Sanctuary Hovaty Lane
This article is 100% rumour, 80% true, 60% relevant, 40% accurate, 20% dependable and 0% guaranteed. |
Hovaty Lane is an undistinguished neighbourhood full of hard-working, if not prosperous people, steadily going about their everyday lives. It has its own little dramas and tragedies, but the larger events of Sanctuary tend to sweep past, rather than through, it.
Hovaty Lane is a two-block street parallel to the docks and running off the Old Palace Way. It is half a dozen blocks north of the Bazaar, and three streets in from the wharves. The noises and smells from the warehouses, chandlers, bawdy houses and taverns of the waterfront can clearly be sensed, but it is not so common for any of the port denizens to make their way into Hovaty Lane.
The houses are very narrow, 2 to 2 ½ stories high, and are mainly wooden with tile roofs. Some of them have a stone ground floor. Most are freshly white-washed, and laundry hangs between buildings from the upper windows. Children and dogs play in the street, while good-wives gossip and argue. There is a strong sense of community. There is a neighbourhood watch organised by Joffer. After storms and riots the street works together to repair damage to the street, and this is usually followed by a street party, with plenty of food and drink, and dancing until late.
There are maybe thirty families in the Lane. Here are the details of some of the more well-known.
Widow Tasmine
Tasmine is a lively Rankene woman in her late thirties. Her two daughters have grown up and moved out of home – one married to a fishmonger, and the other is “in entertainment†in the Street of Red Lanterns. She has out-lived three husbands – her last husband died during the False Plague riots. She weaves to make ends meet, and helps out other families in the neighbourhood to put a little extra on the table. She is cheerful, inquisitive, gossipy, and kind. She makes a mean apple pie.
Master Joffer Smith
Joffer is a tinsmith. He is a handsome, dark Ilsig man in his late twenties. He has a wife and young family, but they don’t leave the house often. His three children are sickly, and his wife is accident-prone. Joffer is the convenor of the Hovaty neighbourhood watch. Many nights he can be found up on a rooftop on watch, with a bottle to keep him warm and a bell for divers alarums.
Jasel Dench
Jasel is the local Changer. Most of her local business is more as a pawn-broker and money-lender than fence. It is not uncommon for people to keep most of their nicer goods in hock, paying them off just for celebrations and birthdays, and then returning them. This has created a pool of fine goods that is drawn upon by the whole community, and which Jasel wouldn’t dream of selling on. In addition, most families owe Jasel some money. She tends to buy up any gambling debts by local families to consolidate the loans and guarantee collateral. She is rumoured to own substantial parts of the street, and has a great deal of local influence. She is said to be connected to the Hawk-masks and thus Jubal.
Master Tobias Grimes
Tobias is the newest inhabitant of the street. He moved into Old Ned’s place in Summer 806. He is a foreigner, probably from Bowcourt. He is short and thin, but is very handsome and kind under his shy and withdrawn demeanour. He is an import/export merchant with two lethal bodyguards and a wayward apprentice. The widow Tasmine is not the only one to have set her cap at him.
Muznut is a wizened and bald old man. A glassblower by trade, he still makes fine vases and decorative pieces for the palace, and fire-bottles for the local kids. He always has candy on hand for the local children, but is growing a bit deaf. His wife died in the False Plague riots.
Tervy is an elf. He doesn’t have a trade, but is genial, and good at helping out with odd jobs. He is a late riser. His house is quite run-down.
Ari and Boz
These likely lads in their early twenties keep an eye on their aunt Jasel, acting as security and delivery. They throw their weight about a bit much, and press their intentions on the local girls. Two or three of the kids running around are probably theirs.
Shelley, Milly and Candy
This cottage industry takes in needlework, laundry and serves the local menfolk’s needs, and allows the women to know that if their men are straying, they aren’t straying far. They have a sympathetic ear and a warm welcome, and thus know most of the neighbourhood secrets. Shelley scored herself a minor role in an Operetta and she also scored the goatherd.
Tequllia Joe and Mrs Joe
Tequilla Joe is the resident drunk. His wife, only known as Mrs Joe, works at the Bazaar for her sister. She is thin and drawn, and often bruised or limping. They have three children, all quiet and a little furtive. The children are responsible for most of the petty crime in the area.
Master Harud Zithyk
Harud is a buckle-maker. His wife works in the shop, assisting him. Their business has been struggling as of late. Their son Aldwist is an acolyte of Berith. An industrial accident left him on crutches. Their eldest daughter Gwindal is a hostess for a gaming house, and brings in most of the household income. Their middle daughter Vissy is in domestic service uptown. Their younger daughter is training to be a dancer uptown with the master Haught, which is very expensive. They have a permanent house guest, Minsy, to help cover costs. Minsy is an elf and thus keeps odd hours and company.
Sunt and Matild
Sunt and Matild are a hard-working couple in their forties. He is a saddler and she a purse-maker. Sunt’s brother is a tanner Downwind. The oldest son Miles is a bodyguard to the Lady Sashana who lives at the Palace. The second son Hirac is a mason journeyman, working for Jordis. The eldest daughter Polla helps out in the shop and is learning her mother’s craft. The youngest child Karis is a carefree teenage lass - she spends the days playing with friends and being an artist’s model. Matild & Polla looks after Kari’s baby Robin.
Master Menostric the Adept
Menostric is an Alchemist and Magician. He is very powerful and important, and when he speaks, everyone listens to what he says. He has influential friends who visit him at odd hours with vital requests.
Kontrazynsky Rokossky
Raz is a tall human, quick of foot and humour. He has lived in Sanctuary since 804 and operates a messenger business employing 6 other runners/couriers/messengers.
Raz has recently been buying homes in the city after the recent success of the Festival of the Arts. He has money from a few 'silent partners' and they hope to improve their collective positions with future events.
In Winter 807, Raz sold his messenger business in Sanctuary to Marius de Ridefort, took his well earned cash and was reputed to have gone to Arabie where it's warmer and drier.
Vacant or not permenantly occupied housing
- Number 7 Hovaty Lane - This 2 story wooden home is one of several with shared roof spaces. Local will chuckle when speaking of it as its rumoured to have been the location for several strange occurances over the last few years.
- Number 11 Hovaty Lane - The roof of this home has a 'nest' for the local watch in the street and is usually manned by Master Joffer .
Local Colour
Locals will often laugh once anyone mentions the joke "How many bodies can you fit into a meat locker?"