Spy Game (play by post)
Summer 818 WK
Message for Aqualina from your agents, spies, allies and friends -
Lady Aqualina - John André You head off the the south seas looking for the wave of life. You talk to many humpback whales and other creatures for its location.
After talking to a ghost of a whale it tells you that the wave this time of year will be migrating back from the Isle of Adventure. Another creature tells you that it will be at the south pole where life grows cold and then returns.
In the third week you swim a lot and find a tropical island deep in the southern ocean. The mermaids sing beautiful songs and tell you yes they can lead you and your friends to the Wave of Life. You find the wave you are looking for. Standing on a beach looking at a free standing wave which is constantly creating and breaking, without moving. It runs out at least a mile off shore.
You send a message by way of whale to whale broadcast throughout the deep to Seagate to get a mermaid to give a message to Aryan at the guild with your latitude and longitude.
In the third week you befriend the local sea people who are happy to talk to you and feed you.
In the forth a savage raid by invisible Drow attacks and all hands are lost. You fight valiantly and some of your new friends children make it safely away into the water before you explode in rage and kill a dozen Drow. The Drow are shocked by rampage and they rejoice when the finally kill you and they quickly leave.
Silverfoam restored you to life.
At the end of the month you and Silverfoam and Aryan are standing on a beach looking at a free standing wave which is constantly creating and breaking, without moving. It runs out at least a mile off shore