Magic of Tanuel

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From time to time, Alusians may encounter spell casters in Tanuel and the Known Realms that are not like the ones they are familiar with. These kinds are listed here.
The main difference is that they are not drawn from an integrated body of knowledge like a college. Rather, the variation is in the way they cast magic. A thaumaturge and a sorceror might know exactly the same magic. It is the way that they cast the magic that makes them different, not the magic that they cast.
With one exception, they cannot wear armour and execute their profession. Even armour made of leather renders prevents casting anything but Talent level magic. Metal armour, except where noted otherwise, stops everything.
Another difference is the Spell Rack. This is a device used by all of these Adepts (except for Summoners, who are only included for completeness) to cast magic.


Mages are of either sex, and specialise in ceremonial magic. They try to calculate the most propitious times and methods to perform a magical operation, and usually cast spells in concert with other mages. The effects can be enormously powerful because of this.
They use spell racks and spend FT to cast spells.
They are the most social of spell casters, forming orders. Some of these orders are exclusive, meaning that membership in it precludes membership in some or all others. Most, however, are not and mages usually belong to several.
A mage's time is booked up usually several months in advance so that most are forced keep detailed diaries and calendars.


Sorcerors are male, sorceresses are female. They specialise in magic that binds entities. Their magic uses FT, often in large amounts. They can engage in concert magic.

Spite Crafting

This is the magic of binding a universal force to some unpleasant purpose. For example, those bound to Fate suffer a doom, those to Ill-Luck suffer misfortune and those bound to Death suffer, well...Death.

Spirit Binding

A spell caster who binds an entity to his service is performing some kind of spirit binding. This may range from the relatively benign in the form of taking a familiar to the sinister where a spirit is bound and the essential properties drawn out of it, leaving an undead husk.

Summoning and High Compellings

Summoning is almost idendical to the College of Greater Summonings. Adepts of this path do not create spell racks.
High Compellings are Special Knowledge versions of the Rituals of Cleansing, Binding and Truth. They are accessible only to Summoners of advanced skill. Entities, and in some case objects, may be affected by various of these rituals.


Thaumaturges are men or women who combine natural philosophy with artificing and ceremonial magic. They do not cast spells directly, instead they perform magical operations by means of enchanted devices.
They use spell racks while performing magical ceremonies, and spend quite large amounts of FT when they cast magic. They appear able to cast magic while wearing metal armour, although contact with substantial amounts of cold iron still affects them in the usual way.


Witches are women who use some of the techniques of sorcerors and some of the techniques of mages. They keep familiars, spite craft, spell cast in concert and perform ceremonial magic.
They expend FT when they cast, and use spell racks. Except for the use of racks, they often seem little different to practitioners of the College of Wiccan Magic.


Witches draw their power from a pact with an avatar level entity. The entity may come from the Seventh Plane, some kind of fae creature or even a divine power. Demons of the Abyss and Angels are very unlikely to entertain the pact of a witch. However it comes about, the avatar will approximately reflect the witch's personality.


Wizards are men who specialise in forming magical relationships and who negotiate for for magical services. They are generally good at communication magic, even with things that people wouldn't have thought was capable of communication, like doors or buckets, etc.
They do not use FT to cast spells and they cannot cast concert spells but they use spell racks.
They are lone practitioners, although most will take apprentices three or four times in their lives.