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D'Artagnan Took (Dart) is a male halfling bardic and troubadour played by Alex Dickson


A tall (3'8") and limber (80lbs) halfling, with handsome and pleasing features... Looks to be in young adulthood (born Winter 789). His physical characteristics appear...

D'Artagnan will usually be well dressed in courtly cavalier fashion: tall, soft boots, jacket, shirt and pants, with rapier and main-gauche on a belt, and a fine hat sporting blue ostrich plumes. He may also be carrying a lute.


D'Artagnan spends much of the time at his family home in Seacroft, but can be found entertaining in taverns around Carzala.


D'Artagnan is a member of the College of Bardic Magics and a troubadour of some skill, while his other abilities run to more military pursuits.


D'Artagnan grew up in an around Seacroft, and often helping out his grandfather Aloysius Took, the publican of the Adventurer's Rest tavern.

Info for GMs

Visible Value
Moderate - finely dressed, with a little additional jewellry.
Party Roles
Offence: Low, but training to be better.
Defence: Low, but training to be better.
Utility: Beginner level Bardic magics.
To be advised...
Friends and Allies
To be advised...
To be advised...
Gods and Powers
To be advised...
Halfling and Common, with a little Elven.
Main Skills
Mid-ranked Troubadour
Low ranks in Courtier, Military Scientist, and Warrior.
Hobbies include cooking and sharpening swords.
Main Spells & Rituals
Low generals in Bardic Magics.
Other Stuff of Note
To be advised...