Fort Flowing

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This port has always had a fort at the river mouth protecting the passage inland towards central Ranke and up to the capital Alcazar

Fort Flowing
Location Port in SW Ranke
Ruled by Baron Richardo Lancothis
Population ~1500 (pre 810wk), ~4000 (814wk), 8000 (819wk)




– Property Tax:
– Bonding rate:
– Visitor Tax:

% per annum
% of goods' value/month

Imports Logs, ship-chandlery
Exports Rebuilt Shipping, New Ships


Fort Flowing sits where the Irtish River flows out into Dar Bay.


A fort has always been here at the rivermouth as its a strategic entry port into inland Ranke and Mordeaux.

Fort Flowing had a small port until 810wk when a Western Kingdom Company (since discovered to be the Itute Trading Company) bought some land on the Eastern edge of the port and built a shipyard - The Itute Shipyard.

The Itute Trading Company has built this port up from a small port to a large one with its adjoining shipbuilding which has a large workload of salvaging wrecks for their value or for refurbishment.


The Town had a small population until the Ship yard was established. In 810wk the town and local area had a population of around 1500 which was around 20% fishing fleet, 40% farms of various types and 40% urban.

Once the shipyard started building workers came to work and business thrived locally and the population increased to 4000 by 814wk.
The people kept coming with the work and by the start of 819wk the people in the area had reached 8000.



People of Note

In 816wk the Baron named the Shipyard Manager, Gustavus Wulff as Baronet of Flowing. He was then directed to form a guard to ensure security for the shipyard and surrounds.