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This article is 100% rumour, 80% true, 60% relevant, 40% accurate, 20% dependable and 0% guaranteed.

There are a range of possible magics depending on the variant taught. There is no full understanding of the college spells and their effects, due to the secret and commercially sensative nature of this magic. This is a best guess by a famous researcher, who preferes to keep their identity hidden for legal purposes.


Identify Handwriting

Can match handwriting sample to a person they’ve met.

Identify Script / Language

Can identify the language of a document. Can read it at Rank/4.

General Spells

Read Script

Can read a document in any language. Rank/2.

Transcribe Document

Will make a copy of a document in another known language.


Will write what the Adept says in a known language.


Will read from a document, translating if both languages are known.

Erase Document / Invisible Ink

Document is erased on condition – usually reading. Reversible. Reverse spell renders writing visible on condition.

Written Suggestion

One post-hypnotic suggestion is implanted on reading the document. Will be justified by the reader.

Spell Delay

Spell effect is delayed until read, and targeted on reader.

Read at a Distance

Scrying of all written material in an area..


Re-writing a document so it looks like the original handwriting, etc., but says something different.


Non-falsifiable signature.

General Sigils / Words of Power

Warding Sigil

Resist or can’t cross.

Warning Sigil

Triggers alarm.

Fireproofing Sigil

Document with this sigil is proof from normal fire

General Rituals


Reading the future – like the other astrology rituals

Special Spells


Script Analysis. Type of person, truth and other info related to document and relationship with recipient.


Can make a high-quality forgery of a document.

Binding Contract

Puts a geas on those who sign a contract.

Make Code / Cypher

Makes a non-magically unbreakable cipher.

Break Code / Cypher

Breaks non-magical ciphers and magical ones of lesser rank.

Influence the Reader

Charms the reader(s) to believe the document.

Write at a Distance

Can write at long range.


Objects are mislabelled. People believe the labels, not their eyes.

Minor Blessing / Curse

A note with a Name and phrase inflicts a minor curse or blessing. “Bob, get well soon.” speeds healing.

Linking Tomes

Write in one book, read the other. Large distances.

Summon Document

A previously memorised document will teleport to the Adept.

Special Sigils / Words of Power


Can’t scry into area encircled by runes.


As per Rune of Truth

Sigil of Ownership

Blatantly obvious who this belongs to.

Sigil of Reversal

Changes an object’s primary property to its opposite; where there is an existential dichotomy; eg open/close, lock/unlock, hot/cold; loud/quiet.

Special Rituals

Duplicate Scroll

Can copy an existing Invested Scroll to make more copies.

Runes of Doom

As per Rune College


Write the future. Many limitations.