File talk:AlfheimMap.jpg
From DQWiki
Fantastic work Rosemary!
May I ask for a bit more...
- Could you stretch it out further NE and W to be closer to the shape indicated for Alfheim on this map: Image:WK-with-good-names(new_scale).jpg, also making it slightly larger. The Western extension is larger and is presumably considered technically western Uvandor and Elvandar but in actuality is mostly wilderness. Maybe current boundaries are the extent of the weather control and further west is technically Alfheim but is not considered part of civilised Alfheim.
- Now reading your comment about western borders and patrols, just ignore the above point.
- Quickborn seems too far north to match William's descriptions on the Alfheim page. My impression is that it is a northern province, but not as northerly as Seensplate which is outside the weather control. Maybe more where N-NW Enwinolm is, sharing a border with Uvandor, and with Seensplate extending further west. Or talk to William about change the descriptions to match the map.
- Could you indicate where the passes to Elfanburg and TAC are? I would guess Elfanburg pass to be S/SW Eidolon and TAC pass to be E/SE Elsfield.
- Could you indicate the mountains that form the border of East, NE, and some of NW Alfheim similarly to the way you've shown them in southern Alfheim.
-- Stephen 21:42, 13 December 2009 (UTC)
Thanks Steven.
Some comments:
- This is NOT made with mapping software so making changes is rather laborious (since it's based off real geography of Germany the background and borders are based on maps from the internet).
- I've already checked the locations of places with Willam. Quickborn really is that far north and beyond it is frozen tundra. That's elven weather magic for you.
- Also the Harn based map has its 'permafrost line' too far north when translated to the latitudes we are using for Alusia. In games when I've been north of Alfheim, Lunar Empire, or Inland Sea, it's all been tundra. I'm aware some games have had moderate climates up there but 'game history' seems to favour comparing Earth latitudes and climates to get an idea of climate in any given Alusian locale.
- William didn't mention anything about mountains to the east - just vast tracts of empty forests (I was imagining something like the mid Russian beech forests - trees for 1000's of miles). In practice it's about 250 miles to Tac (going by the line map of the world).
- I'll add some more comments about how it connects to the rest of the world.
--Rosemary 04:00, 15 December 2009 (UTC)