act as guards. Additionally the hedge surrounding the estate is magically warded to detect any movement through the hedge. We summon lions and cubs appear, not what we were after but will do - Fizzgig removed the ward on the hedge and we make our way through. The cubs lead us through and jungle, avoiding lairs, but we make our way to an dense wall of trees that surround the main property. The trees are magically enchanted to be very large once you enter, and the entire forest is hostile to anyone that enters. We avoid the magical affliction and make our way onto the estate, sneaking around way into a guest house on the edge of the estate that is not currently in use.

Observing for a few day we watch the inhabitants moving around, catering to every whim of Blackstrike. We find a trap door leading to an underground tunnel in the guest house, but, following much effort, we can not open it. Nothing vexes hobbits more than a door then cannot open, so we raid the wine cellar to commiserate. Drink half of each bottle we refit it with water and reseal it.

We finally sneak into the main block of builds during the night, aside from scaring a few staff successfully enter the main building. We find many notes and ledgers that we read through, but cannot enter a small internal stone room, where we assume the most important notes are kept. We pour the liquid into the roof of what appears to be the main meeting room and make our exit.

Spending the next day travelling back to Sernoyia and look to stay there the night, however we observe we are being followed and make a call to Baccarat. We try sneak out of the town but are still being followed, but Metastopheles makes short work of our tails. We travel via Maze and report back to Baccarat and Delirium our activities, they believe the Prist was aware of our presence on the estate but chose not to reveal us to Blackstrike - we leave this intrigue with team Baccarat as we depart back to Alusia, a job well done.