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Ratoskyr aka Ratling Natural Habitat Anywhere Frequency Common Number 1-10 (4) Description These humanoids are usually between 24 and 60 inches tall with facial features look like a hybrid of a thin human and a rat. They have rat shaped heads, with an elongated skull, thin lips, a humanoid nose, and black orbs for eyes, but no cleft in the mouth and no whiskers. The fur that grows on their bodies (except on their ears, palms, tail and private parts) is thin, but dark, giving them an obscured appearance in dark conditions; they commonly have fur colours ranging from light browns to dark grey and black. Ratoskyr have a physical build similar to a human, but they mostly scurry around hunched with a long tail protruding from their backs. Whether this is due to a natural limitation on their ability to keep a straight back or the attempt to appear unassuming and weak is unknown. Ratoskyr can move around on their lower 2 claws and use the front claws as hands. Ratoskyr prefer simple clothing with dark hues, preferring black with dark blues, greens, and browns. Most of their clothing is a bit loose fitting for comfort with little in the way of elaborate features or ornamentation. They especially try to keep anything metal covered so nothing shines. Comments These are capable tool-users and their teeth are very strong - they can dig holes and gnaw through substances as hard as sandstone and soft metals such as lead. When in combat they tend to head/eyes and other unprotected areas, so the protection rating of those defending reduces by 4pts. Abilities Ratoskyr can have special talents, skills, or magical abilities. Dark-vision: They can see in dim light within 60 feet as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. They cannot discern colour in the darkness, only shades of grey. Stealth: Ratoskyr have rank two stealth innately and they have a blending ability while immobile in their natural environment – given suitable conditions and cover. Tail use: Ratoskyr can use their tails to handle small objects that weight not more than 10 pounds, and perform actions with the tail. Additionally then can attack using a light finesse type weapon (A Class and 2lb or less) in the tail as if it were another arm. Notes Lifespan: A Ratoskyr can breed throughout the year if conditions are suitable, with a female producing up to three litters a year. The gestation period is only 62 days, and litters can number up to 10, with 5 more common. They reach sexual maturity at 40 weeks; adulthood in 2 years and live up to 20 years. Rare wise elder rats can extend their lifetime by magical means, but even then, they rarely live longer than 40 or 50 years. Languages: Ratoskyr speak a derivative of Common called Brux (6w), this is in the Language Family – (Common) and Language Group (Hiin) and this uses the Westron Alpahabet. Ratoskyr often exchange information with each other mostly through gestures, short messages, small noises, and smells Relations: Ratoskyr are treated with disdain for their appearances and many have become bitter. Ratoskyr raised in any civilized environment will usually bend toward shady or unpleasant occupation. Personality: Ratoskyr are cunning and witty, favouring dark humour. Ratoskyr are not afraid to backstab allies if their survival depends on it, but rarely will they turn on a trusted friend. Paranoia usually paves the way for such betrayal. Many Ratoskyr prefer stealth to open battle and opt to gain every possible advantage in any given situation. Movement Rates Running: 300 (TMR 6) Weapons Ratoskyrs may Bite. Bite: BC 105%, [D + 2], Close, Rank 0. Ratoskyrs may Claw. Claw: BC 95%, [D + 3], Close/Melee, Rank 0. Ratoskyrs are naturally proficient with all forms of daggers