Elementary My Dear Adventurer

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Adventure: To Be Determined
GM: Keith
Session: Autumn 823
Night: Tuesday'
Location: Smiths online
Level: Medium+

Party ((let's see who shows up))

  • Lim??
  • Sabastian - cant start for three-five weeks as busy on Tue
  • Ian
  • Vixen - The real fire mage - played by Kita
  • Eugene - The Necro-Fire Mage who dies a lot - played by Sam

Pay: 20sp per day per person and Loot (there's bound to be some. Right?)
Days on Adventure: We'll know when we get back

Guild Security have a few things that need looking into

  • Finding those Platonic Solids needed for a ritual
  • Exploring the more intact pyramid at the southern end of the Coral Sea
  • Getting more information about Zeylandia
  • Checking out anomalies in a Guild member's background before there are problems
  • Rescuing the Aventi in the Shallow Sea - and is that Death Zone still there?
  • Where did the Aventi come from anyway?