Ilmarinen's Award

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Return to This Quintessence of Dust

Ilmarinen returns to the Guild on 23rd Thaw 811 WK and has earnt, after Guild Taxes, 28,208.33sp.

He spent 138 days away from the Guild, and has used 30 training days on the adventure.

He may
advance any Talent sixteen Ranks.
advance his Rank in Stealth by 1 at only 90% of the cost and no time.
advance his Rank in Climbing by 1 at only 90% of the cost and no time.
He has been immersed in these languages
Thari - 4 weeks (adjusted)
Lamethian - 3 weeks
Songla - 4 weeks (Ring Keep and Purity's Folly)
Elamite - 4 weeks

He may include the time associated with each language as part of his training time. Elamite is in the same Family as Lamethian, Thari and Songla bear intriguing similarities, but that is as far as it goes.

may learn Lightning v 1.1 to Rank 0 in one week.

Rune Sticks

Greater Heart Rune Stick

This carved stick weighs 5 oz and has runes carved on it in reverse.
If blood is poured onto the stick (costing 2 FT) and the stick pressed against the target's heart, then a Rune of Healing will be imprinted there. The rune will heal the target 8 Endurance, immediately, or when the target next takes endurance damage.
The rune can be washed of easily with water

Adventure Season Plane of Origin Aura Nature of Magic Value Cursed etc.? GM
Quintessence of Dust Spring 811 Tanuel Formerly living Rune 1500 sp px50 Jim Arona 021 076 9376

Greater Heart Rune Stick

This carved stick weighs 5 oz and has runes carved on it in reverse.
If blood is poured onto the stick (costing 2 FT) and the stick pressed against the target's heart, then a Rune of Healing will be imprinted there. The rune will heal the target 8 Endurance, immediately, or when the target next takes endurance damage.
The rune can be washed of easily with water

Adventure Season Plane of Origin Aura Nature of Magic Value Cursed etc.? GM
Quintessence of Dust Spring 811 Tanuel Formerly living Rune 1500 sp px50 Jim Arona 021 076 9376


Bow of the Winds

This bow weighs 2 lbs and has a base Strike Chance of 55. The Damage Modifier is +2, the maximum Range is 60 hexes and it Ranks as a Short Bow.
If wielded by an Adept of the College of Air Magic, every Rank in Short Bow increases the wielder's effective MA by 1 in the same way that Purification does, while they are holding it.
In addition, if they have cast Arrow Flight, they may fire as many arrows as their Rank in Arrow Flight would allow them (2 + 1/2 Ranks) or as many as they have remaining, whichever is less, in a single Pulse. This can be done only once a week, resetting on a Tuesday.

Adventure Season Plane of Origin Aura Nature of Magic Value Cursed etc.? GM
Quintessence of Dust Spring 811 Nualis Formerly living Wind 12,000sp px50 Jim Arona 021 076 9376

Fulminating Blade

This falchion is made of amber coloured horn. It weighs 3lbs.
It has a Base Strike Chance of 60% and a Damage Modifier of D+4.
The wielder gains a +10 bonus to cast any spell with 'Lightning' in the title.

Adventure Season Plane of Origin Aura Nature of Magic Value Cursed etc.? GM
Quintessence of Dust Spring 811 Feralie Formerly living Lightning 7,000sp px50 Jim Arona 021 076 9376


Chalcedony Bracer

This bracer weighs 4 lbs.
It must be worn on the left arm, and provides the wearer with 3 more points of Protection, to a maximum of 11.
In addition, Resistance vs any magic cast by undead is increased by 10 if an amulet of chalcedony is worn openly.
The bracer has no virtue if any armour other than leather or cloth is worn.

Adventure Season Plane of Origin Aura Nature of Magic Value Cursed etc.? GM
Quintessence of Dust Spring 811 Feralie Magical Chaos 9,500sp px50 Jim Arona 021 076 9376


Sundancer Veils

These light, silken veils weigh 12 oz, and may be worn over just about any clothing.
The wearer will be less subject to privations caused by the Sun. The wearer is considered to have the Talent Resist Temperature of the College of Sorceries of the Mind at Rank 0. However, this only applies where the terrain is hot, sunny and desert-like.

Adventure Season Plane of Origin Aura Nature of Magic Value Cursed etc.? GM
Quintessence of Dust Spring 811 Nualis Formerly living Sundancer 4,750sp px50 Jim Arona 021 076 9376


Copper Scroll: Plans for a House of Life

These plans show how to make a building containing resurrection chambers. All building must be completed within six months of the start as the scroll crumbles progressively, revealing the next step in construction until it is entirely reduced to dust.
Although those who are Death-aspected can build a resurrection chamber, they may never return to life by means of one, their spirit being drawn off to the Valley of Death.
The House itself is octagonal in shape, and must have a diameter equal to 10 feet per chamber and cost 500sp per ft of radius. It will take two weeks per chamber to construct. The time to build the House is reduced by one week per Rank of the most advanced Artisan: Mason and one week per Rank of the most advanced Artisan: Carpenter. The minimum time may be no less than a month.

Each chamber must be built by the hand of the intended user, and no particular Skill is required, the process happening magically to some degree (although still requiring the time and hard work of the user). It will take a month to build the chamber itself and cost 10,000sp in materials. Counter-intuitively, the more money spent on the appointments of the chamber, the faster it will be built. If an extra 1,000sp is spent on decorating it, the chamber will be completed in one less day. The time taken, however, can never be less than a week, although, of course, it can be made ever more beautiful.
Once completed, then the user may prepare the chamber to receive their spirit and regenerate their form should they be so unfortunate as to require it. The following conditions apply:

  • The user must sacrifice 3 EN to the chamber. Once sacrificed, the EN are converted to points of their Aspect (the most unusual part, otherwise it will be the Element part).
  • Subsequently, if they die, then their spirit will travel back to the House of Life, resurrecting uninjured a year and a day later unless they are resurrected earlier by other means.
  • Obviously, the resurrectee's itemry will be lost unless other means supervene.
  • In the event that the resurrectee has succumbed to a Dark Sphere (not a Light Sphere), then a number between 1 and 10 is nominated by the player, and a D10 is rolled. If the number is equal to a 1, 2, 3 or the one nominated, then they will be resurrected. Otherwise not.
  • The place of death must be proximate to a plane that is proximate to a plane that is proximate to the location of the House of Life for the spirit to be able to find its way to the resurrection chamber.
For example
if the resurrectee dies on Tanuel, which is adjacent to the Astral, which is adjacent to the Abyss, which is adjacent to Alusia, then they are close enough to resurrect.

If this special resurrection is used, the House of Life and the chamber itself remains. However, until another 3 EN is sacrificed it is simply magical architecture.

Adventure Season Plane of Origin Aura Nature of Magic Value Cursed etc.? GM
Quintessence of Dust Spring 811 Tanuel Magical Resurrection Quest px50 Jim Arona 021 076 9376


Mental and Physical Fortitude

This character may advance their FT by 1 per Adventure or Season, whichever is less.
There is no upper limit to which their FT value can ascend.
This costs 3 EN which may be bought back in the usual way.

Adventure Season Nature of Magic Value GM
Quintessence of Dust Spring 811 Spider Lore Quest px50 Jim Arona 021 076 9376

Become the Sky

Ilmarinen can, once per season, Become the Sky.
He vanishes from his current position, reappearing in his original hex (he is displaced by solids but displaces fluids) an hour later.
While in this state, he may search the area from horizon to horizon (before he Became the Sky). He may look for anything which might be visible from the sky which is bigger than, say, a leg of mutton. His chance to find what he is looking for is equal to his PC (+4 per Rank in the Windspeak Ritual).
This special ability may only be used once per season.

Adventure Season Nature of Magic Value GM
Quintessence of Dust Spring 811 Chaos Quest px50 Jim Arona 021 076 9376

Lightning Bolt (S 10) v 1.1

Range: 60 feet
Duration: Immediate
Experience Multiple: 225
Base Chance: 30%
Resist: Active, Passive
Storage: Investment, Ward, Magical Trap
Target: Entity, Object
Effects: The Adept may cause lightning to arc between two or more nodes. The Adept has two nodes at Rank 0, three at Rank 10 and 4 at Rank 20. Nodes that are within 10 feet of each other dissipate. All nodes and arcs must be within range. The Adept must be able to see the nodes, but not necessarily the path the arc might travel along. So, for example, they may put nodes on either side of a wall of stone to catch those cowering behind it.
All targets that are in the path of the arc must resist or suffer [D + 5] (+1/3 Ranks) damage (save for half damage). In addition, any target who fails to resist is automatically stunned.
This spell is not teachable.

Adventure Season Plane of Origin Nature of Magic College of Magic Value GM
Where Angels Fear to Tread Winter 811 Tanuel Fulmination College of Air Magic Quest px50 Jim Arona 021 076 9376