The Noble Mew of Berghold Wehmeyer

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This is a stub for a Sanitorium in southern Aquila / northern Aladar for the upper class elite. Its location is a disputed one being near the site of Barretskyne and the war battered countryside surrounding it.

HISTORY: The mews was originally a manorial estate of Count Westmund, the Count of Barretskyne but he gifted it to a doctor who had cured his sister of her mental illness in 750wk and it has grown from there. It was in his family for many generations and prior to that it was covered in vineyards before the estate was built after a series of bad harvests.

ARCHITECTURE: Originally a fortified manor house and associated building the Mews has grown and amalgamated these buildings into one much larger 'building' which essentially has three parts;

  1. The Central area is administrative, staff living quarters and support functions,
  2. the Western area is the mens wards,
  3. the Eastern area is the female wards.

Underneath the buildings are a series of tunnels with hypocausts every 200ft to heat the buildings above.

Lighting is by torches set in sconces but accented by the stained glass around the building which gives alternate hues of colour throughout the facility. Lamps in individual rooms are shuttered and secured high up.

The facility is divided into Male (left) and Female (right) sides with sections (which are further split into wards and in some cases smaller rooms) for;

  • Sick and Infirm
  • Insane
  • Demented
  • Strange
  • Violent
  • Epileptics
  • Acute
  • Convalescing
  • Aged

STAFF: Dr Emil Kraepelin is the head of the facility.

  • Senior Staff
    • Dr Muhammad ibn Zakariya al-Razi of Arabie.
    • Dr Luce Irigaray
    • Dr Sigismund Schlomo

FUNDING: The majority of the funds to run the mews come from a sizable yearly donative from the Aquilan and Aladarian Treasuries as well as another from the Western Kingdom Treasury. Lessor donations are from family getting family members admitted to the facility and suchlike.

GROUNDS and AREA: The grounds are large and extensive with lots of gardens around it along with shrubberies and statuary. The hill next door (some 300ft from the edge of teh buildings) rises to some 300ft at its peak and it has some old stones on the hillside, along with the occasional shallow cave and folly etc.