Escort to Darktree Tower

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Adventure: Escort to Darktree Tower
GM: Jim Arona
Session: Summer 809
Night: Sunday
Location Remuera
Level: Med-High


  • Callas - an Earth Mage and beauty
  • Naden - a Necromancer and vampire slayer

Naden is sent by the other members of Darktree Tower to recruit Callas and escort her back so that she might take up residence there.

Scribe Notes

Naden and Keshah Banish themselves back to Alusia. Whereupon Naden finds Callas and invites her back to the House he shares with Turf and the others. They are projected into the Astral by Isil Eth, where they travel to the Abyss.
They encounter Jade Rain, a demon lady. Her elemental form is as green rain falling across a shallow, inclined bowl, and her abstract form is very like the Alchemical sign for tin, but the curve is green. Over tea, she warns them that they are likely to encounter others.
She shows Naden corrupt spirit forms, and asks him to lead them to Moonlight Sleeping on a Midnight Lake in the hopes that he will know what to do with them. They agree.
They travel some more until they pass through House Kerberoth and meet with Lord Tirwh.
He asks that they carry a safe conduct to Turf, and a request to attend his House in fourteen days, for he will be hosting a festival. Naden and Callas agree and make their way to the Heights of Chaos.
There, they try to recapture the elemental form of Moonlight Sleeping on a Midnight Lake. A week passes without success but Naden encounters a veiled man.
He calls himself Seven of the Nine, and mentions in passing that he is sometimes called the Man Who is a Village. He says that he senses Villa near. Naden equivocates and asks what Seven wants the information for. He informs him that he seeks Ughbash. Naden mentions that Villa is from a guild in Alusia. Seven teleports away and Naden comes to believe that he is an agent of Judecca, the Lord of Rings. They return to their attempts to summon Moonlight Sleeping on a Midnight Lake. Eventually they manage to call him. He appears and excorcises the spiritforms, a feat that taxes him greatly. But, he becomes enamoured of Callas.
He makes his interest clear to her in a forthright, manly way, but she simpers and cavils. He offers gifts, security, and the knowledge that she would be the mother of a great line. She demurs. He shows her his throbbing Staff of Power, of which he has not one but four. Callas' eyes cannot be drawn away from the ground.
In a wail of unrequited love, he leaves.
Naden leads Callas back through the Lands of Chaos until they find their way to Darktree Tower. Upon arrival, they give Turf the chaos lord's scroll of safe conduct. Turf Expels himself to House Kerberoth.

Experience and Time Management

Experience Awards

Callas Naden
6,118.75 6,256.25
After racial tax:
6,118.75 5.213.54

Naden arrives at Seagate on the 17th Breeze, meets with Callas and they travel the next day. They arrive at Darktree Tower on the 16th Fruit.
Naden and Callas may advance Talents by 4 Ranks, although they cannot advance any Adventuring Skills. Stats cannot be raised, either.


Callas is known to Lord Tirwh who will grant her one minor boon should she ask(an audience at a busy time, overlook a crime against property of a value less than 5,000 sp, etc).

Adventure Season Nature of Magic Value GM
Escort to Darktree Tower Autumn 810 Prophecy 1,000sp px50 Jim Arona 021 076 9376

Naden is known to Lord Tirwh who will grant him one minor boon should he ask(an audience at a busy time, overlook a crime against property of a value less than 5,000 sp, etc).

Adventure Season Nature of Magic Value GM
Escort to Darktree Tower Autumn 810 Prophecy 1,000sp px50 Jim Arona 021 076 9376

Jade Rain will grant Naden one prophecy if he requests it, or send one warning dream if he is in grave danger and doesn't know it. She is treated as a Rank 15 Astrologer. (PC 30, WP 35).

Adventure Season Nature of Magic Value GM
Escort to Darktree Tower Autumn 810 Prophecy 1,000sp px50 Jim Arona 021 076 9376

Jade Rain will lead Callas once to a place of safety if she becomes lost and requests it, or send one warning dream if Callas is in grave danger and doesn't know it. She is treated as a Rank 15 Astrologer. (PC 30, WP 35).

Adventure Season Nature of Magic Value GM
Escort to Darktree Tower Autumn 810 Prophecy 1,000sp px50 Jim Arona 021 076 9376