Miscellaneous Loot - Keith

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Pearl necklace of Water Breathing

This pearl necklace is made out of ordinary pearls except for the largest, and centre pearl. This is a Pearl of WaterBreathing. It looks like an ordinary pearl, but instead is a receptable for a WaterBreathing spell. The pearl has to be placed near the wearer's skin in order to function.

Currently the pearl is empty. When a Water Mage holds the pearl and casts a WaterBreathing, the spell is immediately absorbed by the pearl and split into a number of charges equal to the number of hours that the spell would normally run. Each charge lasts for an hour and has a base chance of 45% + 3/rank of spell initially installed. The pearl can only be recharged when it is empty. If a backfire occurs when charging there is a 5% * spellrank chance that the pearl will crack and be rendered useless.

As a safety feature, if the current charge runs out while the user is still underwater the next charge, if present, automatically activates. The user will be aware that this occurs.

Worth : 4000sp

Wand of Coloured Bolts of Starfire

  • Charges: 10
  • Aura: Magic, Storage.
  • POO: Alusia.
  • Effects: It is invested with Bolt of Starfire, Rank 10, BC 85%

Each bolt does (D-4)+10 damage except as indicated below

Upon activation, the wielder can nominate the colour of the bolt. If they don't, the GM can pick one. Specific colours can do double damage against particular types of targets (cf Phaeton's modified Bolt of Starfire ). The colours and targets are:

  • Red - Creatures of Water
  • Pink - Creatures of Ice
  • Green - Creatures of Fire
  • Orange - Creatures of Air
  • Blue - Creatures of Earth
  • Yellow - Undead
  • White - Unholy (Demons and Devils etc)
  • Black - Holy (Angels, Powers of Light etc)
  • Purple - Illusions and Phantasms
  • Grey - Golems and Constructs

A GM may add others at his/her discretion

Value 11,000sp

Ring of Feather Fall

Activates after the user has freefallen for at least five seconds and keeps going until the user stops falling. Usable three times a day. (5 seconds = 360 feet. The normal feather fall condition is 5 feet.)

Value 10,000sp

Ring of Feather Fall (v2)

Allows the adept to cast a Rank 15 Feather Fall spell as if the Adept was an Air mage (Air mage college bonus/penalties apply) three times per day. On a non-resistant cursed backfire then the item is destroyed but the Adept will not suffer the effects.

Value 22,500sp

Ring of Resistance - Class 1

  • Plane of Origin: Alusia
  • Nature of Magic: Protection
  • Physical Appearance: This plain and unadorned ring is made of pure truesilver.
  • Weight: Negligible.
  • Effects: This magic ring confers a bonus of +5 to the wearer's magic resistance. If any other magic (not including ritual purification, but including counterspells and greater enchantments) gives more protection than this then the ring confers no additional protection. The ring will not stack with other similar items (except amulets of luck).
  • Value: 5000 sp

Ring of Resistance - Class 2

  • Plane of Origin: Alusia
  • Nature of Magic: Protection
  • Physical Appearance: This plain and unadorned ring is made of pure truesilver.
  • Weight: Negligible.
  • Effects: This magic ring confers a bonus of +10 to the wearer's magic resistance. If any other magic (not including ritual purification, but including counterspells and greater enchantments) gives more protection than this then the ring confers no additional protection. The ring will not stack with other similar items (except amulets of luck).
  • Value: 10000 sp

Ring of Resistance - Class 3

  • Plane of Origin: Alusia
  • Nature of Magic: Protection
  • Physical Appearance: This plain and unadorned ring is made of pure truesilver.
  • Weight: Negligible.
  • Effects: This magic ring confers a bonus of +15 to the wearer's magic resistance. If any other magic (not including ritual purification, but including counterspells and greater enchantments) gives more protection than this then the ring confers no additional protection. The ring will not stack with other similar items (except amulets of luck).
  • Value: 15000 sp

Trollskin amulet

  • Kicks in a trollskin when the wearer falls below 0 EN. It will keeps trying to regenerate the wearer until he/she is back to full EN or has been knocked down to minus twice their original EN score.
  • Value: 15,000sp.

Collar of Flea Removal

  • When worn, this collar kills any fleas on the wearers body. It has to be worn for a period of a full day in order to be effective.
  • Value: 1000sp

Bracers of Armour

  • Plane of Origin: Alusia
  • Nature of Magic: Protection
  • Physical Appearance: These are a set of beautifully crafted, finely engraved bronze and leather arm-guards, sized to fit a medium-sized human or elf.
  • Weight: 1 lb each.
  • Effects: These bracers are worn on the lower arms and cover the wearer with a magical field that gives the same effect as AP 4 armour (four points of FT damage blows only). This item does not stack with any other armours or spells conferring armour such as Armour of Earth. Both bracers must be worn for the magic to be effective.
  • Value: 8000 sp

Comb of Disentanglement

  • This gilded metal comb has the magical property of instantly and painlessly removing knots and tangles from the hair or fur of any living entity when used for grooming. It will not work on hair which is not part of a living entity.
  • Value"": 500sp

Chainmail bikini

This is a two part outfit made of silvered chainmail with the interior covered in thin leather. Each part can be worn separately or together, but it must be worn openly in order to for the innate magics to work. It will not provide any benefits if any other armour is worn with it.

The brassier must be the only thing worn on the body between the navel and neck in order to reap the benefits. It adjusts to fit the person wearing it (males can wear it, but it will look rather silly) and provides 5 points of armour protection all over and, against male opponents, +10 to initiative in the first combat round.

Wearing the matching briefs openly as well, adds the following. Armour protection becomes 6, PB is raised by 1, and initiative is raised by +30 in the first combat round against male opponents.

There is no agility modifier and the initiative bonuses are stackable with other initiative bonuses.

Worth 6000sp

Crystal of Illumination

When touched, and the command word is used, this crystal will start to glow with a soft light, equivalent to a torch, for a number of hours equal to the number of fatigue points put into it by the user at the time of activation (eg 6FT will provide light for 6 hours). The light DAs as Rank 11 Celestial Illumination and acts according to that spell.

The crystal is a sphere, about two inches in diameter.

  • Value: 3000sp

Halfglobe of Firelight

This is a clear glass halfglobe, 1ft in diameter, containing a permanent Rank 11 firelight. It is designed to be affixed to a ceiling or wall to provide continuous illumination. If it is damaged by an EN blow, the magic goes away.

  • Weight: 10lbs
  • Value: 1100sp

Crystal of Magical Detection

This is a clear, fist sized, crystal. When it is touched to an invested or shaped item, it glows with a faint light. Basically it works by detecting the magical component in an aura. It only works on objects.

  • Value: 8000sp

Pendant of Mana Preparation

This item needs to be in contact with a person for a week while they are spellcasting to attune it to the wearer's College and/or magic. Once attuned, the user can then choose to prepare a spell while engaged in any other non-magical action. The user can do active actions such as being engaged in combat during this 'prepare pulse' as the pendant is doing the spell preparation instead of the user. The user must succeed in a standard concentration check and not be stunned, fall prone, or become otherwise unable to cast during this pulse to be able to cast the selected spell as per normal in the next pulse. The spell is then cast as if the Concealed Casting talent is applied to it (+20 to Cast Check). The user must use the spell that was prepared in this manner before preparing another spell. Note that the user choose to prepare spells normally, even with this item available, in which case normal rules apply.

Ring of Protection

  • Plane of Origin: Golarion
  • Nature of Magic: Enchantment
  • Physical Appearance: This ring is made of silver, engraved with "+1”.
  • Dimensions: The ring will comfortably fit any humanoid finger.
  • Weight: Negligible
  • Effects: This ring adds 5% to the defense of the wearer and confers a damage reduction of 1 point versus all physical weapons. This stacks with all other protection EXCEPT for other rings of protection.
  • Value: 50000 sp

Enhanced Ring of Protection

  • Plane of Origin: Golarion
  • Nature of Magic: Enchantment
  • Physical Appearance: This ring is made of silver, engraved with "+2”.
  • Dimensions: The ring will comfortably fit any humanoid finger.
  • Weight: Negligible
  • Effects: This ring adds 10% to the defense of the wearer and confers a damage reduction of 2 points versus all physical weapons. This stacks with all other protection EXCEPT for other rings of protection.
  • Value: 50000 sp

Ring of Counterspells

  • Plane of Origin: Golarion
  • Nature of Magic: Namer countermagic
  • Physical Appearance: This ring is made of silver set with a blank face.
  • Dimensions: The ring will comfortably fit any humanoid finger.
  • Weight: Negligible
  • Effects: This ring is a receptacle for any one spell. Currently the ring is empty. When an adept holds the ring and casts a spell, the spell is immediately absorbed by the ring. Should that spell be later cast at the wearer, all of its effects on the wearer (only) are immediately nullified. This empties the ring and another spell may then be cast upon it.
  • Value: 10000 sp

Ring of Sustenance

  • Plane of Origin: Golarion
  • Nature of Magic: Conjuration.
  • Physical Appearance: This complex ring is made of gold set with semi-precious stones, in the form of fruit, flowers and birds.
  • Dimensions: The ring will comfortably fit any humanoid finger.
  • Weight: Negligible
  • Effects: This ring continually provides its wearer with life-sustaining nourishment, so that the wearer need not eat or drink.
  • Cost: 20000 sp