Guild Finances
The real world and financial aspects of the guild.
DQ Inc
We are now an officially incorporated society.
- Number: 2559050
Current Committee
Confirmed for 2012 at the March Guild Meeting.
- Chair
- Stephen Martin
- Secretary
- Keith Smith
- Treasurer
- Errol Cavit
- Editor
- Jacqui Smith
- Campaign Coordinator
- Chris Caulfield
Banking is through Kiwi Bank.
- Fees are waived for Non-Profit organisations.
- All transactions are to be electronic - no cheque book, no ATM cards.
- All out-goings require double-approval. E.g. I create a payment to the Super City for the Hall Hire, the Treasurer approves it, then the payment goes through.
- Account Number
- 38-9014-0022834-00
We expect to maintain 3 to 5 people with current logins and approval access to the account, they will usually be current members of the committee.
Following the principal of complete financial transparency, Electronic Statements will be sent to the DQ email list so that anyone who wants to can see what's going on with the guild finances.
- NB Still waiting on the Kiwibank Business banking team that needs to authorise the NPO Account :-( So I have set up an individual account with Kiwibank and we'll transfer it over once they have the NPO account setup. Please put your subs into the account with your name as reference.
As of March 2012, we have introduced Membership Fees for the guild. This is to cover the expenses of the guild, the membership fee may be adjusted by the committee as the costs and paid membership level varies but always with the aim of balancing out with our costs.
- Current Membership Fee
- $20 per year (March 2013 - Feb 2014)
Full paying membership is voluntary but it is expected that if you are playing in a game in a year (March - Feb) that you will contribute your share towards the costs by paying your membership.
- New players are not expected to pay in their first year - Free trial - woohoo!
- Students are also not expected to pay but are most welcome to if they can and want to.
- Financial hardship - if paying your membership is honestly a financial hardship for you then pay what or when you can.
- GMs may choose to exclude players that haven't paid (at their discretion) or give preferential placement on games to those who have paid.
- How To Pay your Membership
- 1. Internet Banking!! The preferred method is by Internet banking to the account as specified above (38-9014-0022834-00). Make sure you put your name in the reference fields so we know who you are paying for. btw Just putting 'Mike' is a bad idea - one of the other 5 Mikes is bound to take credit.
- 2. Manual payment at a PostShop/Kiwibank. Take the club bank account number with you, make a deposit over the counter.
- 3. Cash - No Thanks! We don't want to be dealing with cash. But if you must, how about you give it to a friend that owes you favours and who will then make an electronic payment on your behalf.
- Current Paid Members
- Current paid members will be listed on the wiki Club Members
Hall Hire, Wiki-Server Hosting, Printing the SGT Newsletter.
Hall Bookings
Hall bookings for the guild meetings are through Auckland City Community Venues.
- Current Hall Hire (per meeting)
- $27 for two hours, $108 per annum.
The cost of these varies a bit each year based on the halls used and level of discount we are given. The discount must be re-applied for each year.
There is no longer a requirement to pay for the bookings in advance, the cost of each booking is invoiced in the month of the booking.
Details of the bookings are on the Guild Meetings page and the next meeting should be listed on the Current Events page and usually on the Main Page.
The Adventurers Guild is a regular hirer with the council. Primary contact for the guild is Stephen.
- 2007 Booking Reference Number: 10694
The bond is $200.
This is now fully covered by excess donations above the cost of the hall over the past few years. The bond is held by Auckland City and carried over from year to year.
Seagate Times
A printed copy of the SGT is part of paid membership - it does have it's privileges.
The current budget is $5 per member. $1.25 per issue.
DQ Websites and Servers
The Wiki and Character Database.
This service costs $1200/yr to maintain. Due to financial considerations this service may be terminated in the near future. Work is underway to find ways to defray up to 50% of the expense but should this not eventuate the web server may need to be rehoused.
Due to lack of funding the server will be removed from tele-housing shortly. Server will be removed from service in the next 2-3 weeks (from 16/08/12). Request was placed to remove the server. It has not been removed but is no longer being paid for. Server may go offline at any time.
The Library and Mailing Lists