Arcane Items

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Arcane Items on Google Docs.
Since the fall of the Gates of Hell, some old magics have returned. The Mages of Freetown (and their rivals) are able to take advantage of this and now shape items previously unknown to many.

Characters gain cash and ‘quest reward favours’ from a range of employers. These can be spent by the character on items from the Mages of Freetown. The system or framework is listed on the wiki. Normally items will be able to be traded or given to others or sold back to the Mages.

Sometimes, items from time to time might be recovered from fallen enemy.

Items can be sold back for some of their quest reward favours and some of their cash value. Time (such as expiry dates) or charged based items have a value based on percentage of remaining use. This is to say 2 charges out of 10 would have a 20% value. If sold back it would be 50% value of this 20%. An item which lasts 48 months and has 12 months remaining would be worth 25% of its value.

The Mages of Freetown
The Mages often travel to other lands and realms to create and recharge items in places of power. These are often geographical locations high in mana for a short time within a season. The mana is used by the mages and replenishes with time. Often these places will be contested and fought over.

The Mages of Freetown also have items from other regions such as the cities of Adjepbar and Sanctuary. From time to time they also have available special limited items.

Seagate Adventurers Guild
The Seagate Adventurers Guild will give new members 2,000sp and 10 quest reward favours upon joining. Older members will get quest reward favours equal to twice their Perception attribute but no money.

Members are able to redeem older items for quest reward favours. Only items valued at over 2,500sp will be accepted and four items need to be grouped to a value of over 12,500sp. You will get 15 quest reward favours for these items.

Info for GMs:
In general the idea is to empower players to shape the direction of items for their characters. If the GM wishes they can give out quest reward favours along with cash as payment for employment. As a general guideline we expect that this will be done in line with exp point progression.

3 - 6 Bunney, 6 - 9 Low, 12-16 Medium, 24-36 High, 48-65 Extreme

Arcane Items
The Mages of Freetown know of three basic laws at this time. They are working to unlock other laws. These laws influence and shape the availability of magic items.They also affect how items work together and are grouped into which sets.

At this time the three laws are: Mage Arcane, Rogue & Fighter and Heavy Warrior

A character will only be able to purchase and use items from one group of Laws.

Items come in sets. All sets share some common rules; all have a name which is often a colour, all have a base item often more than one , all have a set bonus and a progression point.

Set colours: Here are some sets;
Mage Arcane: Yellow, Silver, Green, Tower, Brown, South Wind and Purple
Rogue & Fighter: Leather, Dagger, Blue, West Wind, Poison, Steel and Hydra
Heavy Warrior: Iron, Shield, Gauntlet, East Wind, Redemption, Blood and Copper

Set base items: You need to purchase the set base item first within any set. Without the Base item you will not be able to use any items within that set. If the base item is lost or destroyed then a replacement must be purchased before you are able to continue using dependant items within that set. Items which are dependant are noted on the item write-up. The lack of a base item does not stop you finding or being given other items within a set, it only stops you using them.

Progression point: Different sets have different amounts of items within the set to progress. Once the progression point has been reached then you following Set becomes available and the base item within that next set is purchase first and then other items.

The Mages of Freetown will only sell one of each item per season per character.

Clicking on the blue links below will open a PDF doc online with Google Docs - where you can save a copy to your local drive (download) and open it as a PDF doc in which case the internal hyper-links will work.

Mage Arcane: Yellow, Silver, Green, Tower, Brown, South Wind and Purple
Rogue & Fighter: Leather, Dagger, Blue, West Wind, Poison, Steel and Hydra
Heavy Warrior: Iron, Shield, Gauntlet, East Wind, Redemption, Blood and Copper

Arcane Items set information

Yellow Set:
Base item: Robes of Freetown or Blackened Ranke Armour, or Enchanted Plate armour.
Set bonus: When you get 6 Yellow items then when healed you gain 25% extra healing.
Progression: After gaining 4 Yellow items.

Silver Set:
Base item: Ring of the Enchanted Oak
Set bonus: When you get a set of 4 Silver items & 1 Blue item then your S3 and S7 range is increased to 30 +30 foot per rank (as long as it is not touch or self only).
Progression: After gaining 9 Silver items.

Green Set:
Base item: Unfinished Ring of Protection
Set bonus: When you get a set of 12 Green items & 2 Brown item then you gain a bonus of +30% Base Chance on any single Special Knowledge Spell for all casts. Resets at dawn.
Progression: Progress after gaining 6 Green items.

Blue Set:
Base item: Hidden Bone Dagger
Set bonus: When you get 9 Blue items +20% Stealth Bonus to be used on another party member who has less stealth.
Progression: Progress after gaining 6 Blue items

Brown Set:
Base item: Ring of Protection
Set bonus: When you get a set of 4 Brown items you get to rank one ritual as if it were a special knowledge spell for training time.
Progression: After gaining 5 Brown items

South Wind Set:
Base item: Enchanted Weapon Coil.
Set bonus: When you get 9 Green items and 10 South Wind items then any vision effect range is doubled.
Progression: After gaining 8 South Wind items.

Steel Set:
Base item: Bangle of the seekers
Set bonus: When you have 10 Steel items; You gain a second magic resistance at half your current value, as long as the first resistance failed.
Progression: Progress after gaining 8 Steel items.

West Wind Set:
Base item: Magical hinges of Qwarts or Improved – Magical Hinges of Qwarts *
Set bonus: When you get 6 West Wind items then you gain a bonus of +2 ranks in two of; Thief, Courtier, Troubadour, Spy or Assassin skills up to a maximum rank of 7.
Progression: After gaining 4 West Wind items.