Horton is a male Human played by Errol Cavit
He is an Mind Mage, and not much else. Other than having Leopard and Were-leopard forms (so handy in close), that is.
Physically unimpressive, with a calculating gaze. And vertical pupils. And a ruby for an eye.
Normally has Drow leather Armour and carries a Sabre, Dagger, and grenados.
Basic Healer ability, can spin a yarn, and, after walking across much of the Sea of Grass, a bit of Ranger.
A little bit of a Diplomat.
Came to the Guild with some training in Cartwright, and more in handling horses.
Is happy to cast most GK spells of the Mind College - backfires are mainly tiring for him. Also has Telekenesis (and grenadoes).
Notable Things
Gets especially lucky when death is nearby, and doesn't worry about births.
Likes water, even when not a big cat (gills, Aquatic Affinity).
Magical spyglass gives bonuses to aspects of Spy and ESP.
Cats are cool!
As a child moved to Brastor with his family. Then the Dark Circle returned. He has less family now. Don't do anything to endanger a group he feels part of.
- Summer 812 A Beast in the Night
- Winter 812 Psst!, where is this town called Konigsburg?
- Autumn 813 A Fox in the Hen House
- Winter 813 A Brick wrapped in a Prophecy
- Summer 814 Five go forth in Cornumbria
- Winter 814 Black Magic Woman
- Autumn 815 Where's Johnny?
- Winter 815 What is the Big Bad Wolf afraid of?